
A new atmosphere in legislative work on a new journey

author:National People's Congress
A new atmosphere in legislative work on a new journey

In 2021, the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee will deeply study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on upholding and improving the people's congress system, fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Party and the 19th Plenary Sessions, deeply study and implement the spirit of the Work Conference of the Central People's Congress, abide by the principle of innovation, take responsibility, accelerate the improvement of the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, and the number of legislation will reach a new high in recent years - a total of 71 draft laws and decision draft resolutions were deliberated. Among them, 54 cases were adopted, including 17 laws were enacted, 26 laws were amended, 11 decisions and resolutions on legal issues and major issues were adopted, and a report card with fruitful results was handed over, and the legislative work showed new bright spots, a new atmosphere, and new results were achieved.

A new atmosphere in legislative work on a new journey

On July 9, 2021, the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress held its first additional meeting of chairmen, the 97th Meeting of Chairmen, to study and discuss the draft law under consideration. Photography / MaZenko

Time panning for gold, the persistence of courage and perseverance, loaded into the imprint of the rings of the times, outlined the ever-changing trajectory, and recorded the extraordinary 2021.

The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has taken the helm, condensing the majestic strength of 1.4 billion Chinese people, and the giant ship "China" has chopped the waves and forged ahead courageously. On the occasion of the centenary of the Party, a moderately prosperous society has been built in an all-round way on the land of China, and the millennium dream has been illuminated into reality. The first npc work conference held by the CPC Central Committee is of landmark significance in the process of building socialist democratic politics on the mainland.

This year, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress, with rock-solid confidence, momentum and perseverance, has continuously strengthened and improved the legislative work in the new era, accelerated the pace of legislative work under the premise of ensuring quality, and provided a strong legal guarantee for promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity and comprehensively building a modern socialist country.

This year, the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress deeply studied and implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the development of people's democracy in the whole process, making legislation a vivid practice of people's democracy in the whole process, so that every law carries full of public opinion and shines the brilliance of people's wisdom.

This year, a series of good laws that highlight responsibility and people's livelihood have been continuously introduced, adding wonderful chapters to the magnificent picture of rule of law In China and showing a new atmosphere of legislative work in the new era.

Adhere to the party's overall leadership:

Firmly grasp the correct political direction of legislative work

The mountain has a ridge, and the house is rooted in beams. The party's leadership is where the party's and the country's fundamental and lifeline lie, and where the interests and destiny of the people of all nationalities throughout the country are concerned.

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress regards resolutely safeguarding comrade Xi Jinping's position as the core of the Party Central Committee and the core of the whole Party, resolutely safeguarding the authority of the Party Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership as the most fundamental political discipline and political rules in legislative work, and maintaining a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in terms of political stance, political direction, political principles and political road.

At the 27th National Forum on Local Legislative Work, Chairman Li Zhanshu stressed that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on legislative work have a strong political, theoretical, guiding and practical nature, and are the fundamental observance of national legislation and local legislative work. It is necessary to understand the essence and essence, achieve integration, and implement the important instructions and requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping on legislative work into the whole process and all aspects of legislative practice.

If the nation wants to be rejuvenated, the countryside must be revitalized. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that after the victory in poverty alleviation, it is necessary to comprehensively promote rural revitalization, which is a historic shift in the focus of the "three rural" work.

On April 29, 2021, the 28th session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress voted to pass the Rural Revitalization Promotion Law, which came into effect on June 1.

"This law was formulated to ensure the effective implementation of the rural revitalization strategy and implement the requirements of the 2018 Central Document No. 1 to 'legalize the effective rural revitalization policy and give full play to the role of legislation in rural revitalization'." Chen Xiwen, chairman of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress, said that especially around General Secretary Xi Jinping's emphasis on ensuring national food security, strictly protecting cultivated land, and solving the problem of seed card necks, etc., targeted provisions have been made, making full use of legal means to promote the fundamental solution of these problems.

The home is the smallest country, and the country is tens of millions. General Secretary Xi Jinping made a series of important expositions on family education from the perspective of cultivating new people in the era of national rejuvenation and ensuring that there are successors to the cause of the party and the country.

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress implements the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, actively responds to social concerns, and accelerates the legislative process of family education. The draft was first submitted for deliberation in January 2021, and the 31st meeting of the Standing Committee voted to pass the Family Education Promotion Law in October. On January 1, 2022, the law was implemented, so that family education is no longer a small matter for the family, but a major event for the country.

"The promulgation of the Family Education Promotion Law is a major rule of law achievement in implementing the spirit of the general secretary's important exposition and the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, an important measure to adhere to the people-centered development ideology and respond to the concerns of hundreds of millions of families, and condenses the concern and concern of the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee for the comprehensive and healthy growth of minors." Huang Xiaowei, vice chairman of the All-China Women's Federation and first secretary of the Secretariat, said.

In legislative work, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has thoroughly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, always adhered to major legislative projects and major issues in legislation to the Party Central Committee for instructions and reports, made every effort to complete all major legislative tasks assigned by the Party Central Committee, and continuously made new contributions to building a socialist rule of law system with Chinese characteristics and building a socialist country ruled by law.

Strengthen legislative leadership of the People's Congress:

Stand up for high-quality running acceleration

At the end of 2021, the 32nd session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress closed in Beijing. A total of 19 draft laws and decisions were considered at the meeting and 8 of them were adopted. At every meeting of the Standing Committee, such a rhythm of deliberation and the number of bills on the agenda have become the new normal of the current legislative work.

This year, the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee continued to press the legislative "fast-forward button", ran out of "acceleration", accelerated the improvement of the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, formulated a total of 17 laws, amended 26 laws, and passed 11 decisions and resolutions on legal issues and major issues. The number of legislation has reached a new high in recent years.

Giving play to the leading legislative role of the people's congresses is an inevitable requirement for strengthening and improving legislative work in the new era, and is also an important embodiment of better promoting scientific legislation, democratic legislation, and legislation according to law.

What to establish, how to establish it, and when to establish it are the first thresholds for the people's congress to dominate legislation. The NPC Standing Committee carries forward democratic and scientific decision-making from the source of project establishment, and ensures that the "construction drawings" and "task lists" of legislative work constantly adapt to the new situation of economic and social development and the new expectations of the people.

It is understood that among the draft laws and decisions to be reviewed in 2021, 36 were submitted for deliberation by the Chairman's Meeting or the Special Committee of the National People's Congress, accounting for nearly half. With regard to some cases where legislation is difficult and opinions are large, the NPC Standing Committee has given full play to the leading role of the NPC, intensified coordination, and ensured that laws necessary for reform are promulgated in a timely manner.

The continuous innovation of legislative forms has added to the leading role of the NPC's legislation, and the pertinence, applicability and operability of legislation have been continuously enhanced.

The National People's Congress and its Standing Committee have adopted the method of "decision + amendment of the law" to improve the election system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, demonstrating the firm determination and common will of the 1.4 billion sons and daughters of china to safeguard national sovereignty, the Constitution and the constitutional order of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Formulate a special legislative revision work plan, highlight key and difficult points, and strive to solve the shortcomings and deficiencies of legislation in a certain field. In accordance with the "task list" set out in the previously adopted work plan for strengthening the legislative revision of the public health rule of law protection, in 2021, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress will continue to strengthen the public health security mechanism in a multi-effective and all-round way, revise the Animal Epidemic Prevention Law, pass the Physician Law, review the draft revision of the Animal Husbandry Law, and the draft revision of the Emergency Response Law, etc., and weave a public safety protection network. At present, the formulation of special legislative plans for foreign-related fields is being intensively promoted.

At the same time, the complementary and flexible effects of the "small incision" legislation represented by the anti-food waste law have become more and more prominent.

Firmly grasping the key to improving the quality of legislation, in the past year, the NPC Standing Committee has made new attempts and new explorations, and has held a total of 28 meetings of chairmen, of which 3 are held, and special studies are to be submitted to the Standing Committee meeting for voting and approval.

Vividly practice people's democracy in the whole process:

Let every law be filled with public opinion

Gather the wisdom of the people, establish good laws, promote development, and ensure good governance. In 2021, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee will deeply study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the development of people's democracy in the whole process, adhere to the people-centered approach, improve the quality and effectiveness of legislation in the practice of people's democracy in the whole process, let every law be full of public opinion, and help development benefit people's livelihood with high-quality legislation.

The concept of people's democracy in the whole process runs through the vivid practice of the rule of law, listens to the people's voices, understands the people's feelings, gathers public opinions, and gathers consensus in the whole process of legislative work, so that the rule of law can better reflect the people's will, protect the people's rights and interests, and stimulate the people's creation - In 2021, the legislative work of the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee has achieved fruitful results, continuous fine products, and outstanding highlights, effectively enhancing the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security.

Looking back over the past year, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has closely determined legislative projects on hot and difficult issues of concern to the people, which has better met the people's new expectations for the rule of law for a better life.

In response to the development voices of the vast number of peasants who have comprehensively promoted rural revitalization after the victory in poverty alleviation, the Law on Promoting Rural Revitalization has been formulated; focusing on the urgent needs of the people for building a healthy China, the Law on Population and Family Planning has been amended; the Law on Legal Aid has been formulated to make the "Warm Legal Aid" closer to the people; in order to escort the fitness of the whole people and improve the quality of the people from the height of the rule of law, the Sports Law has ushered in the first major revision in line with the people's voices and public opinion; and to stimulate the innovative vitality of scientific and technological personnel, the Law on Scientific and Technological Progress has been revised...

In carrying out legislative work, the NPC Standing Committee adheres to the people's dominant position, implements the party's mass line, and fully listens to and absorbs the opinions and suggestions of the masses. Open-door legislation and democratic legislation have been further promoted. In 2021, the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress will add 12 grass-roots legislative contact points, and the number of "national brand" contact points will increase from the initial 4 to 22, covering 2/3 of the provinces in the country, and its "through train" role of "grounding gas", "observing people's feelings" and "gathering people's wisdom" has been fully exerted. In 2021, the "national brand" legislative contact points will also radiate and drive more than 4,700 grass-roots legislative contact points in various places, and these legislative contact points have set up a "bridge of connection" between the grass-roots masses and the legislative organs, making the channels for public opinion reflection more unimpeded, greatly promoting the depth and breadth of the grass-roots masses' participation in national legislation, and each law shines with the brilliance of the people's wisdom.

At the same time, the system of public solicitation of opinions on draft laws has become more perfect and mature, national legislation has become a "peripheral matter" actively participated by the people, and the opinions and suggestions of the people on "original" and "dialect and local language" have been fed back to the legislature through multiple channels and fully absorbed, becoming the "source of living water" for high-quality legislation.

If the system is stable, the country is stable, and if the system is strong, the country is strong. In 2021, a number of laws related to the improvement and development of the people's congress system will be revised. In March 2021, the Fourth Session of the 13th National People's Congress passed the newly revised Organic Law of the National People's Congress and the Rules of Procedure of the National People's Congress, writing the "adherence to the whole process of democracy" of the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee, providing a standardized legal basis and solid institutional guarantee for practicing the major concept of people's democracy in the whole process, and the legislative work also embarked on a new journey of developing the whole process of people's democracy on the track of the rule of law.

Soon after, the local organic law and the rules of procedure of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress have successively entered the accelerated road of revising the law, and a series of intensive upgrading and updating of laws related to the people's congress system will surely inject more new momentum into the system of the people's congress, promote its more standardized and efficient operation, and provide a comprehensive institutional guarantee for opening up a new realm of the people's mastery.

Aim at the three "main positions":

Strengthen key areas, emerging areas,

Legislation in foreign-related fields

Strengthening legislation in key areas, emerging fields, and foreign-related fields is a new requirement for legislative work put forward by the new situation and new tasks, and is also an important task for legislative work in the new era.

Over the past year, the NPC Standing Committee has worked hard to speed up the pace of legislative work on the premise of ensuring quality, and has promulgated a number of laws that are urgently needed for state governance and expected by the masses of the people, so as to provide a strong legal guarantee for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.

Security is the prerequisite for development, and security cannot be separated from the guarantee of the rule of law. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress adheres to the overall planning of development and security, formulates the Anti-Organized Crime Law, the Land Border Law, the Data Security Law, the Law on the Status and Rights and Interests of Military Personnel, etc., amends Annexes I and II of the Hong Kong Basic Law, the Work Safety Law, the Military Service Law, and the Military Facilities Protection Law, and continuously improves the national security rule of law system.

High-quality development is the core essence of development in the new era. Focusing on the construction of a modern economic system, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress formulated the Hainan Free Trade Port Law, the Rural Revitalization Promotion Law, the Stamp Duty Law, etc., revised the Science and Technology Progress Law and the Auditing Law, deliberated on the draft amendments to the Anti-Monopoly Law, the draft Futures and Derivatives Law, and the draft amendments to the Company Law, and authorized the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress to formulate regulations for the Pudong New Area to provide impetus and guarantee for the realization of high-quality development.

Focusing on improving the people's livelihood level and protecting the people's high-quality life, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has formulated the Family Education Promotion Law, the Legal Aid Law, the Wetland Protection Law, the Noise Pollution Prevention and Control Law, etc., revised the Population and Family Planning Law, etc., deliberated the draft revision of the Vocational Education Law, the revised draft Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests, and the draft Yellow River Protection Law, and accelerated the improvement of the legal system urgently needed for people's livelihood security, education and culture, social governance, and ecological environmental protection.

In view of new technologies such as the digital economy, Internet finance, artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress promptly followed up and studied relevant legal systems in emerging fields, formulated a personal information protection law, built a "firewall" of the rule of law, and protected personal information rights and interests to the greatest extent; deliberated the draft anti-telecommunications network fraud law, and cracked down on the criminal activities of telecommunications network fraud that the masses strongly reacted to.

Reform and the rule of law are like the two wings of a bird and the two wheels of a car, and reform and legislation have always accompanied each other. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has formulated the Law on The Inspectors and the Coast Guard Law, amended the Administrative Punishment Law, the Civil Procedure Law, and so on, to provide legal guarantees for major reforms.

Coordinating the two overall situations at home and abroad, the domestic rule of law and the foreign-related rule of law, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress insists on urgent use first, pragmatic and effective, formulates an anti-foreign sanctions law, revises the Maritime Traffic Safety Law, accelerates the improvement of the foreign-related legal system, and enriches the legal "toolbox" for responding to challenges and preventing risks.

In the past year, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has earnestly strengthened legislation in key areas, emerging fields, and foreign-related fields, successively introduced or updated legal systems one after another, and continuously improved the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics with the Constitution as the core.

Innovative format:

"Little Fast" and "Little Cut" legislation

Construct a beautiful landscape

In 2021, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress will give full play to the leading role of legislation, continuously enrich and innovate legislative forms, and effectively improve the quality and level of legislation. In this context, the "little fast spirit" and "small incision" legislation has gradually moved to the broad stage of legislation and has become a beautiful landscape.

Focusing on the problem of food waste that the people have strongly complained about, the anti-food waste law, which was passed and implemented at the end of April 2021, has no chapters, and the full text is only 32 articles, all of which are "dry goods". The Anti-Food Waste Law actively advocates the concept of strict conservation and opposition to waste, establishes a long-term mechanism against food waste, leads the broad masses of the people to establish a new trend of civilization, health, green and low carbon, achieves remarkable social effects, and becomes a vivid practice of "small fast spirit" and "small incision" legislation.

At present, telecommunications network fraud activities are frequent and high-incidence, seriously endangering the interests of the people and social harmony and stability. In October 2021, the draft anti-telecommunications network fraud law submitted to the 31st session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress for deliberation adheres to the principle of emergency use first, starting from the "small incision", and making institutional arrangements for key links such as the information chain, capital chain, technology chain, and personnel chain where telecommunications network fraud occurs. The draft has a total of seven chapters and thirty-nine articles, and although the number of articles is not large, it is a "down-to-earth" measure, which has a strong pertinence, applicability and operability, and will be a powerful weapon to crack down on and curb telecommunications network fraud.

The people take food as the sky, and the grain is based on the land. Black soil is a precious and rare agricultural resource of the mainland, and is known as the "giant panda in cultivated land". In 2021, the mainland will legislate specially to protect black soil. The draft black land protection law submitted for preliminary examination in December is tailor-made, concise in form, straight to the theme, paying attention to solving practical problems, and making provisions on the protection of black land from the aspects of scope of application, financial guarantees, reward and compensation measures, and legal responsibilities, and once again giving full play to the characteristics and advantages of the "little fast spirit" legislation.

"There are theorems under the heavens but there are no laws." Compared with the "big chunk" legislation with a complete legislative structure and a wide range of adjustment contents, the "small fast spirit" and "small incision" legislation has small topics, few articles, fine content, and practical measures; it is small and bright, fast and warm, and flexible and efficient; it needs a few articles to be fixed, and if it can be solved with three or five articles, it will not engage in a "huge system." The targeting effect is very obvious, which is more in line with the new requirements for legislative work in the new era, and can better ensure that the laws formulated can stand, work, and really work.

Courage and determination are not afraid of mountains and seas, and work together to the future. A new journey begins to sail, and a new voyage begins to anchor. The National People's Congress and its Standing Committee will certainly live up to the heavy trust of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee, have the courage to take responsibility, forge ahead, closely follow the overall goal of building a socialist rule of law system with Chinese characteristics and building a socialist country ruled by law, earnestly strengthen legislation in key areas, emerging fields, and foreign-related fields, and use richer forms of democracy and smoother democratic channels to run the whole process of people's democracy through all aspects and all aspects of legislative work, and promote the high-quality development of legislative work in the new era. Provide a strong driving force for the rule of law for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.

Reporters: Zhang Weiwei, Yu Hao, Wang Ping, Zhang Baoshan, Li Xiaojian

Editor: Shi Lin

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Yuchao