
The same is the theft of celestial gods, the Western gods stole the tinder, what did the Chinese gods steal?

author:Give history a lifebuoy

As we all know, in Chinese mythology, it is Nuwa who created human beings and gave them all the ability to survive. In ancient Greek mythology, humans were created by Prometheus. Prometheus was a descendant of the Titans, but when Zeus went to war with the Titans, Prometheus sided with Zeus. When Zeus became the ruler of the universe, he gradually noticed the appearance of human beings on earth. In order to facilitate his rule, Zeus demanded that humanity respect them as a requirement for their protection.

The same is the theft of celestial gods, the Western gods stole the tinder, what did the Chinese gods steal?

When the gods held a joint meeting, the gods of the celestial realm began to discuss the rights and duties of human beings. In order not to let the gods agree, to protect the conditions on which humanity would be sacrificed, Prometheus slaughtered a large bull and offered it to the gods. The gods were kept in the dark, but Zeus, the king of the gods, saw through his little trick. In order to punish Prometheus for his stupidity, Zeus decided not to give the last essential of human survival, the fire.

The same is the theft of celestial gods, the Western gods stole the tinder, what did the Chinese gods steal?

Fire can make human beings the spirit of all things and create a more civilized society. For the sake of his own children, Prometheus stole the tinder from the Celestial Realm and gave it to humans. Zeus was very dissatisfied with Prometheus's performance and was furious at the palace. To punish Prometheus, he ordered prometheus to be tied to the Caucasus mountains, and every day he had hungry eagles peck at his internal organs, and then let them grow at night. In this way, it was repeated for thirty thousand years.

The same is the theft of celestial gods, the Western gods stole the tinder, what did the Chinese gods steal?

Prometheus in the West made such a great sacrifice for mankind, is there no such ancient god in China? Of course. This person is Dayu's father, Cang. Cang was the grandson of the Yellow Emperor and was also a nobleman during the Yao Shun period. Later, when the land of China flooded, the carp was elected by the tribal leaders to control the water. Because the method of controlling the water is not correct, the carp can not always block the flood. In order to save the people of the world, he went to heaven to steal a treasure from the Heavenly Emperor, that is, the soil. As long as it encounters soil, it will grow wildly, and the carp just wants to borrow this thing to block the flood. The carp was about to succeed, but it was discovered by the Heavenly Emperor. The Heavenly Emperor was furious at Cang's behavior and sent the fire god Zhu Rong to kill him at Yushan and reclaim the land.