
What does a good logistics software TMS look like?

author:Transport is in charge of TMS

With the rapid development of the Internet industry, traditional industries are scrambling to change, just to avoid being eliminated by the Internet environment. Logistics software is also under the development of the Internet came into being, as we all know that there will be countless Internet providers in the market, the quality of software is uneven, but also to the majority of logistics companies to bring a lot of trouble.

What does a good logistics software TMS look like?

The logistics system market is a very large market, a large enough market will inevitably have many software manufacturers want to share in the market, which leads to a variety of software quality is high and low, the logistics companies are also different. Therefore, many logistics companies do not know how to choose, most of them are used in the same direction, relying on mutual introduction and dissemination. But what suits others doesn't mean it's also suitable for your own use.

TMS believes that a good logistics software does not require very complicated operations and cumbersome financial modules. On the contrary, the simpler the operation, the more powerful the system can be called a good logistics software. Maybe you will be more curious about the simple operation and powerful is not very contradictory, in fact, not, for example, if you want to view the monthly marketing volume of a site through the software, do you think it is more convenient to click two times to view or click several times to call up the view page? Now the functions of logistics software are similar, we take the special line LTL logistics as an example, most of the logistics software functions on the market can be realized, since the same function is the same competition is service, safety, easy operation. Most of the front-line openers, site clerks computer operation is not particularly smooth, if you give them a logistics system that is not even good for programmers to operate, not only can not improve their efficiency, but will also delay a lot of time to learn, in the end will only be more than worth the loss.

Transport in charge of TMS feels that a powerful financial function can save the logistics company half of the workload of a financial, are you such an experience, every month to the end of the month, is the most financial mess, countless table data in front of them, a site of reconciliation, from the beginning to the end, found to calculate the wrong program, but also everything from time to time, time-consuming and laborious can also appear unexpected problems. So the financial module of the logistics system is a very important function, a good logistics software can make monthly, weekly, daily salesman, site, etc. All the financial situation is very intuitively displayed in front of you, zero error, zero error at a glance to show you all the financial situation.

The report function is an indispensable part of the logistics system, at the end of the month, if you want to understand the operating conditions of each site, how much turnover each site generates, how much profit, how much commission the salesman has. This requires a comprehensive report function, the salesman commission is clear at a glance, the site profit and loss situation is viewed in time, the business fluctuations of which sites are found in time, and the operational problems are solved in time, which can greatly improve work efficiency and allow each site to develop its own business stably.

The emergence of smart phones makes a lot of previous work on the computer, now on the mobile phone can be completed, the same, the transport management TMS believes that a qualified logistics software also needs to have the support of mobile phone software, mobile phone APP can not be limited to the limitations of space and distance, mobile phones through Bluetooth and portable printer connection, waybill, label on-site printing, billing data uploaded in real time, advance allocation of transport capacity resources, where the goods are, you can open a bill, the perfect solution to the delivery can only pull the goods to the consignment station, Then you can open a single problem, save yourself the transportation cost of running back and forth, and save time for customers.

What does a good logistics software TMS look like?

In summary, which logistics software is good depends on whether the functions are perfect, whether the operation is convenient, and whether the main functions are available. All of the above can be called a better logistics software.