
The military dad in my eyes

author:Ōin Kojo

Text/Ning Baby

The military dad in my eyes

In 1970, his father was transferred to the General Political Department and the Ministry of Mass Work.

At that time, the director had already "pulled aside", and many things were presided over by several deputy directors. I can remember a few names, which Dad often mentioned. My father was in the army, and he had great respect for the old generals who had fought in the war, and these old Red Army soldiers my father had great respect!

At that time, there was a saying in Beijing: "The city of the air force, the temple of the navy, and the house of the general government are fooling around." There are only two "small buildings" in the Huangsi compound, so the directors all live in the courtyard, three entrances, and the door house lives in the guard class. There was a deputy director's wife who was also an old revolutionary, and it was said that he was scared by the weasel and schizophrenic! Later, my father was promoted, and my mother said that she would not go to live in the courtyard!

My father was willing to take me with him wherever he went, and I had been to these leaders, but at that time, I was extremely insensitive to politics and did not remember anything.

Soon the minister retired, my father proposed to be the head of the group work department, and soon, my father's group work department was changed to the liaison department, and my father's Fa Xiao became the minister, my father called him "old secret agent", he was a typical lurking in the Kuomintang army, plotted against a number of enemy troops, and made special merit. My father and he were iron brothers, and his wife and my mother were girlfriends who slept in a bed during the Southern Expedition and the Northern War! So my father always said to people, "Lao Tzu is fighting in the front, and you are dancing with beautiful women in your arms in the Kuomintang, why is it better than Lao Tzu cows"?

Leaving the Liaison Department, my father appointed the director of the Political Department directly under the General Political Department, and later changed to the director of the Direct Work Department, but many old subordinates used to call him "Director Li", I remember that when I was 18 years old, I was a class teacher, and immediately told him that I was also "Director Li"!

Dad had two very important jobs at that time: one was to work in the Air Force after "9/13". One is to travel all over Xinjiang to inspect the pacification forces.

After the "913" incident, my father suddenly disappeared, there was no news for several days, my mother got used to it and never asked. Who knew that I, a sick seedling, suddenly had a high fever, although I often had a fever, but in the middle of the night that day, I burned to 41 degrees! I was sober and confused.

My mother and my old aunt died quickly and there was no way, my family rules are particularly strict, my father does not allow casual use of the public car, my father is not there, there is no car to go to the hospital. I picked up the phone myself, let the switchboard answer the "No. 1 Station of the Central Military Commission", and after connecting it, I looked for my father, and the operator asked, Where are you? I said I was his daughter, and it was only then that I was transferred to Air Force No. 1, and the air force no. 1 operator said: The chief is in a meeting and cannot answer the phone. I hit it a few more times, and it was all this sentence, and I was on fire! Tell the switchboard "Please tell him that his daughter is dead"! However, I didn't die and my dad didn't come back.

A few days later, my dad was finally able to go home, but he was still nervous at work. Premier Zhou always called a meeting in the middle of the night, one o'clock, three o'clock, sometimes five o'clock, a phone call, my father immediately left, he fortunately has a good habit, three hours a day is enough, there is anytime to wake up at any time, sleep at any time to fall asleep.

The military dad in my eyes

The picture shows the family portraits of my parents and my brothers and sisters, and I am in the middle of the back row

alas! So how many years my eldest sister has been an emergency department doctor, until now, calling in the middle of the night to make sure she can answer immediately, and my second sister and I also slept five hours a day. Poor lady, every morning at five o'clock to get up with my father, still insomnia in the middle of the night, when she was seriously ill, sighed: I can finally sleep enough.

During his time in the Air Force, my father also participated in the liberation of many old cadres, many of whom were Red Army. My dad had been in the Air Force for more than a year and wanted to transfer to the Air Force.

Not long after, there was a rebellion against the Ili Russian nation in Xinjiang, more than 100,000 people rushed to the border and defected, and the army was afraid of problems. For more than a year, my father remembered the names of more than a dozen ethnic minorities in Xinjiang and took tu 154, il-14, and other various planes.

I still don't eat raisins! (Just because every time my father came back from Xinjiang, he brought a large box of raisins, ate too much, enough)

My father said very excitedly, he was at a certain border guard station, the station chief went to meet with the Indian army on a routine basis, my father waited, after a while, saw several people carrying the national flag, lined up to come back, did not expect the station commander to shout "Commissar Li, how did you come here"? My father was stunned, it turned out that it was my father's soldier in the old army in Xiamen!

My mom always said that my dad had no feelings! When my grandfather died, my father laughed and said, "This old stubborn head is finally dead"! In fact, he is also a little sad, because he is like my grandfather, and he is also an old stubborn!

Premier Zhou passed away, my father actually lay in bed and couldn't get up, I remember, he suddenly sat up and cried! I've seen him cry once in my life. Neither of her has passed away.

The military dad in my eyes

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