
"Marrying" is a woman's second birth

author:KK emotional story said

In the women's group, there is a well-known saying that is widely circulated: it is better to learn than to grow up, and it is better to look good than to marry well. Women, always have great expectations for marriage, there are material expectations, more spiritual pursuits, perhaps, their own dreams that have not been realized in half a life, women will always bet youth, happiness, health, pursuit, happiness to marriage, maybe some people can harvest fruitful fruits, such as a lucky son-in-law, one day the sparrow flew up the branches to become a phoenix, a common thing. Women see marriage as the only way to change the status quo, and marriage has become a golden birdcage for women and their eternal destination.

"Marrying" is a woman's second birth

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A good marriage is one in which you see the world through one person; a bad marriage is when you give up the world for one person!

But marrying someone, especially if you want to marry well, is a technical job, so you must have the vision of Bole Maxima to discover, to dig, to pick out your Prince Charming from the large number of suitors around you, and to enter the palace of marriage with him, and from then on jump on the branches, happy. The method of distinguishing whether a person is a garbage stock or a high-quality stock is really not practiced overnight, and it requires the experience of the Thousand Leaves Bush, the experience of the situation, and the countless people to read in order to achieve the above insight. But more people don't have such skills, so they can only close their eyes, make trembling bets, and bet on themselves.

"Marrying" is a woman's second birth

Most girls, in the face of their suitors, they are dazed, frightened, nervous, hesitant, after all, not doing math problems, A, B, C, D four answers, choose one, the answer is high, the wrong answer gets a low score, but so. But to marry someone, once you identify him, perhaps, the situation of this life, good or bad, will be hanged on this tree, and choosing a partner is more difficult than any mathematical problem in the world.

Marry a person, meet your own true destiny, love each other from now on, grow old with a white head, be uncomfortable, and make a lot of money; or soon after, Lao Yan will fly apart, and from then on, he will have a grudge, and he will not interact with each other and lose a few years of time. The mystery in this depends on luck, like David sleeping at the well, the robber has come, the high-ranking official has come, the noble lady has come, and see if you can open your eyes at the right time and hold the hand of fate tightly. Second, depending on the woman's vision, maybe the person you love is a villain, a villain, when you encounter people who are unladylike and can't see through, you will be delayed for life, and you will lose all your money.

"Marrying" is a woman's second birth

Standing in front of the threshold of marriage, we are not only at a loss, should we marry or not? Is this man reliable? Will he hurt me as much as ever? Will he change his mind? Will he be responsible? Will he fall in love with another woman?

Marriage is the deserted sea where no needle has ever been found in the way - Heine said that everyone is the only one who travels in it, sweet and sour, like people drinking water, cold and warm self-knowledge. Before you are married, it is impossible to know whether he is suitable for you, will not change his heart, will not hurt you, will there be a lot of vices, all of this, after your decision, can be revealed one by one, just like a piece of clothing, when you buy, you can not know whether it will fade, wrinkles, or hairballs, until one day found that fading, wrinkled, hairball, only regret up, but, you have worn the old, you can not go to exchange the goods to return, and people are not goods, If you find a flaw or a place that is not satisfactory, you can return and replace it at will, and if you want to return it, it will hurt your bones and bones, and it will hurt very much, and you must also leave a mark with great fanfare and heavy ink. Marriage is like a shoe, no matter what, no one wants to leave a bad shoe mark in this world forever.

A friend complained to me: In the face of the marriage proposal of her boyfriend who has been obsessed with her boyfriend for many years, she is dazed, hesitant, and does not know what to do? It is said that this man is his mother's obedient son, never goes out after 10 o'clock at night, and his mother makes a phone call, whether he is in the movie theater with his girlfriend or in the park, he will obediently go home, "My mother will say mine!" He always said that. Filial piety should be encouraged by everyone, but who has the courage to marry such a man who does not have any self-assertive opinions? The mother-in-law is still good, if she encounters a cruel and unreasonable evil woman, won't this be ruined? If you marry him, don't say that you love to get along with him, and don't turn your eyes into a vendetta!

"Marrying" is a woman's second birth

A close friend in the boudoir always complains: the two live together unmarried, how well the boyfriend treats her, washes and cooks and mops the house, packs the house, and covers everything, which is simply more diligent than the Filipino maid. Both people are the age to be married, and the family is pressed tightly, but she is hesitant to marry him? It is said that this man has a gentle personality, and the two people live warmly, as if they have lived together for hundreds of years. She said that what she wanted to do most was to quarrel with him, or even make a little scandal with this man, so that she would have a chance to make a fuss, such a warm and watery man, or would he marry him?

The neighbor sister held her aunt the night before the wedding, crying for a long time, I know that she is not unwilling, she just feels nervous and afraid of the future, marriage is like a boat, from then on to take the helm to exercise on the sea that has never been seen before, storms and waves, reef icebergs, unpredictable prospects, people are miserable and afraid! The aunt put the ring on her sister's finger and said words of comfort, as if to transmit the hope of one generation to another.

"Marrying" is a woman's second birth

Yes, an inch before the pace of life is darkness, and there are unexpected traps in the pinnacle of happiness, shakespeare Jun issued such a sigh hundreds of years ago! Women, facing what they love and love themselves, will always carefully consider, do I want to marry this person? Will I be happy? Is this man really reliable? Some things, we ourselves are the size and standard of measurement, no one will come to an accurate judgment, marrying someone, is a gambling career, choose to marry him, or make a lot of money, or lose a fine. Women are sensual, and naturally want to be sheltered, loved, surrounded by happiness, always want to get more and longer love and happiness, try to always hold on to everything they have now, or try to dream more things, women like flowers, need people to take good care of him, you choose to marry him will be a good florist?

"Marrying" is a woman's second birth

If young, handsome, goldy, highly educated, responsible men are gold, then in this world, there is more sand, some sand can be sharpened into pearls, and some can only become dust. Women, with the mood of a gamble, choose their own gravel, put it in their hearts, this past years, after a period of time, with spirit and flesh, grinding out a brilliant pearl, such a woman is lucky.

In the process of marriage, only by playing the cards in her hand can a woman become the biggest winner of this gamble! All the women are shouting: Marry a good man! Marrying someone is a woman's second birth, can she wait for idleness?

If a man is a jade to be sold, then a woman is the wine to be poured, brewing her own concentration with a lifetime, waiting only for the pouring of that moment.