
From teaching for 38 years, only according to the title to see the pay? This is not a misunderstanding, this is a disgrace to the rank review!

author:Light exam for teachers

Lao Decadence is a retired village teacher for twelve years, who has been teaching at the township central primary school for 38 years. The title system of primary school language first-level titles should be abolished, which does more harm than good and is extremely unjust.

My students (less than ten years of teaching experience) with the same conditions as me have been hired to a small high school.

From teaching for 38 years, only according to the title to see the pay? This is not a misunderstanding, this is a disgrace to the rank review!

From teaching for 38 years, only according to the title to see the pay? This is not a misunderstanding, this is a disgrace to the rank review!

The teacher title system began in 1986, and it has been 32 years to this day, and the teacher title system has been improved for decades, but there are still many drawbacks.

First, the wage difference between different titles is getting bigger and bigger, when the title system first began, the difference between different titles was only one dollar, and now, the difference between different titles has reached several thousand.

Second, the lifelong system of professional titles has made many teachers who have been rated with senior titles relax, do not think of making progress, and once and for all. It also makes the tired and tired teachers complain.

Third, the conditions for evaluating titles are too restrictive, and there are too many bonus items, resulting in ordinary teachers having difficulty in having the opportunity to evaluate senior titles, and the resentment is very large.

Fourth, the quota restriction has led to some schools not having advanced indicators for many years, only waiting for old teachers to retire, and the hopelessness of evaluation titles has made many teachers complain.

The title system has been reforming and improving, but it seems impossible to cancel, at present many places have adopted a three-level and nine-file title system, to a certain extent, reducing the salary gap between grades, it is said that the direction of the future reform is the administrative level leaders withdraw from the teacher evaluation series, there will undoubtedly be a few more senior titles, but it is far from solving the needs of senior titles.

Diluting the salary of professional titles, using teaching experience to get paid, and using performance salary to evaluate is the common wish of ordinary teachers.

From teaching for 38 years, only according to the title to see the pay? This is not a misunderstanding, this is a disgrace to the rank review!

First, let's talk about the title

1. The titles of primary and secondary schools in China are from the anti-illumination university, and the evaluation of teachers' titles is unique to China. The titles of university teachers are mainly divided into four levels: teaching assistant, lecturer, associate professor and professor.

2. The system for evaluating the titles of primary and secondary school teachers in China was established in 1986. At that time, it was stipulated that the highest title of secondary school teacher was deputy high, and the title of primary school teacher was up to intermediate, and now that there has been a change, primary school teachers can also be rated as deputy high.

2. Performance pay

1. Originated in the United States.

2, in order to supervise and accountability at all levels. To put it simply, it is to directly refine the problem of education to a certain department and a certain body, so as to pursue responsibility and prescribe the right medicine.

3. Educational accountability in the United States is carried out from multiple levels and perspectives, and these aspects are all interconnected as a whole: the accountability of state governments, school districts, principals, and teachers.

4. Not the promulgation of education policy documents. Instead, it is tested by numerous professional think tanks and countless scientific teams through various methods of large-scale testing of the quality of education.

5. Teacher performance evaluation is only one of the types of educational accountability.

6. From the states to each teacher, the use of performance pay evaluation is voluntary, not mandatory.

7. The purpose of performance evaluation: teacher professional development assessment, rather than being linked to teachers' salaries.

Iii. Although we have borrowed the American method of educational accountability, we have not been able to do so for the following reasons:

1. There is no clear responsibility for departments and individuals, and all kinds of ambiguity and entanglement.

2, education accountability is a system, not a part of the mass production. And we only grasp the fraction of this part now, the teacher is the engine of this system, but this engine is burning oil, the heavier the load, the less maintenance, and the operator of this machine can only hehe.

3. We have a blank space in the evaluation of education accountability and professional institutions, and we cannot provide scientific and credible materials.

4. Replace the system with slogans, so that education has changed its flavor. For example, "burden reduction" has become "pressure mountain", "Teacher's Day" has become "teacher robbery", and teachers are the most "light" and "gray" occupations under the sun...

5. Lack of scientific attention to student growth. For example, the phrase "rewards are more effective than punishments" makes it a "juvenile protection" for students to make mistakes. And these students are like three no vehicles on the highway, persuasion is the solution? It's also a system where departments work together, rather than one size fits all.

Another example is the slogan: "Cultivate students' creativity", let me ask: Can creativity be cultivated? Is it still called creativity?

From teaching for 38 years, only according to the title to see the pay? This is not a misunderstanding, this is a disgrace to the rank review!

When a monk hits the clock one day, reading the same sutra but drinking different porridge, the current teacher title is like "a pot of porridge", no matter how it is divided, it can not meet the needs of the majority of teachers, nor can it well reflect the true teaching level and work ability of teachers.

The title is evaluated, and the grades are done, but the level of the title does not reflect the hard work of a teacher to a certain extent.

The sadness and loss of the unappraised, the loss of enthusiasm for the work of the teacher; the elation of the appraisal once and for all, the treatment of the work of the teacher has become lazy.

The title system was originally to improve the enthusiasm of teachers, but now it has become a stumbling block between teachers, for the title, the contradiction between teachers has intensified, for the title, the noble profession of teachers has also become profitable, for the title, the original unity and harmony of the working atmosphere has also been destroyed.

It has greatly dampened the enthusiasm and sense of achievement of front-line teachers. A lifetime title salary does not guarantee the same hard work as ever. Titles and salaries are closely related to the vital interests of every active and retired teacher.

An old teacher once had such a view on the title: "Fighting with the sky and fighting with the earth, fighting for more than 30 years, spending most of the teaching energy, so far there are still many like me, but those who are evaluated are engaged in administration and leadership."

Why teachers are disgusted with the evaluation title, the teacher title has existed for decades, and there have been many problems.

First of all, it makes the distribution according to work become the distribution according to the title.

Titles and salaries are strictly linked, more work is not necessarily to take more, less is not necessarily to take the least, do not have to do not necessarily have no, many front-line teachers work diligently but can not be rated as senior titles can not get the income they deserve, some teachers rated on the senior titles but do not go to class, so that the highest ideal of being a teacher has become a title instead of education, if the title and money are out of the relationship, it is estimated that there will be no fight for the title.

Secondly, the evaluation conditions of professional titles, the distribution is not scientific and unfair.

The evaluation of professional titles is indispensable to various conditions such as papers and computers, which makes some elderly teachers how to do, and in the distribution of professional title indicators, some rural areas are few and pitiful, or even none, which will not only not promote the development of teachers' careers, but also make rural education can not be well developed.

In addition, in order to obtain professional titles, some teachers do not hesitate to please the leaders and take improper means; for the titles, they will find someone to buy papers and academic fraud, etc., so that the original pure and serious education has become unsaminal.

The title may be cancelled, but the road is still very long, the current title reform is carried out in an orderly manner, efficient, reliable and scientific teacher evaluation system and fair and reasonable salary distribution system will gradually improve, I believe that the profession of teachers will become a truly enviable profession.

From teaching for 38 years, only according to the title to see the pay? This is not a misunderstanding, this is a disgrace to the rank review!

Why abolish the title of teacher, and what is the benefit of abolishing the title of teacher for teachers.

After all, teachers are technical personnel, of course, there must be technical titles, otherwise how can excellent young teachers stand out. Although there is an unhealthy trend in the evaluation of job titles, it does not exist when asking about the in-service evaluation of that industry.

Is there no selection of academicians of the two academies, and why does no one want to cancel it.

Isn't the doctor's evaluation, and how no one wants to cancel it.

Why should the title of teacher be abolished. In teaching, teachers should optimize the teaching process, of course, to take high-quality classes, summarize teaching experience, write teaching reflections, and engage in teaching research.

If you can't take quality classes and can't write teaching reflections, are you a teaching expert? Do you want to cancel the title?

It is safe to say that the title of teacher is impossible to cancel within ten years, and even if it is canceled, it will be said in another way, and it will definitely divide the teacher into three, six, nine and so on.

Not only is it impossible to cancel, but over time, the conditions for the evaluation of titles will become more and more numerous, and the procedures will become more and more complicated.

In terms of changes in recent years, there are many newly added provisions, such as: class teacher work experience, rural school teaching experience, and so on.

The starting point for the evaluation of professional titles is to encourage teachers to do their jobs well and make outstanding contributions.

Therefore, the title is also linked to salary. In case, some teachers who can be rated by professional titles rely on conscientiousness, hard work, and have also produced certain results, which is worth affirming.

However, the paper requirements in the title evaluation, I think it does not have much to do with the teacher's own work, after all, the teacher is engaged in teaching and educating people, not engaged in scientific research work, and it is not easy to really get a few papers to be published in core journals, nor can ordinary people achieve.

So now the chaos of paying for publishing houses for job titles abounds, and it has lost its proper meaning.

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From teaching for 38 years, only according to the title to see the pay? This is not a misunderstanding, this is a disgrace to the rank review!