
The dialect of Qingxi Village changes

author:Morning Yiyang

Qingxi Village, Xielingang Town, Yiyang High-tech Zone, is the birthplace of Mr. Zhou Libo, a modern Chinese writer and revolutionary. In the 1950s, Mr. Zhou Libo created a series of literary works such as "Great Changes in Mountains and Townships" against the background of Qingxi Village, which stirred up the climax of the reform of agricultural cooperatives. Recently, the reporter came to Qingxi Village to see that the villagers inherited the Libo spirit of "struggle, openness and great change", combined local culture with research and education, developed eco-tourism industries such as homestays and farmhouses, and continued to write the "great changes in mountains and townships" in the new era.

In Qingxi Village, the reporter interviewed Ji Chuan, a Beijing tourist who came to visit: "I like mr. Zhou Libo's works, and I also like Anhua black tea. Yiyang also has a lot of intangible cultural heritage, I am particularly interested, and then I am going to stay here for a few days and slowly understand. ”

The in-depth integration and development of agriculture, tourism and culture not only lighted up Qingxi Village, but also drove local villagers to embark on the road to prosperity. Opposite Zhou Libo's former residence, there is a teahouse called "Mountain Township Taste", and the owner Liu Shengnan is busy receiving tourists from all directions. Liu Shengnan said that she was originally a housewife, usually at home with children, and had no fixed job and income. In 2015, seeing the business opportunities brought about by the renovation of Zhou Libo's former residence, she and the villagers of the same village ran a tea house. Today, her annual income is more than 100,000 yuan. "Since opening the store, I feel that my mental outlook has changed a lot, my life is full, and I am more and more confident. The scenery and health of the village are getting better and better, and there are many villagers around who do some small business like us, and their lives are getting more and more prosperous. Through the cultivation of "culture + research" service industry, Qingxi Village combines local culture with research and education, etc., to promote the development of the tourism industry in the village, and the number of tourists received by the scenic spot exceeds 600,000 per year. In 2020, the village's collective economic assets reached more than 30 million yuan, and the per capita disposable income of the village reached more than 42,000 yuan. He Zhiang, general secretary of the party branch of Qingxi Village, told reporters that today, the number of people returning to their hometowns for employment in Qingxi Village is increasing year by year, the environment in the village is getting better, the collective income of the village is also increasing, and everyone is willing to return to their hometown for employment. In the future, Qingxi will continue the red gene of "Libo culture" and continue to write a new chapter of great changes in the mountains and townships in the new era of "seeing the mountains, seeing the water, and remembering the nostalgia".

【Source: Yiyang Municipal People's Government Website】

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