
Heavy! Sichuan issued the latest documents! It's about the entrance examination

author:Sichuan Satellite TV

Heavy! Sichuan issued the latest documents! It's about the entrance examination

Recently, the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee and the General Office of the Provincial Government issued the "Implementation Plan on Comprehensively Strengthening and Improving School Physical Education work in the New Era" and the "Implementation Plan on Comprehensively Strengthening and Improving School Aesthetic Education in the New Era", and issued a notice requiring all localities and departments to conscientiously implement it in light of reality.
Heavy! Sichuan issued the latest documents! It's about the entrance examination

Implementation plan on comprehensively strengthening and improving school sports work in the new era

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on education and sports, comprehensively strengthen and improve school sports work in the new era, and build an education system for the comprehensive cultivation of morality, intellectual, physical and aesthetic work, this implementation plan is formulated in accordance with the spirit of the "Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening and Improving School Sports Work in the New Era" and combined with the actual conditions of our province.


General requirements

(1) Guiding ideology. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the party's education policy, adhere to the fundamental task of cultivating people with virtue, adhere to the educational concept of health first, take the comprehensive development of students and enhance their comprehensive quality as the goal, promote the coordinated development of youth cultural learning and physical exercise, help students enjoy fun in physical exercise, enhance physical fitness, improve personality, temper their will, and cultivate socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intellectuality, physical fitness, beauty and labor.

(2) Work objectives. By the end of 2022, there will be a full allocation of physical education teachers, a full opening of physical education classes, an overall improvement in school running conditions, a more sound system and mechanism for school sports work, a general establishment of teaching, training, and competition systems, an overall improvement in the quality of education and teaching, a significant increase in the effectiveness of educating people, and a significant improvement in students' physical fitness and comprehensive literacy. By 2025, the school sports work mechanism will operate more effectively, the evaluation system will be more scientific, the teaching, training and competition system will be continuously improved, and the deep integration of sports and education will be realized. By 2035, a diversified, modern, high-quality, sichuan-style school sports system will basically take shape.


Key tasks

(3) Scientifically carry out the construction of physical education courses. The construction of the school's physical education curriculum pays attention to the connection between large, medium, and small children, and focuses on improving the core literacy of students. In the preschool education stage, play activities suitable for the physical and mental characteristics of young children are carried out, focusing on cultivating sports interests and hobbies and promoting the coordinated development of sports functions. The compulsory education stage helps students master 1 or 2 sports skills, focusing on guiding students to establish a correct view of health. At the high school level, students' athletic expertise is further developed, focusing on guiding students to develop a healthy lifestyle and form a positive and sound personality. Vocational education and physical education courses are combined with vocational skills training, focusing on cultivating technical talents with physical and mental health. The combination of physical education courses in the higher education stage and the cultivation of innovative talents focuses on tempering the strong will of students and cultivating high-quality talents with lofty spiritual pursuits and noble personality cultivation. The construction of sports courses should pay attention to reflecting national and regional characteristics and highlighting the characteristics of schools.

(4) Open up and take good physical education and health classes. Strictly implement the rigid requirements for the establishment of school physical education and health courses stipulated by the state, and ensure that course time and campus sports activities are not cut or crowded out for any reason or in any form. Strict implementation of the National Curriculum Programme and Curriculum Standards, and gradual increase in physical education class hours. Physical education classes are encouraged at the high school level to be opened at no less than 3 hours per week, and schools in cities (states) with the capacity to implement basic education stages offer 1 physical education class per day, and explore the introduction of physical education courses at all stages of higher education. Encourage universities and research institutes to incorporate physical education courses into the public curriculum system of postgraduate education.

(5) Improve the teaching quality of physical education courses. Gradually improve the school physical education teaching model of "health knowledge + basic motor skills + special sports skills". Innovate classroom teaching methods, optimize teaching organization, according to the characteristics of students' age and the law of physical and mental development, around the curriculum objectives and sports project characteristics, select teaching materials, broaden the curriculum field, enrich course content and teaching resources, and vigorously promote the teaching mode of "lesson practice" and "lesson competition". Strengthen the quality management of classroom teaching, pay attention to differentiated and personalized teaching, and explore characteristic teaching models that are compatible with the concept of new curriculum reform. Increase the teaching guidance of physical education courses, and scientifically carry out the evaluation of the teaching quality of physical education courses.

(6) Strengthen physical exercise inside and outside the school. Widely promote universal sports, schools should hold 1 to 2 student sports meetings or sports festivals every year, and form sports interest groups, clubs and clubs. Reasonably arrange the time for sports activities inside and outside the school, improve the construction of online and offline sports courses, and ensure that students have 1 hour of physical activity time on and off campus every day, and not less than 2 hours of physical activity time per day on weekends and holidays. Primary and secondary schools uniformly arrange no less than 30 minutes of large recess sports activities every day, and classes without physical education classes implement a physical exercise class hour after class that afternoon, and make physical exercise an important part of the after-school delay service. Boarding schools should scientifically arrange students to exercise and run in the morning. Primary and secondary schools should strengthen home-school coordination, explore the implementation of the sports homework system, sports homework is mainly based on physical exercise, highlight the effectiveness of physical exercise, and must not increase the burden on students' parents. Ordinary colleges and universities should organize students to actively participate in extracurricular physical exercise through various forms. Strengthen national defense education and military training for young students.

(7) Complete school sports competition systems. Establish a sports competition system for primary and secondary schools that integrates intramural competitions, inter-school leagues, and selective competitions, improve the provincial, municipal, county, and school four-level sports competition system and the selective competition (summer camp) system, and normalize the development of class leagues. Further improve the campus sports competition mechanism of sub-sections, grades and cross-regions, promote the full and normalization of sports competition activities, and create a "Gongga Cup" series of sports event brands. Provinces, cities (states), counties (cities, districts) hold comprehensive or individual sports competitions in a planned manner every year, and schools should set up relevant sports team representatives and actively participate in sports events at different levels.

(8) Strengthen the construction of schools with traditional sports characteristics. Actively build a new situation in the development of school sports of "one school, one product" and "one school with multiple products", carry out in-depth activities to create traditional schools with sports such as campus football, basketball, volleyball, ice and snow sports, and gradually increase the proportion of characteristic schools on an annual basis. Promote traditional Chinese sports such as martial arts and chess to enter the campus, support schools with conditions to carry out ice and snow projects, and integrate into the school physical education teaching, training and competition mechanism. Actively carry out traditional Chinese sports projects with regional characteristics.

(9) Improve the quality of high-level sports teams in colleges and universities. Give full play to the leading role of outstanding sports talents, qualified universities can set up "champion studios" to invite Olympic champions, world champions, and national champions to give special lectures to guide sports skills and promote the spirit of sportsmanship. Optimize the layout of expansion projects, deepen the reform of enrollment, training, competition and management systems, connect the construction of high-level sports teams in colleges and universities with sports competitions in primary and secondary schools, and strive to cultivate high-level sports talents for all-round development. Improve the allocation of physical education teachers, venues, and equipment in colleges and universities, and encourage colleges and universities to concentrate resources on the development of sports projects with strong popularization and good physical effects. Encourage colleges and universities to actively host sports events, participate in international and domestic competitions, and guide and support the construction of school sports teams in the basic education stage.

(10) Cultivate professionals in physical education in colleges and universities. Vigorously strengthen the construction of physical education majors in colleges and universities in the province, support the construction of first-class undergraduate majors in physical education, and by 2025, 3 to 5 national first-class undergraduate majors and 8 to 12 provincial-level first-class undergraduate majors will be established to improve the comprehensive ability of physical education students and cultivate physical education professionals. Promote the collaborative education of the government, colleges and universities, primary and secondary schools, and build 10 to 15 collaborative training bases. Increase the intensity of school sports scientific research work, and form a number of school sports scientific research achievements with greater influence in China.

(11) Strengthen the construction of physical education teachers. All localities should take effective measures to match and strengthen primary and secondary school physical education teachers, and places that are not equipped should set aside a certain proportion every year for the recruitment of physical education teachers. Localities with the capacity can provide physical education teaching services to primary and secondary schools by purchasing services and cooperating with relevant professional institutions and other social forces to alleviate the shortage of teachers. Implement the support teaching plan for college students majoring in physical education, and help ethnic minority areas and remote mountainous areas to improve the level of physical education. Strengthen the allocation of physical education teachers and researchers, each county (city, district) is equipped with at least 1 full-time physical education teacher and researcher, encourage the establishment of teaching and research staff posts in different school sections, and build a sports teacher studio. Promote outstanding retired athletes to serve as school sports coaches, and set up full-time (part-time) coaching positions in large, medium, and primary schools. Strengthen the training of physical education teachers, support physical education teachers to study abroad, regularly carry out physical education teachers' professional skills and teaching skills evaluation activities, and continue to improve the comprehensive quality of teachers.

(xii) Improve the conditions of school sports infrastructure. All localities should strengthen overall planning, implement the basic standards of physical education and health conditions in national schools, and build venues and facilities that meet the needs of curriculum teaching and practical activities. Improve the supplementary mechanism of sports equipment and equipment, promote the standardization of school health (health care) rooms, and implement the guarantee requirements such as clothing and equipment for physical education teachers. Incorporate the construction of sports facilities in schools in rural and ethnic minority areas into the high-quality and balanced development plan for compulsory education. Small-scale schools are equipped with the necessary functional classrooms and facilities and equipment based on the principle of maintaining the basic and bottom line. Strengthen the construction of school sports venues, "one school, one policy" to formulate specific plans, effectively solve the problem of insufficient school sports venues, and encourage qualified colleges and universities and primary and secondary schools to build indoor sports venues and wind and rain playgrounds.

(13) Coordinate and integrate the resources of social venues. Improve the mechanism for mutual promotion and mutual promotion of the opening of schools and public sports venues. Urban and community construction planning should coordinate the construction of youth sports facilities, and new sports venue facilities projects should be prioritized in schools or around them. Encourage schools to build and share sports venues with territorial governments. Promote the orderly opening of school sports venues to the public, public sports venues to students free or low fees, regularly publish the list of open public sports venues, and clarify opening hours, charging standards, etc. Encourage schools and social sports venues to cooperate in setting up sports courses, improve the efficiency of sports venues, and incorporate the development of youth sports activities into the comprehensive evaluation system of large sports venues. Localities and schools with the capacity should actively undertake sports events for young students and provide services for physical activities and extracurricular exercises for college, middle, and primary school students.

(14) Promote the integration of sports and education into innovative development. Improve the integration of sports and education work mechanisms, explore the establishment of a mechanism for the cultivation of sports reserve talents in large, medium, and primary schools, select a number of pilot schools in schools with traditional sports characteristics, establish reserve teams for high-level athletes in primary and secondary schools according to the echelons of school segments, improve relevant guarantee support policies such as enrollment and further education, and properly resolve contradictions in learning and training. Promote the systematic construction of campus football, promote the high-quality development of campus football, continue to carry out activities such as the selection of the best team for youth campus football, the "Gongga Cup" campus football league, and the university home and away league, vigorously promote the popularization of campus football, increase the population base of campus football, and strengthen the comprehensive education function of campus football. Integrate youth sports events held by education and sports departments, and promote the integration of students' after-school training, event systems, and grade recognition.

(15) Promote the reform of school sports evaluation. Establish a school physical education and physical health management evaluation mechanism, and make the excellent rate of the national student physical health standard test and the myopia rate of children and adolescents an important part of the school education and teaching assessment. Improve students' physical health files, primary and secondary schools should objectively record students' daily sports participation and physical health monitoring results, and regularly feedback to parents every year. Incorporate physical education into the comprehensive quality evaluation system of students, and include the final test of primary and secondary schools, the academic level examination of junior high and high schools, and the credit management scope of secondary vocational students. Improve the content, methods and scoring methods of the physical education test of the middle school entrance examination, and gradually increase the sports score of the middle school entrance examination. Actively promote colleges and universities to add sports projects to the admissions test, and incorporate sports into talent training programs, so that students can only graduate after meeting physical health standards and completing physical education credits.

(16) Improve the post evaluation of physical education teachers. Take teacher ethics and teacher style as the first criterion for evaluating the quality of physical education teachers, take teaching quality as an important basis for evaluation, improve the performance salary and assessment and evaluation mechanism of physical education teachers, and establish and improve the evaluation system for school coaches. Scientifically determine the workload of physical education teachers, and include physical education teachers' extracurricular guidance of students to practice diligently and regularly, as well as to undertake large recess sports activities, after-school training, extracurricular activities, after-school services, guidance and participation, and teaching support tasks arranged by the school into the workload, and give preference when the internal distribution of performance wages is given according to the students' physical health and competition results. Improve the standards for the evaluation and recruitment of physical education teachers' titles, ensuring that physical education teachers enjoy the same treatment as teachers of other disciplines in terms of job title promotion, teaching and scientific research achievement evaluation, etc. Improve the scientific research ability of physical education teachers, actively support physical education teachers to participate in national sports special projects, and set up sports special topics in provincial education science planning projects. Increase the intensity of commendations for physical education teachers, and ensure that physical education teachers occupy a certain proportion in the selection and commendation of teaching achievement awards.

(17) Strengthen education supervision and evaluation. Include the implementation of school sports policies and measures, students' physical health status, quality assessment, and support for schools to carry out sports work into the scope of education supervision and evaluation. Incorporate sports quality monitoring into the overall planning of compulsory education quality monitoring in the province, establish a monitoring system, improve the scientific nature of monitoring, and publish monitoring results, which are an important reference for the supervision and evaluation of the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education. The establishment of the mechanism of "church, diligent practice, and regular competition", the evaluation of school sports work, and the results of students' physical fitness tests are taken as the assessment indicators for physical education work in primary and secondary schools. The evaluation of sports work and its effects will be included in the evaluation plan for the teaching of undergraduate education in colleges and universities, and into the evaluation index system for the training of talents in higher vocational colleges and universities, the evaluation of the effectiveness of the construction of provincial-level first-class disciplines, and the performance appraisal and evaluation system of provincial colleges and universities. Responsible persons of governments, education administrative departments, and schools whose policy implementation is not in place and whose physical health attainment rate and quality assessment pass rate of students continue to decline are to be held accountable in accordance with laws and regulations.



(18) Strengthen organizational leadership. Party committees and governments at all levels should put school sports work on their important agendas, strengthen the overall plan for the reform and development of sports in local schools, and the principal responsible comrades of the party and government should attach importance to and care about school sports work. All localities should establish a joint meeting system to strengthen school sports work departments, improve the overall coordination mechanism, study specific measures to promote the reform and development of local school sports, and formulate and implement a three-year action plan for the allocation of school physical education teachers and the construction of venues and equipment (2022-2024) in combination with actual conditions, and solidly promote various work. Strengthen education and training, and incorporate school sports work into the training plans for relevant leading cadres.

(19) Strengthen funding safeguards. Governments at all levels should increase policy support for school sports work, adjust and optimize the structure of education expenditure, and improve the input mechanism; they should make overall arrangements for financial transfer payment funds and financial resources at the same level to support school sports work. Encourage and guide social funds to support the development of school sports, attract social donations, increase investment through multiple channels, and form a long-term mechanism for diversified support for the development of school sports.

(20) Do a good job of risk management. Establish a government-led, departmental coordination, and social participation in school sports safety risk management mechanism. Improve the risk prevention and emergency response mechanism for school sports injuries in which the government, schools, and families participate, and explore the establishment of a comprehensive insurance mechanism for students covering sports accident injuries. Pilot third-party mediation mechanism for safety accidents in student sports activities. Strengthen safety education for teachers and students, implement various systems for safety inspection of school sports facilities, and strengthen the safety management of large-scale sports activities.

(21) Create a good atmosphere. Make full use of various media platforms to strengthen the publicity and interpretation of the great significance of school sports work and various policies and measures in the new era, vigorously promote the scientific concept of education, talent and health, disseminate the spirit of sports, promote the achievements of reform, widely gather consensus, and create a good social atmosphere in which the whole society cares about and supports the development of school sports.

Implementation plan on comprehensively strengthening and improving aesthetic education in schools in the new era

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on education, comprehensively strengthen and improve the aesthetic education work of schools in the new era, and build an education system for the comprehensive cultivation of morality, intellectual, physical and aesthetic work, this implementation plan is formulated in accordance with the spirit of the "Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening and Improving the Aesthetic Education of Schools in the New Era" and combined with the actual conditions of our province.

(1) Guiding ideology. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will fully implement the party's education policy, adhere to the fundamental task of cultivating people with virtue, persist in educating people with beauty, beautifying people, and cultivating people with beauty, and with the goal of improving students' aesthetic and humanistic qualities, and incorporate aesthetic education into the entire process of cultivating talents at all levels and in all types of schools, running through all sections of school education, and cultivating socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, and labor.

(2) Work objectives. By the end of 2022, the school will make breakthroughs in aesthetic education, the aesthetic education curriculum will be fully opened, the education and teaching reform will achieve remarkable results, the allocation of resources will be continuously optimized, the evaluation system will be gradually improved, the management mechanism will be more perfect, and the effectiveness of educating people will be significantly enhanced. By 2025, the school aesthetic education work system will be more sound, the mechanism operation will be more effective, the evaluation system will be more scientific, the school aesthetic education system that integrates classroom teaching, art practice, and regular exhibitions and performances will be generally established, the conditions for running schools will be comprehensively improved, the quality of education and teaching will be significantly improved, and the aesthetic and humanistic qualities of students will be significantly improved. By 2035, a modern school aesthetic education system with full coverage, diversification, high quality and Sichuan characteristics will be basically formed.

(3) Establish the concept of discipline integration. Strengthen the integration of aesthetic education with moral, intellectual, physical education, and labor education, and fully excavate and use the rich aesthetic education resources contained in various disciplines, such as spiritual beauty, liturgical beauty, language beauty, behavioral beauty, scientific beauty, order beauty, health beauty, industrious beauty, and artistic beauty that embody the spirit of Chinese aesthetic education and national aesthetic characteristics. Organically integrate the aesthetic education content of related disciplines, promote the in-depth integration of curriculum teaching, social practice and campus culture construction, and vigorously carry out interdisciplinary education and teaching and extracurricular extracurricular practical activities with aesthetic education as the theme.

(4) Scientifically positioning curriculum objectives. Construct an aesthetic education curriculum system that links large, medium, and small children, and strive to achieve the goals of aesthetic education curriculum at all levels and in all types of schools. The preschool education stage cultivates young children to have a good, kind heart and know how to cherish good things. In the compulsory education stage, it pays attention to stimulating students' artistic interest and sense of innovation, cultivating students' healthy and upward aesthetic taste and aesthetic style, and helping students master 1 to 2 artistic specialties. At the high school level, it pays attention to enriching students' aesthetic experience, broadening humanistic vision, and guiding students to establish a correct aesthetic and cultural outlook. Vocational education strengthens students' artistic practice, cultivates high-quality technical and technical talents with aesthetic accomplishment, guides students to improve their personality cultivation, and enhances their awareness of cultural innovation. At the stage of higher education, students strengthen their awareness of cultural subjects, and cultivate high-quality talents with lofty aesthetic pursuits and noble personality cultivation.

(5) Improve the curriculum of aesthetic education. The school's aesthetic education curriculum takes the art curriculum as the main body, mainly including music, art, calligraphy, dance, drama, opera, film and television and other courses. In the preschool education stage, art play activities suitable for the physical and mental characteristics of young children are carried out. In the compulsory education stage, the content of art courses is enriched, and on the basis of opening up music, art and calligraphy courses, dance, drama, film and television, as well as intangible cultural heritage projects with distinct local cultural characteristics such as Sichuan opera and Sichuan quyi are gradually opened. A variety of art courses are introduced at the high school level to increase the selectivity of art courses. Vocational education organically combines art courses with professional courses, highlights the characteristics of practice, and opens expansive art courses with the characteristics of vocational education. At the stage of higher education, public art courses are set up with the cultivation of aesthetic and humanistic qualities as the core, the cultivation of innovative ability as the focus, and the inheritance and development of Chinese excellent traditional culture and the education of art classics as the main content.

(6) Open up and take good aesthetic education classes. Strictly implement the rigid requirements for the opening of aesthetic education courses in schools. The total number of art course hours in schools at the compulsory education stage shall not be less than 9% of the total number of hours at that stage, and schools with the capacity shall be encouraged to open art courses at the rate of 11% of the total class hours; the number of art course hours in the junior secondary school stage shall not be less than 20% of the total number of art course hours in the compulsory education stage. On the basis of the music and art courses offered in ordinary high schools, it is guaranteed that the compulsory courses of art subjects reach 6 credits. Secondary vocational schools incorporate the arts curriculum into the compulsory public foundation curriculum for students, including 36 hours of foundation modules and 36 hours of extended modules. At the stage of higher education, public art courses should be opened for all students, public art courses and art practices should be included in the school's talent training program, and the credit system management should be implemented, and students can graduate after completing the credits of public art courses. Encourage colleges and universities to carry out cross-school elective public art theory work and implement mutual recognition of credits. Encourage colleges and universities and scientific research institutes to incorporate aesthetics and art courses into the public curriculum system of postgraduate education.

(7) Improve the quality of aesthetic education teaching. Gradually improve the teaching mode of "basic skills of art basic knowledge + artistic aesthetic experience + art special specialties", strengthen the quality management of classroom teaching, pay attention to differentiated and personalized teaching, and explore special teaching modes such as shift system and specialization. Comprehensively promote the assessment of primary and secondary school students' artistic quality, and promote students to master the necessary basic knowledge and basic skills. Strengthen the aesthetic experience of art, help students improve their core qualities such as cultural understanding, aesthetic perception, artistic expression, and creative practice, and form special skills in art. Build a big data platform for education, and develop and promote high-quality digital education resources for aesthetic education courses. Establish management measures for the quality of aesthetic education in schools, pay attention to the diagnosis and improvement of teaching work, and strengthen school teaching and research work.

(8) Strengthen the construction of local textbook systems. At the stage of compulsory education and high school, it is necessary to select art curriculum teaching materials in accordance with national regulations. Encourage schools everywhere to dig deep into the resources of the aesthetic education curriculum, develop local and school-based curriculum teaching resources with regional characteristics and ethnic characteristics, highlight the spirit of Chinese aesthetic education, highlight the characteristics of Sichuan art and culture, and fully embody the ideological, national, innovative and practical nature. Colleges and universities should implement the main responsibility for the construction of aesthetic education textbooks, do a good job in the research, compilation, and use of textbooks, and explore the formation of a textbook system for public art courses in colleges and universities with aesthetics and art history, art appreciation, and art practice as the main body. Pay attention to integrating the content of intangible cultural heritage into the aesthetic education work of schools, and build a curriculum system and teaching material system of intangible cultural heritage.

(9) Enrich artistic practice activities. Establish a normalized art exhibition and performance mechanism for everyone, in principle, hold a comprehensive art exhibition of provincial college students and primary and secondary school students every 3 years, and encourage qualified cities (prefectures) and counties (cities, districts) to carry out special art exhibitions for primary and secondary school students every year. Establish a regular, diverse and characteristic exhibition and performance mechanism at the school level, and if conditions permit, the school will carry out at least 1 art festival or exhibition and display activity every year to ensure that each student can participate in at least 1 art activity. Encourage rural schools to carry out artistic practice activities with local characteristics. Strengthen the construction of school art clubs and art interest groups, and regularly carry out activities such as choruses, ensembles, group dances, and textbook dramas. Promote the use of art practice workshop experience to build a good art practice base on campus. Establish national and provincial demonstration college, secondary and primary school student art troupes, select outstanding student art troupes to participate in major national and provincial performance activities, and enhance the development level of college art troupes and the participation of non-art students.

(10) Build a Sichuan aesthetic education brand. Promote the development of the characteristics of "one school, one product" and "one school and multiple products" of aesthetic education in schools, strengthen the construction of art characteristic schools, and select a number of Sichuan aesthetic education brand schools, courses, teaching materials, and famous teachers. Continue to carry out activities such as the entry of elegant art into the campus, the popularization of Sichuan opera in primary and secondary schools, and vigorously promote the entry of drama (opera) into the campus. Support the school to build special theme art galleries, museums, art practice workshops, high-level orchestras, etc. Regularly carry out activities such as the display of the basic skills of teachers and students majoring in music and art education, and the evaluation of high-quality classes for art teachers in primary and secondary schools.

(11) Promote the development of the connotation of art disciplines. Professional art education adheres to the goal of first-class, optimizes the layout of disciplines, strengthens the introduction of outstanding teachers, and builds a diversified, distinctive, and high-level professional system of Sichuan characteristic art disciplines. Support colleges and universities to strive to create national and provincial first-class art professional points and first-class courses, innovate talent training mechanisms, and improve the ability to cultivate artistic talents. Strengthen the construction of disciplines and majors related to intangible cultural heritage, support qualified universities to increase the number of master's and doctoral programs, and build a number of high-level art discipline innovation teams and platforms. Art teacher education is based on cultivating a high-quality, professional and innovative team of teachers, firmly adhering to the direction of running schools, adhering to the characteristics of teachers, adhering to service needs, strengthening practical links, and encouraging mutual employment and two-way exchanges of art teachers. Integrate the resources of aesthetics, art, education and other disciplines, strengthen the construction of basic theories of aesthetic education, and build a high-end think tank for aesthetic education. Establish a steering committee for aesthetic education in colleges and universities and primary and secondary schools in the province, and cultivate a number of outstanding teaching achievements in aesthetic education in schools and studios of famous teachers.

(12) Improve the infrastructure conditions of aesthetic education in schools. All localities should implement the basic standards for aesthetic education in national schools, incorporate the construction of aesthetic education facilities into the high-quality and balanced development plan for compulsory education, and build special classrooms, equipment and facilities, exhibition venues, art workshops and art venues that meet the needs of classroom teaching and practical activities. Small-scale schools are equipped with the necessary functional classrooms and facilities and equipment based on the principle of maintaining the basic and bottom line. Encourage areas with the capacity to build a number of primary and secondary school aesthetic education venues to share with surrounding schools and communities. Strengthen the construction of aesthetic education venues in colleges and universities, and encourage colleges and universities with conditions to jointly build and share art venues such as theaters, concert halls, art galleries, calligraphy halls, and museums with local conditions. Equipped with the equipment required for aesthetic education and teaching, establish a daily maintenance mechanism, and improve the efficiency of use.

(13) Strengthen the construction of aesthetic education teachers. All localities should increase the intensity of supplementing the contingent of aesthetic education teachers in primary and secondary schools, and areas that are not equipped should set aside a certain proportion every year for the recruitment of aesthetic education teachers, focusing on supplementing aesthetic education teachers in ethnic minority areas and rural schools, and increasing the proportion of full-time aesthetic education teachers. Areas with the capacity can provide aesthetic education teaching services to primary and secondary schools by purchasing services and cooperating with relevant professional institutions and other social forces to alleviate the shortage of aesthetic education teachers. Strengthen the allocation of aesthetic education teaching and research personnel, and each county (city, district) should allocate at least 1 full-time aesthetic education teaching and research staff, and explore ways to hire part-time teaching and research personnel. Encourage outstanding literary and artistic workers to wait until schools to concurrently serve as aesthetic education teachers, and support representative inheritors of intangible cultural heritage to participate in school teaching and teaching and scientific research. Strengthen the training of aesthetic education teachers, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, teaching quality, education ability and professional ethics of the aesthetic education teacher team.

(14) Coordinate and integrate social resources. Urban and community construction planning should coordinate students' artistic practice needs, and new cultural and artistic projects should be prioritized in schools or around them. Fully excavate the social service function of school art venues, and encourage schools with conditions to open art venues to the society in an orderly manner. Encourage schools to cooperate with social public cultural and art venues and literary and art academies to set up aesthetic education courses, encourage colleges and universities to provide guidance and support for primary and secondary schools in terms of art exhibitions and performances, talent training, etc., and encourage outstanding literary and art workers to establish art studios in schools and traditional culture inheritors to participate in literary and art volunteer service projects. Integrate intramural and off-campus resources to carry out aesthetic education practice activities, as an effective way to solve the "three-and-a-half" problem after school in primary and secondary schools and an important carrier for after-school service work for primary and secondary school students. Strengthen the management of off-campus art education and training, and standardize art competitions, art examinations, and other activities for primary and secondary school students. Parents are encouraged to take advantage of the holidays to lead students to participate in art practice activities.

(15) Establish a support mechanism for schools with a weak foundation for aesthetic education. Coordinate the curriculum setting, teaching arrangements, teaching and research activities and teacher management of aesthetic education in township center schools and small-scale schools, and adopt methods such as synchronous classrooms and sharing high-quality online resources to make up for the shortcomings of teachers and resources. Through the targeted training program for rural teachers at public expense, we will cultivate general-purpose teachers who can undertake aesthetic education teaching. Carry out aesthetic education training for in-service teachers of various disciplines in rural schools, and cultivate part-time aesthetic education teachers who can undertake aesthetic education teaching and activity guidance. Establish an inter-school teacher sharing and "hand-in-hand" support mechanism for urban and rural schools. Promote the implementation of the volunteer teaching action for college students majoring in art education in colleges and universities, support colleges and universities to carry out aesthetic education infiltration action plans, and support social forces to carry out aesthetic education public welfare projects.

(16) Promote the reform of aesthetic education evaluation. Improve the evaluation system of aesthetic education in schools, include primary and secondary school students' learning of art courses such as music, art, calligraphy and other art courses and participation in art practice activities organized by schools into their academic requirements, and include art subjects in the scope of junior and senior high school academic level examinations. Comprehensively implement the artistic quality assessment of primary and secondary school students, and incorporate the assessment results into the comprehensive quality evaluation of junior and senior high school students. Promote the reform of the middle school examination for art subjects, starting from the first-year junior high school students who enter the school in the fall of 2022, each city (state) will fully incorporate the art subjects into the middle school examination and as a scoring subject for the enrollment and admission of the high school examination, the content of the examination is determined according to the curriculum standards promulgated by the state, and the results are mainly composed of artistic quality assessment and skill test results. Orderly implement monitoring and evaluation of the quality of art education, regularly carry out monitoring in the sample counties, and continuously improve the scientificity, pertinence, and effectiveness of the evaluation work. Encourage all localities to entrust third-party professional institutions to carry out quality evaluation of art education.

(17) Reform the evaluation of aesthetic education teachers. Take teacher ethics and teacher style as the first criterion for evaluating aesthetic education teachers, take teaching quality as an important basis for evaluation, and improve the performance salary and assessment and evaluation mechanism of aesthetic education teachers. The results of the artistic quality assessment of primary and secondary school students and the performance performance performance are taken as an important basis for the evaluation and appraisal of aesthetic education teachers, and are given preference in the internal distribution of performance wages. The workload of aesthetic education teachers is scientifically determined, and the aesthetic education teachers undertake the art club guidance, extracurricular activities, after-school services and teaching tasks arranged by the school to be counted into the workload. Improve the evaluation standards for the titles of aesthetic education teachers, and ensure that aesthetic education teachers enjoy the same treatment as teachers of other disciplines in terms of job title promotion and evaluation of teaching and scientific research achievements. In the selection and commendation of teaching achievement awards and other awards, a certain proportion of aesthetic education teachers are guaranteed.

(18) Strengthen education supervision and evaluation. The implementation of aesthetic education policies and measures in schools, the monitoring of students' artistic quality, and the support for schools to carry out aesthetic education work are included in the scope of education supervision and evaluation. Incorporate the monitoring of the quality of art education into the overall planning of compulsory education quality monitoring in the province, establish a monitoring system, and publish the monitoring results, which are an important reference for the supervision and evaluation of the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education. Incorporate aesthetic education work and its effect evaluation into the evaluation plan of undergraduate education and teaching work in colleges and universities, into the evaluation index system for talent training in higher vocational colleges and universities, the evaluation of the effectiveness of provincial first-class discipline construction, and the performance appraisal and evaluation system of provincial colleges and universities. Responsible persons of governments, education administrative departments, and schools whose policy implementation is not in place and whose pass rate of students' artistic quality assessments continues to decline, are to be held accountable in accordance with laws and regulations.

(19) Strengthen organizational leadership. Party committees and governments at all levels should put school aesthetic education work into an important agenda, strengthen the overall plan for the reform and development of aesthetic education in local schools, and the principal responsible comrades of the party and government should attach importance to and care about school aesthetic education work. All localities should establish a joint meeting system for strengthening school aesthetic education departments, improve the overall coordination mechanism, study specific measures to promote the reform and development of aesthetic education in local schools, and formulate and implement a three-year action plan (2022-2024) for the construction of school aesthetic education teachers and venues and equipment in light of actual conditions, and solidly promote various work. Strengthen education and training, and incorporate school aesthetic education into the training plan for relevant leading cadres.

(20) Guarantee funding input. Governments at all levels should increase policy support for school aesthetic education work, adjust and optimize the structure of education expenditure, improve the input mechanism, and make overall arrangements for financial transfer payment funds and financial resources at the same level to support school aesthetic education work. Encourage and guide social funds to support the development of aesthetic education in schools, attract social donations, increase investment through multiple channels, and form a long-term mechanism for diversified support for the development of aesthetic education in schools.

(21) Create a good atmosphere. Increase the publicity of aesthetic education in schools and publicize the correct concept of aesthetic education. Give full play to the important role of family and society in aesthetic education, and guide students to discover, appreciate and create beauty. Regularly hold school aesthetic education teaching achievements display activities, expand coverage and influence, and create a good social atmosphere in which the whole society jointly promotes the development of school aesthetic education.

Source: Sichuan Education Release

Heavy! Sichuan issued the latest documents! It's about the entrance examination