
The US media reporter in Beijing tweeted: Why does the world need China's "dynamic clearance"?

author:Shangguan News

We all know that the Western media has been frantically attacking and smearing China's "dynamic zeroing" COVID-19 prevention policy for more than a year. Some claim that China's policies are "deprived of liberty," while others blame China's practices for "harming the world economy."

However, James Mayger, a Us Bloomberg correspondent in Beijing, wrote an article yesterday that made people "impressed", because he actually expressed an "approval" attitude toward China's epidemic prevention policy, becoming an "outlier" in the Western media.

"Do you want to be able to keep buying?" Do you want to continue buying from China without worrying about shortages or price increases? Then you should want China to adhere to the 'dynamic zeroing' policy"— James Mayger, Bloomberg's Beijing-based correspondent, wrote in his social media account in his article titled "Why the World Needs China's 'Dynamic Zeroing' Policy."

The US media reporter in Beijing tweeted: Why does the world need China's "dynamic clearance"?

Judging from the main text, the Bloomberg reporter's article is also well-founded, and in terms of professionalism, objectivity and level, it is much higher than the brainless smear and emotional catharsis of China's epidemic prevention policy by the Us and Western media such as the New York Times.

The US media reporter in Beijing tweeted: Why does the world need China's "dynamic clearance"?

His core arguments are as follows:

1. Although other Western media have been hyping up the "harms" and "risks" of China's "dynamic zeroing" policy, if China does not adopt this policy and allows the virus to spread among 1.4 billion people, even if China's vaccination rate reaches 87%, it will still bring great harm to the safety of life and economic stability in China and the world – and these harms are far more than the problems of the "dynamic zeroing" policy itself.

The US media reporter in Beijing tweeted: Why does the world need China's "dynamic clearance"?

2. Peking University found through mathematical model calculations that if China adopts the "open" approach of the United States to face the epidemic, the number of new cases in China may reach 630,000 per day, and even if China can reduce the mortality rate of a large number of infected people, there will still be a large number of deaths in China, which greatly exceeds the total number of deaths in the past two years of 4636 people - you know, the United States only has 1/4 of the Chinese, but the death cases have exceeded 900,000.

At the same time, China's vaccines, although slightly less effective than Western mRNA technology vaccines, and even if they can be injected with mRNA vaccines, it is not enough for China to change its policies, because the virus itself is constantly mutating, and vaccines alone cannot prevent it. Wu Zunyou, chief expert in epidemiology at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, pointed out this situation in an interview with the Global Times. In addition, China has not experienced the same epidemic situation in other countries, so once China changes its epidemic prevention policy, the cost is greater than that of other countries.

The US media reporter in Beijing tweeted: Why does the world need China's "dynamic clearance"?
The US media reporter in Beijing tweeted: Why does the world need China's "dynamic clearance"?

3. China's current "dynamic zeroing" policy, as well as means such as large-scale testing and case tracking, are still effective in dealing with the Omiljung strain. This has been proven in Beijing, Tianjin, Hangzhou and other places,

The US media reporter in Beijing tweeted: Why does the world need China's "dynamic clearance"?

4. Although China's restrictive policies have temporarily closed ports and factories, China's industry has not been affected in the more than two years of the epidemic, and exports have set new records in 2020 and 2021. If it were not for China's effective policies to keep goods exported, the price of U.S. imports might have risen even faster than they do now, and the shortage of goods would have been even worse.

The US media reporter in Beijing tweeted: Why does the world need China's "dynamic clearance"?

5) Australia is a negative example of China. The country used to adopt a similar "zero-zero" policy, but after the lockdown was ended in January and the mandatory quarantine was abolished, the number of infections and deaths increased dramatically, forcing people to take shelter and not go out. Therefore, if the new crown strain cannot mutate a new strain that is weaker than Omilon, then once China is liberalized, even if the government does not force it, people will actively isolate themselves like Wuhan in early 2020 and dare not go out, especially after the overload of the medical system and the surge in deaths.

But Australia is not China's world factory after all. So if this happens in China, it will lead to far more serious problems in the supply chain than it is currently, such as pushing up inflation further and further impacting the already fragile world economy.

The US media reporter in Beijing tweeted: Why does the world need China's "dynamic clearance"?
The US media reporter in Beijing tweeted: Why does the world need China's "dynamic clearance"?

Therefore, the Bloomberg reporter wrote at the end of the article, "The longer China adheres to the zero-clearance policy, the better it will be for the rest of the world." ”

The US media reporter in Beijing tweeted: Why does the world need China's "dynamic clearance"?

In this regard, Geng Zhige would like to say that in fact, the above content has been expressed many times by Chinese experts, media and relevant government agencies. Any Western journalist who wants to report objectively on China should be able to draw the conclusions james Mayger reached today through professional observation and comparison. In fact, if the West talks about the problems in China's current policies on the basis of this recognition of objective reality, the Chinese public will certainly not be so disgusted and resistant, but will be willing to rationally communicate and jointly explore a meaningful response to the epidemic for mankind.

Regrettably, in the past period, the vast majority of the Western media – whether for the purpose of domestic electoral politics or to stir up geopolitics to gain eyeballs – have shown no objectivity or professionalism in reporting on China's epidemic prevention policies, turning a world problem that humanity should have solved together through mutual exchanges into a black-and-white infighting.

Perhaps this kind of "black and white" is a natural gene carried by the Western media bred by the increasingly extreme Western political system. But in the face of the new crown epidemic, this gene has become a fatal flaw that harms human beings.

Column Editor-in-Chief: Qin Hong Text Editor: Fang Ying Caption Source: Xinhua News Agency Infographic Photo Editor: Xiang Jianying

Source: Author: Global Times Geng Zhige

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