
Live for yourself, the rest is nonsense

author:Mr. Windswept Jk

A horse, originally free to spread wilderness in the mountains, thirsty to drink some mountain springs, tired to sleep on the ground in the sun, carefree. But since meeting Bole, the horse's fate has changed, putting a cage on its head, placing a saddle on its back, and tying it.

The death rate of this horse is already two-thirds out of ten, and then forcing it to transport things, forcing it to travel thousands of miles a day, nailing iron palms to its feet, and the death rate of the horse is more than half.

The horse is originally an animal with no rules and no use, so that it absorbs the refinement of the sun and the moon, the aura of heaven and earth, useless and inactive, and can enjoy the whole year, educate it, let it know the etiquette, but harm its life. So is it better for the horse to meet Bole or to be free?

How could this not be the case for man?

Under the constraint of the rules, we have lost our original selves, followed the rules customized by others all day long, and forced ourselves to do things that we do not want to do, how much is left of our limited lives?

I remember a few years ago, a teacher resigned for a reason that exploded all over the Internet [the world is so big, I want to see it], how is it not a kind of self-inner release.

Now the pace of urban life is very fast, we must live for ourselves, out of time is our own, nothing is our own, including our lives.