
"Daily Question" female, 27 years old, what is the reason for the sudden dry cracking of her feet?

author:Dr. Lan

[Question] Female, 27 years old, moved three months ago (more time to walk to work), after which the foot suddenly became like this, it used to be very, very smooth, in addition, the boyfriend who has lived with her for three years has athlete's foot, I don't know if it is related. Wondering why the foot became like this? What to do? (I used my foot mask, but soon it became like this again)

"Daily Question" female, 27 years old, what is the reason for the sudden dry cracking of her feet?

【Answer】Ding Tao Department of Dermatology, First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University

From your picture, consider it to be chapped, in the winter blood circulation will become very poor, skin elasticity will also decline, over time there will be dead skin, if allowed to develop, there will be cracks.

This has nothing to do with athlete's foot, and this situation is likely to be caused by the dry weather or the reason why their skin is relatively dry, and it is not excluded that it is caused by the lack of vitamins in the body.

"Daily Question" female, 27 years old, what is the reason for the sudden dry cracking of her feet?

First, soak your feet

Soaking your feet with warm water every night before going to bed can promote blood circulation and improve the symptoms of rough and dry skin.

It is recommended to soak your feet every day, preferably at a temperature of about 40 degrees, and then soak for between 10 and 15 minutes a day.

Second, apply ointment

Apply cracked benning locally every day after soaking feet, 2-3 times a day, which has a good effect on foot dry cracking. Easy to absorb, does not leave a sticky feeling, and the matching heel crack-proof socks are easy to recover.

"Daily Question" female, 27 years old, what is the reason for the sudden dry cracking of her feet?

Third, eat a reasonable diet

You can also choose dietary conditioning to improve the condition, usually eat more seasonal fruits and vegetables, appropriate vitamin C supplementation, can ensure balanced nutrition in the body, and have a certain alleviating effect on local skin dryness.

Guidance recommendations

"Daily Question" female, 27 years old, what is the reason for the sudden dry cracking of her feet?

Wearing socks to sleep at night can increase the elasticity of the stratum corneum and avoid symptoms of dry skin caused by a large amount of skin dehydration.

In winter, we should also pay attention to the warmth of the affected area, improve blood circulation, and prevent dry cracking.

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