
good news! Shandong Radio and Television Station's "Little Celebrity of Chinese Studies (Season 4)" won the third quarter of 2021 Radio and Television Innovation and Excellence Program

author:Lightning News

Original title: Good news! Shandong Radio and Television Station's "Little Celebrity of Chinese Studies (Season 4)" won the third quarter of 2021 Radio and Television Innovation and Excellence Program

Source: Lightning News

On February 9, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television issued the Notice on Announcing Radio and Television Innovation and Excellence Programs in the Third Quarter of 2021. Among them, Shandong Radio and Television Station's "Little Celebrity of Chinese Studies (Fourth Season)" won the third quarter of 2021 Radio and Television Innovation and Excellence Program.

good news! Shandong Radio and Television Station's "Little Celebrity of Chinese Studies (Season 4)" won the third quarter of 2021 Radio and Television Innovation and Excellence Program

The circular pointed out that after the selection organized by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, 9 radio programs such as "Ode" of the Central Radio and Television Corporation and the "Red Chamber of Peking University" of the Beijing Radio and Television Station, and 12 tv programs such as the "China National Treasure Conference" of the Central Radio and Television Station and the "Shining Oriental" of jiangxi radio and television station were identified as "radio and television innovation and excellence programs in the third quarter of 2021".

The circular pointed out that in the third quarter of 2021, radio and television focused on the theme of the centenary of the founding of the party, launched a series of excellent programs that vividly praised the party, praised the motherland, praised the people, and praised the heroes, carried forward the great spirit of party building, told the red story in a form that the audience liked to hear, sang the good main theme of the Communist Party of China, and created a strong atmosphere of celebrating the centennial birthday and jointly forging the great cause of history. In addition, some programs focus on the themes of China's excellent traditional culture, rural revitalization, life services, etc., and strive to innovate and strive for excellence in ideological connotation, artistic standards, and forms of expression, and achieve good social benefits and communication effects.

The circular demands that radio and television broadcasting institutions at all levels should conscientiously study and learn from the good practices and good experiences of these programs, further implement the new development concept, actively promote the innovation and excellence of radio and television programs, create and produce more fine works that carry forward the core socialist values, praise the people, and record the times, show new responsibilities in casting the soul of Bacon, and show new deeds in keeping the right and innovating.

good news! Shandong Radio and Television Station's "Little Celebrity of Chinese Studies (Season 4)" won the third quarter of 2021 Radio and Television Innovation and Excellence Program
good news! Shandong Radio and Television Station's "Little Celebrity of Chinese Studies (Season 4)" won the third quarter of 2021 Radio and Television Innovation and Excellence Program
good news! Shandong Radio and Television Station's "Little Celebrity of Chinese Studies (Season 4)" won the third quarter of 2021 Radio and Television Innovation and Excellence Program
good news! Shandong Radio and Television Station's "Little Celebrity of Chinese Studies (Season 4)" won the third quarter of 2021 Radio and Television Innovation and Excellence Program

As a strong cultural output program of Shandong Satellite TV, the fourth season of "Little Masters of Traditional Chinese Studies" takes the thick Qilu culture as the foundation, takes Mencius as the guide, uses the pioneering and exemplary deeds of the new era to explain the significance of Mencius's spirit to contemporary society, interprets the depth and breadth of Mencius's thought with nine programs, and feels the charm of the lasting innovation of traditional Chinese culture.

The program invites more than 30 groups of well-known cultural scholars, outstanding youth representatives and industry role models to create a series of expressions that young people like to hear by creating short videos, talk shows, mini games, etc., combined with holographic projection, virtual studios, AR technology and other TV variety shows and innovative expressions, and uses the way of performing talk shows to create a vivid and distinctive open class to the little celebrities on the spot and the audience in front of the screen.

Source: Lightning News

Editor of this article: Liu Lyric

Reviewer: Jie Zhang

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