
"China's ability to reassure the world"

author:Bright Net

【Overlooking Beijing】

Guangming Daily reporter Zhao Jiazheng

Ivan Morkeci, chairman of the International Cooperation Committee of the Serbian Olympic Committee, was interviewed by reporters a few days ago to send blessings for the Beijing Winter Olympics. He said that the Beijing Winter Olympics will be a grand event for all mankind. This Winter Olympics will be held in the world's most populous country, but also will attract the attention of the world, for the promotion of the Olympic spirit, the development of Olympic-related undertakings is of great significance. China has strong organizational and executive capabilities, and will surely present a feast of ice and snow to sports fans around the world.

"China's ability to reassure the world"

On February 9, competitors competed in the women's steeplechase final of snowboarding at the Beijing Winter Olympics. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Chang took the photo

As an official of the Serbian Olympic Committee, Morkeci stressed that people should always remember the significance of human beings to hold the Olympic Games. As a sporting event, the most important significance of the Olympic Games is to call on people to stop war and achieve peace. In the context of peace, we pursue the limits of human beings themselves and carry forward the fighting spirit of human beings. It should be said that under the current world political and security situation, this year's Winter Olympics have extremely special significance. Under the call of the Beijing Olympic Games, human beings need to bridge differences, reduce the intensity of conflicts, and achieve common development through dialogue.

"China's ability to reassure the world"

On February 9, the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics double bobsleigh competition was held at the National Bobsleigh Center. Germany's Tobias Wendel and Tobias Alter celebrate winning the title after crossing the line. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yao Jianfeng

Morkeci said that the lives of people in various countries are still affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic, and the Olympic Games, which host a large number of people under the epidemic, will naturally face challenges. However, the ability of the Chinese government to respond to the epidemic in the past two years will reassure the world, especially china is at the forefront of the world in vaccine development and specific drug research and development, and many countries, including Serbia, have received great help from China. He saw that in order to provide a safe environment for the Olympic Games, the Chinese government has done a lot of practical work in epidemic prevention, such as closed-loop management of competition personnel and strict logistics epidemic prevention and control, which have ensured that there will be no large-scale spread of the epidemic in the Beijing Winter Olympics. At the same time, serbian participants in China have been vaccinated from China, so they have no worries about coming to China to participate in the Winter Olympics.

Morkeqi said that the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics have amazed the world, especially from the design of the opening ceremony to the competition venues and various services, athletes and guests from all over the world have seen modern China. Today, as the first city in human history to host both the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics, Beijing is showing the world what has changed dramatically in the past 14 years.

"China's ability to reassure the world"

On February 10, American Chloe King won the gold medal in the women's U-shaped track skills competition in snowboarding at the Beijing Winter Olympics. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Chang took the photo

He said that the Olympic Games are an important occasion for people to get together to discuss cooperation through sports competition. Serbia and China have always had good relations, in the past few years, Serbia and China under the leadership of the "Belt and Road" initiative has achieved significant cooperation results in the field of infrastructure and trade in goods and services, and next, Serbia also hopes to strengthen cooperation with China in the field of sports through the Winter Olympics. Serbia has famous basketball, water polo and tennis players, but Serbia is also willing to cooperate with China in ice and snow sports, and expand Chinese tourists to participate in ice and snow sports, especially skiing.

Finally, Morkeqi said that it is the Year of the Tiger in the Chinese Lunar Calendar, and he wishes all the Chinese people to create glory in the new year. The presence of more than 30 leaders of countries and international organizations at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics is the international community's affirmation of China's hosting of the Winter Olympics, especially its trust in epidemic prevention measures. Among them, we are honored to see that Serbian President Vucic also came to Beijing to applaud the Beijing Winter Olympics, which is the best performance of Serbian-Chinese steel friendship. I wish all the athletes who participated in the Winter Olympic Games a good result and a new style.

Guangming Daily (2022-02-11 edition 10)

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily

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