
In history, there are 10 "elegant scoldings", scolding people without dirty words, and no culture really can't understand

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In history, there are 10 "elegant scoldings", scolding people without dirty words, and no culture really can't understand

When a person reads more books, he will naturally exude a noble and elegant temperament, which is an aura that ordinary people cannot learn. Learned people are polite in the eyes of others, and will not do anything insulting to Sven, even their anger will be very "gentle", and scolding people will not spit dirty words like vulgar people.

In history, there are 10 "elegant scoldings", scolding people without dirty words, and no culture really can't understand

Sven people will always insinuate when they speak, people with shallow knowledge can't understand it at all, even if the other party scolds you unconsciously, this is the benefit of high learning, don't blame the Sven people for being "sinister", because they disdain to be with the layman, and it is not good to do things that damage the image, so they use "elegant scolding" to express their hearts. Let's take a look at the ten "elegant scoldings" in history, scolding people without dirty words, and really can't understand them without culture.

The first sentence: Decaying wood cannot be carved also

This sentence is a sentence that we often hear in our daily lives, the literal meaning is easy to understand, this is a kind of common sense of life, we all know that the decaying wood is loose and loose, it cannot be carved at all, it is broken when it is touched, it can not play any value at all, and the only use is to make a fire. The extended meaning of this sentence is to scold a person for not seeking to learn and progress, quite a bit of mud can not support the wall of the meaning, the second half of this sentence "the wall of dung is not advisable" just echoes it, have to admire the wisdom of Confucius 'ya scolding'.

In history, there are 10 "elegant scoldings", scolding people without dirty words, and no culture really can't understand

The second sentence: The well frog cannot speak the sea, and the summer insect cannot speak of ice

On the surface, this sentence means that the frogs at the bottom of the well should not talk about the sea, because they have never seen the vastness of the sea; the summer bugs should not say ice, because they have not experienced winter and do not know what ice looks like. This sentence can be extended to two meanings: one is to say that the frog at the bottom of the well and the summer bug are people who have never seen the world, naturally do not have any profound insights, and the things they see in their eyes are very superficial.

Another meaning is to express the meaning of different taoisms and not conspiring. Imagine that a person with no experience must have no life experience, can not talk about any unique insights, nothing more than a cloud of people, such laymen do not pay attention to it. This sentence can be said to damage people uselessly, no wonder it is called "ya scolding".

In history, there are 10 "elegant scoldings", scolding people without dirty words, and no culture really can't understand

Third sentence: Many unrighteous deeds will kill themselves, and the children will treat them

This "ya scolding" is also a relatively common sentence, the meaning is very simple, very straightforward, that is, the literal meaning, if a person often does unrighteous things, he will inevitably kill himself, and if he does not believe, he will wait and see. This sentence is similar to the modern "The Heavenly Dao has reincarnation, and see who the heavens let go", on the one hand, it plays a role in vigilance, on the other hand, it expresses its subjective opinions, and the most important point is to have the effect of "venting anger", although it does not spit dirty words, but it has expressed its dissatisfaction.

The fourth sentence: Only women and villains are difficult to raise

In history, there are 10 "elegant scoldings", scolding people without dirty words, and no culture really can't understand

This sentence is also a sentence often heard, the woman and the villain are mentioned together, indicating that women are not easy to mess with like the villain. In fact, many people misunderstand this sentence, thinking that women are like villains who are unfamiliar white-eyed wolves.

In fact, the original intention of this sentence is to admonish people, women and villains are easy to let people lose their own existence, women's gentleness and charm are easy to make men lose their hearts, and villains will fool people, will make a person forget who they are, this is the original meaning of this sentence, but later was simply and rudely misinterpreted.

Fifth sentence: Old and not dead is for thieves

In history, there are 10 "elegant scoldings", scolding people without dirty words, and no culture really can't understand

If this sentence is understood literally, it is a blunt insult, but it does not spit dirty words, but it is also too fierce to listen to, making people think that older people are old and immortal, like thieves. In fact, there is also an element of misinterpretation in this sentence.

The original intention of this sentence is to remind people that if they do nothing when they are old, they have not left any assets for their children and grandchildren, and such people have no meaning even if they are alive. The implication is to exhort people to do more careers while they are young, otherwise they will have nothing and they will not be able to raise their heads in front of the next generation.

Sixth sentence: Do not let it die

In history, there are 10 "elegant scoldings", scolding people without dirty words, and no culture really can't understand

This sentence is Confucius's evaluation of Zhongyou's words, that he "must not die", this sentence is a bit difficult to understand. At that time, the speaking environment was that Confucius made a one-by-one evaluation of many of his disciples, thinking that other disciples would make achievements, but when he arrived at Zhongyu, he came here with a sentence that could not end well, which was quite a curse, how could a great master like Confucius not be able to live with his disciples?

In fact, the original meaning of this sentence is that Confucius is reminding Zhongyu to change his personality, otherwise he will not be able to end well. As a result, Confucius's kindness was later distorted as a curse of not dying well, and Confucius really expressed his innocence.

Seventh sentence: The rat has skin, and the man has no honor

In history, there are 10 "elegant scoldings", scolding people without dirty words, and no culture really can't understand

This sentence literally means that even rats have fur and use fur to cover up their shortcomings, how can people not pay attention to appearance? There is also a half sentence that gives the result: "Man without honor, what is not to die!" "If a person does not pay attention to even the most basic etiquette and appearance, it is better to die."

China has been a country of etiquette since ancient times, no matter what you do, you must pay attention to etiquette and shame, this is the basic standard of being a person, but also the bottom line, if there is no etiquette and shame in life, there is no point in living. This sentence is a real "ya scolding".

The eighth sentence: Ercao's body and name are destroyed, and the rivers and rivers are not wasted

In history, there are 10 "elegant scoldings", scolding people without dirty words, and no culture really can't understand

This sentence comes from the mouth of Du Fu, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, which means that when you people die and the lamp is extinguished, you still can't stop the long river of history from rolling forward. The implication is that you people have been fighting for fame and fortune all your life, unscrupulously flaunting yourself like a clown jumping beam, and in the end nothing will be left behind, and some people will live on for eternity, and people like you will not think about it.

This sentence is quite ironic, but also in the expression of Du Fu's dissatisfaction with some characters, literati scolding people will not spit dirty words, but there will be some historical allusions to insinuate "elegant scolding", people without culture must not understand the actual meaning, Du Fu is worthy of a generation of Dajia level figures, scolding people are such a mouthful of fragrance.

Sentence 9: 140,000 people were disarmed, and none of them were men

In history, there are 10 "elegant scoldings", scolding people without dirty words, and no culture really can't understand

This sentence came from the pen of Lady Fei Guifei Huaxin of the Later Shu Emperor Meng Chang during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, when she saw the 140,000 men led by the Emperor of the Shu Kingdom surrendered without a fight in the face of the enemy's invasion, she lamented that none of these people were men, even she, a woman, could not see the eyes, but you can imagine what kind of subjugation she had in her heart at that time: as a man to defend the country is the duty, the result is that even a woman is not as good as a woman, containing a great irony.

Sentence 10: Zhou Lang's clever plan to secure the world, lost his wife and folded the soldiers

In history, there are 10 "elegant scoldings", scolding people without dirty words, and no culture really can't understand

This sentence is a well-known sentence, which is a satire on Zhou Yu's calculations and attempts to take the lives of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang, but the result was that Zhuge Liang put it together, and finally lost his wife and folded the soldiers. This "elegant scolding" refers to those who are good at playing small and clever, like to be opportunistic, want to achieve self-interest through some improper means, and satirize their final fate of being empty of money. This phrase is often used today, sometimes for satire, sometimes for jokes, just to see what occasion it is used.

brief summary

Some of these ten "ya scolding" are more familiar, some are very unfamiliar, some can be used correctly, and some are misinterpreted, when you read these ten "ya scolding" and understand the correct meaning of the sentence, do you admire the profound knowledge of the ancients? Scolding people without spitting out dirty words, no culture really can't understand, after reading this article, do you feel that you have benefited a lot?

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