
Use your uniqueness to achieve in you

author:Claire's old days

Use your uniqueness to achieve in you

Just after the Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger, along with the competition of the Beijing Winter Olympics, Wang Meng's commentary on the short track speed skating 2000-meter mixed relay race rushed to the hot search, like saying stand-up comedy, welding to death in the commentary seat, drying out of power for Teacher Huang, etc. Humorous and straightforward explanations added a little joy to the tense game process. People with outstanding achievements are often people with unique personalities, and Mo Yan also has a unique personality in creation, and has the impulse to dig out the creation from the roots of national culture.

Use your uniqueness to achieve in you

Mo Yan, formerly known as Guan Moye, a native of Gaomi, Shandong, often talked to himself because of the sparse population in the environment when he was young, and he talked endlessly, and after listening to his mother's teachings, mo Yan became his pen name, and his writing style was known for his "bold novelty", and he was already famous as a local writer since the 1980s.

Use your uniqueness to achieve in you

As Mo Yan said at the launch of his new edition of his work "Life and Death Fatigue", those who have experienced in the countryside have given him an endless source, because after experiencing the poverty and backwardness of China in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China to the vigorous development of the new century of reform and opening up, this "Life and Death Fatigue" tells a story spanning half a century, from conception to planning layout narrative, etc. reflects his creative spirit, in a unique way, absurd and humorous way, reincarnation reincarnation, chapter back style title, the author wrote in the opening inscription: The fatigue of life and death arises from greed, less desire and inaction, and the body and mind are at ease. Perhaps the most apt summary of the whole novel. Each reincarnation is relatively independent but also related.

Use your uniqueness to achieve in you

Mo Yan said that the inspiration for each novel is different, some originated from dreams, some originated from reality, such as "Transparent Carrot", this work originated from a dream of his. He also stressed that whether inspiration originates from dreams or originates from reality, it must be combined with personal experience in order to create a literary work with a distinct personality, rich language and unique structure. The highest state that Buddhism pursues is to become a Buddha, and only the material of becoming a Buddha can free people from the unbearable suffering of the six reincarnations, and people will find it difficult to struggle with fate because of greed. Mo Yan was visiting a famous local temple in Chengde, with six murals of reincarnation on the wall, and instead used reincarnation to narrate the story.

As an art form, the novel itself is the processing of language and writing in the creation. The protagonist Ximen Hao, who has been reincarnated several times as a donkey, a cow, a pig, a dog, a monkey, and finally a human, a big-headed baby, uses the perspective of an animal to explain the China at that time, showing the development and changes of a society, and at the same time triggering people's thinking about fate.