
I am 35 years old, I want to change careers to become a lawyer, and then start as a trainee lawyer, is it feasible?

author:The lawyer said

Let's start with the conclusion: If you want to pursue a career as a lawyer, it's never too late.

You may not have heard of an old man who is currently the oldest record holder for a trainee lawyer in China: born in 1935, she was 73 years old when she applied for a trainee lawyer in 2008. As one of the experts who participated in the "two bombs" research in her youth, from 1997 to 2007, she spent a full 10 years taking the judicial examination for eight consecutive times, and finally passed in 2007. To this end, on March 12, 2008, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice held a special ceremony to award certificates, and Ding Lu, then director of the Department of National Judicial Examinations of the Ministry of Justice, personally issued the People's Republic of China Legal Professional Qualification Certificate to her.

Mr. Fu was admitted to the Aircraft Design Major of the Department of Aeronautics of Tsinghua University at the age of 16, and later merged into the Beijing Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics in the adjustment of faculties, and after graduating from the undergraduate, he worked in a research laboratory for 38 years, and the director of the research room was Deng Jiaxian, the father of the "Chinese atomic bomb".

Director Ding was very emotional at the ceremony, saying that the old man was a senior in the scientific community, a new recruit in the legal profession, and had fulfilled two dreams in his life, which was a career pursuit of serving the motherland and a kind of loyalty to the country and society.

In fact, as a special profession without a retirement system, the legal profession is not an obstacle to pure age, and it can even become an advantage under certain circumstances, the key depends on how you grasp it.

For lawyers, the advantages of youth are energetic, strong learning ability, and active thinking, which are all very necessary qualities for the legal profession. On the other hand, young lawyers have low trial and error costs and have sufficient time to contact different businesses, find and discover their own expertise, and clarify their personal positioning. In addition, young lawyers generally have a small family burden and are able to focus more on their business.

The advantages of young people, on the other hand, are the disadvantages of middle-aged people.

But middle-aged people also have their own strengths, and these strengths often need to accumulate over time.

The first is to treat people in the world. Good lawyers must have both business and high, and the cultivation of emotional intelligence is to be honed for a long time. We often say that time has worn away people's edges and corners, but it has brought richer social experience and attitudes, which can make your future lawyer's road smoother. At the same time, law, as the science of experience, is inseparable from the human environment and social customs, and legal problems are usually not solved by simple laws themselves.

The second is networking and social relationships. Compared with young lawyers who have just entered the industry, you who have many years of work experience should have accumulated a considerable amount of interpersonal resources. When you become an independent lawyer, these resources can be translated into tangible business and benefits;

The third is family. Middle-aged people are undoubtedly more stressed, there are old and small, but on the other hand, family stability is the foundation of a good career and the driving force for personal progress. When you fly in Economy Class for 18 hours and come home with a feeling that life is worse than death, do you want to see the house full of white moonlight and slight dust, or the warm lights and steaming soup? The role your family can play in your career will be greater than you think. After all, most of the time lawyers see negative energy...

The fourth is your industry knowledge. Practice has proved that compound lawyers with industry background knowledge + legal expertise will be more competitive in the market, which is actually the advantage of lawyers' professional division of labor;

Fifth, your savings. Lawyers who are just getting started will basically be in a state of not being able to make ends meet, and how to survive the first few years of entering the industry is also one of the daily topics of knowing. At this time, your early savings reflect the value, which can make you more relaxed to carry out business, including better marketing and promotion, including patience to find suitable opportunities;

The sixth is your appearance... Although the legal profession is also a face, older people in this area will have an advantage over young people and will be more likely to gain the trust of their clients.

In short, if you have made up your mind, then on the one hand, you must have the information of victory, on the other hand, you must carefully consider and carefully plan to achieve the effect of taking advantage of your strengths and avoiding your weaknesses.