
The community has a new look, residents smile and smile (the new year to go to the grassroots level)

author:Nine Schools of Observation

Reporter Cui Jia Chang Biluo, People's Daily ( February 11, 2022, 06th edition)

When he saw Tan Zuofa, he was chatting with several old neighbors, "There are benches in the yard, and it is very comfortable!" The 75-year-old is a 20-year-old resident of the Chuandong Petroleum Family Home in Liangjiang New District, Chongqing. This year, he and his neighbors received a "big gift" – the renovation of the family home was completed.

"The roads are repaired and there are cultural corridors. You see, this staircase is all non-slip grin! Tan Zuofa said. In addition, the community has also carried out exterior wall brick cleaning, diversion of people and vehicles, replacement of rain shelters, line specifications and greening upgrades.

The great changes in the old community are the result of consultations between street cadres and residents. "There were 4 meetings, going door to door to solicit renovation proposals." Xu Guangjing, deputy director of the Renhe Street Planning and Construction Office, said. After a "courtyard dam meeting" to solicit public opinion, Tan Zuofa became a volunteer for the transformation of the community, consulted with everyone on the transformation plan and supervised the construction.

Pan Qianhua, secretary of the party committee of the Renxing Road community, told reporters that "residents manage their own affairs, and everyone manages the affairs of the community" has gradually become a consensus.

Wang Jing, director of the Housing Management Office of the Construction Administration Bureau of Chongqing Liangjiang New Area, introduced that since 2021, Liangjiang New Area has launched 5 old residential renovation projects, involving more than 600 residents. "From dissatisfaction at the beginning to active participation later, resident satisfaction has continued to increase." Wang Jing told reporters that in 2022, Chongqing Liangjiang New Area will fully launch the transformation of all old residential areas to benefit more people.

In 2021, Chongqing will start to renovate 1,277 old urban communities and implement the transformation of 15,000 shantytowns. "I heard that this year there will be an elevator!" On the bench downstairs, Tan Zuofa and the neighbors were smiling...

【Source: People's Daily】