
Yizheng issued an urgent reminder!

author:Ceremony release
Yizheng issued an urgent reminder!

Since February 7, people with a history of living in Suzhou (including transits) should immediately take the initiative to report to their communities and units (schools) and cooperate with corresponding health management measures. Where negative consequences are caused by concealment, false reporting, or late reporting of personal itinerary or health status, legal responsibility will be seriously pursued in accordance with law.

Yizheng City Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters

Released in Suzhou

Circular No. 2 of 2022 on Epidemic Prevention and Control

Yizheng issued an urgent reminder!

About a case of COVID-19

Notification of asymptomatic infected persons

Today (February 10), a case of asymptomatic COVID-19 infection was detected in Suzhou.

On the morning of February 10, an enterprise in Suzhou found that 1 person had a positive initial screening result in a routine nucleic acid test for the new coronavirus, and after review by the Suzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the result was positive, and then transferred to the Fifth People's Hospital of Suzhou For isolation and medical observation. After consultation with municipal experts, the diagnosis was an asymptomatic infection of new crown pneumonia.

After receiving the report, the emergency response mechanism for epidemic prevention and control at the municipal and district levels was immediately launched, and epidemiological investigation, sampling and testing, isolation and control were carried out in an all-round way, and epidemic prevention measures such as relevant site control and environmental disinfection were strictly implemented.

The asymptomatic infected person (female, 38 years old) is a staff member of a certain enterprise and is engaged in the reception and dispatch of imported materials (imported non-cold chain goods) from warehouses. As a key post personnel, they received routine nucleic acid testing according to regulations, and the test results before February 7 were all negative. On February 9, the sample was sent for testing, and in the early morning of February 10, the initial screening test was positive.

As of 15:00 on February 10, a total of 51 people, 7578 people and other related personnel of the personnel in Suzhou have been investigated, all of which have been sampled, and the results have been negative, and the rest of the results are to be released. A total of 641 environmental samples were collected, and the results were negative. Close contact and sub-close contact personnel have implemented control measures.

It is hoped that the general public will continue to enhance their awareness of prevention, do a good job in daily protection such as wearing masks, washing hands frequently, ventilating more, standardizing disinfection, and maintaining social distancing, and actively cooperate with the implementation of various epidemic prevention and control measures.

Suzhou Municipal Joint Prevention and Control Headquarters for covid-19

February 10, 2022