
The National Development and Reform Commission has once again stabilized coal prices Some coal mines in major producing areas have reduced prices by 100 yuan per ton


Shanghai, 10 Feb (Xinhua) -- On 10 February, the "Shanghai Securities News" published an article entitled "The National Development and Reform Commission Has Once Again Stabilized Coal Prices And Some Coal Mines in Major Producing Areas Have Reduced Prices by 100 Yuan per Ton." According to the article, in response to the continuous rise in coal prices after the Spring Festival, on the afternoon of February 9, the National Development and Reform Commission convened the energy authorities and related enterprises in Jin, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia and other places to hold a special meeting on coal price stability, and interviewed some enterprises with inflated prices.

After the news came out, the futures market quickly reacted, the main thermal coal contract 2205 from the rise to fall, yesterday's daily decline of 2.63% to close at 836.6 yuan / ton. In addition, several coal mines have lowered their prices that afternoon.

People who understand the situation of the meeting introduced to the Shanghai Securities News reporter that the meeting proposed that the recovery of coal production during the Spring Festival did not reach the high level previously expected, and relevant parties should accelerate the recovery of coal production, maintain the stability of market supply, and lay a good foundation for economic growth in the first quarter.

The meeting studied the problem of thermal coal futures rising too fast after the Spring Festival, and believed that it was contributed by a variety of factors. However, in the process of monitoring the spot price of coal, the relevant departments also found that there was a price increase at the pit mouth and the port spot. The meeting put forward rectification opinions for some coal mines with higher coal prices, and asked other coal mines to improve their understanding, strictly self-discipline, pay close attention to resuming work and production, and continue to stabilize coal prices.

In addition, the meeting stressed that at present, the coal storage of the national unified dispatch power plant remains above 165 million tons, an increase of more than 40 million tons over the same period last year, which is already at a high level of guarantee.

China Development Network also released a message on February 9 that as of January 30, the number of medium- and long-term coal contracts signed in 2022 has increased significantly year-on-year, and most provinces, autonomous regions and cities have achieved full coverage of coal for power generation and heating, and the current platform entry work has been completed. In order to further strengthen the supervision of the performance of medium- and long-term coal contracts and effectively improve the level of contract performance, recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and relevant parties jointly formed 15 verification working groups to comprehensively carry out special verification of the performance of medium- and long-term coal contracts in 2022, with the scope of verification to achieve full coverage of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, focusing on the signing rate of local coal resources and coal for power generation and heating, the quality of contract signing and the fulfillment of contracts, and effectively supervising and urging both supply and demand sides to strictly sign and perform contracts. Based on the data summary and verification, we will conduct interviews, notification, and accountability for typical cases of breach of contract, so as to enhance the awareness of all parties to perform the contract in good faith, and effectively play the role of medium- and long-term contracts as "stabilizers" for coal supply and prices.

The reporter learned from relevant parties that the relevant departments in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, one of the important coal-producing areas, have recently asked coal enterprises to seriously analyze the current supply and demand situation, strictly control the rise in coal prices, and ensure the stable and orderly development of the coal market. Companies that deliberately increase prices will be reported by the relevant departments for interviews. Several coal mines in Ordos lowered their prices on the afternoon of February 9, and the decline was generally around 100 yuan / ton.

Yang Jie, deputy director of the research department of the Yi Coal Research Institute, said in an interview with reporters that as the competent authorities continue to strengthen supervision of the coal market, coal production gradually recovers, and supply gradually increases, the trend of coal prices will once again stabilize. (End)

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