
Correctly understand and grasp the carbon peak carbon neutrality

author:Overseas network

Source: People's Daily

Achieving carbon peak carbon neutrality is a complex project and long-term task, it is impossible to do it in one battle, the goal should be unswerving, and the strategy should be stable and progressive

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the Opinions on The Complete, Accurate and Comprehensive Implementation of the New Development Concept to Do a Good Job in Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality, which clarified the timetable and roadmap for achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutrality in the mainland; the State Council issued the Action Plan for Carbon Peaking by 2030, focusing on the carbon peaking target before 2030 and depicting a roadmap... In recent times, the mainland's carbon peak carbon neutrality work has been steadily and orderly advanced, and positive results have been achieved at the top-level design and policy implementation levels.

Striving to achieve carbon peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060 is a major strategic decision made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core to coordinate the two overall situations at home and abroad, an inevitable choice to focus on solving the outstanding problems of resource and environmental constraints and achieving the sustainable development of the Chinese nation, and a solemn commitment to build a community with a shared future for mankind. The central economic work conference held not long ago profoundly explained the new major theoretical and practical problems facing the mainland's development, stressed that "it is necessary to correctly understand and grasp the carbon neutrality of carbon peaking", and made major arrangements for steadily promoting carbon peak carbon neutrality, pointing out the direction of efforts and the focus of work.

Achieving carbon peak carbon neutrality is an inherent requirement for promoting high-quality development. To achieve high-quality development, we must unswervingly implement the new development concept, adhere to the system concept, take the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development as the guide, take the green and low-carbon development of energy as the key, accelerate the formation of an industrial structure, production mode, lifestyle and spatial pattern that saves resources and protects the environment, and unswervingly follows the path of high-quality development of ecological priority and green and low carbon. In the past two years, under the stimulus effect of "double carbon", domestic hot industries such as electric vehicles, photovoltaics, and wind power have flourished. In the long run, the further organic integration of green economic and social transformation and high-quality development will surely promote the high-end, intelligent and greening of traditional industries, promote the optimization and upgrading of the entire industrial chain, and promote the quality, efficiency and power of the mainland's economic development, thus shaping the mainland's new advantages in participating in international cooperation and competition.

At the same time, we must also see that achieving carbon peak carbon neutrality is a broad and profound economic and social change, which cannot be achieved easily. This is a complex project and a long-term task that cannot be accomplished in one battle. This requires us to be unswerving in our goals and to seek steady progress in our strategy. In reality, some places engage in "carbon charge", some engage in "one-size-fits-all" and sports -- "carbon reduction", which do not meet the requirements of the Party Central Committee and must be corrected in a timely manner. Starting from the level of understanding, to achieve carbon peak carbon neutrality, we must coordinate the two major issues of development and security, handle the relationship between development and emission reduction, the whole and the part, short-term and medium-term, and adhere to the principles of national overall planning, saving priority, two-wheel drive, internal and external smoothness, and risk prevention. From the perspective of practice, it is necessary to fully consider the basic national conditions such as domestic energy structure and industrial structure, make overall plans, establish first and then break, cannot affect the overall situation of economic and social development, and ensure that the gradual withdrawal of traditional energy should be based on the safe and reliable replacement of new energy. Achieving carbon peak carbon neutrality is a big test, which requires a correct view of political performance, "success does not have to be in me" and "success must have me", adhere to steady progress, and gradually achieve.

The "14th Five-Year Plan" period is a critical period and window period for carbon peaking, and the construction of ecological civilization on the mainland has entered a critical period in which carbon reduction is the key strategic direction, promoting the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, promoting the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, and realizing the improvement of ecological environment quality from quantitative to qualitative change. At present, the "1 + N" policy system to achieve the double carbon target is accelerating the construction, we must bear in mind the "big country", adhere to the stability of progress, and steadily promote various work. On the one hand, based on the basic national conditions of coal, we must do a good job in the clean and efficient use of coal, increase the ability to consume new energy, promote the optimal combination of coal and new energy, and vigorously grasp the key problems of green and low-carbon technologies. On the other hand, it is necessary to scientifically assess that the new renewable energy and raw material energy use are not included in the total energy consumption control, create conditions to realize the "double control" of energy consumption to the "double control" of carbon emissions and intensity as soon as possible, accelerate the formation of an incentive and constraint mechanism for pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and prevent simple layers of decomposition。 At the same time, it is also necessary to ensure energy supply, and large enterprises, especially state-owned enterprises, should take the lead in ensuring supply and price stability and accelerating the construction of an energy power.

Achieving carbon neutrality is an uphill battle and a big test of our party's ability to govern the country. By unifying our thoughts and actions with the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, correctly understanding and grasping carbon neutrality, firmly grasping the general tone of the work of seeking progress in stability, and continuously improving the ability and level of implementing the new development concept, we will certainly be able to promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development. (People's Daily Commentary Department)

People's Daily (February 11, 2022, 05th edition)