
Heavenly Demon Chaos (short article)

author:Hundreds of miles depend on each other

"Dream mystery"

I walked many roads in my dreams and woke up in bed.

Crazy, I call it dreaming. The creation of the heavens and the earth, the mystery of the invasion of the sun and the moon. After falling asleep, the ghosts are unbearable.

People laugh at me for being crazy, and I laugh at others who can't see through it. There is no tomb of Wuling Haojie, no flowers and no wine hoes for the field.

When you find out that everyone around you is crazy, it is actually you who are crazy.

A smart person who has gone crazy once will never go crazy a second time. I'm stupid, I'm crazy again.

I dream a lot, and I love to dream. Every time I wake up from a dream, everything I experience disappears.

Every time I fall asleep, it is a test for me, a choice for me to face my heart.

I once dreamed of my old self achieving nothing, nothing to rely on. If you continue like this, the nightmare will probably become a reality.

Waste your time and regret it, and shame for doing nothing. Wake up! Don't sleep!

Zombie Siege

I thought the zombie siege was just a legend, until I opened my eyes and saw zombies all over the city. The earth is a huge prison, the house is a prison, the car is a prison, the body is a prison, where is the freedom?

I'm a zombie, no ideals, no career, the walking dead, muddy. There are many zombies like me around, I don't know whether zombies are besieging the city or the city is imprisoning zombies, anyway, it is extremely difficult to live.

In this city full of zombies, one day I woke up and found myself different. You narrow-minded human beings are just a bunch of inactive zombies. My ambition is far beyond the ordinary, so I don't want to go along with you.

I thought there was a man on earth who could be called God, and I wanted to find him and replace him. After several struggles, I realized that the so-called God was me, that I was him and not him, that he was me and not me. Heaven and earth are solipsistic, to the effect that.

I don't know about the other crazy people, anyway, I think the world revolves around me, I am the savior of the world, the only true God in the world, it is terrible. "Is your sister crazy?" "She's not crazy, she's mentally ill."

I believe there is a God in this world, and just as I know that there is a devil in this world. What a desperate world this is. Destroy, the devil wants to bury! I want to break the old order and become the god of the new world.

If God wants to destroy anyone, he must first make them crazy. I thought I could turn the tide, but step by step into the endless abyss. I lost, I lost completely.

I could only see the green leaves and sunlight outside through the closed window, and could only get up at the stipulated time to go to bed and watch boring TV. I could no longer walk into the wide Spring City Square, could not see Walmart's dazzling merchandise, and could not face the girls I missed day and night. The frog at the bottom of the well, sitting in the well and watching the sky.

"Do you have someone you like?" "People? I haven't seen anyone, and I'm surrounded by zombies. "Your horizon is too dark!" "The world gave me black eyes, so..." "So you're blind." Without going through hardships, it is difficult for a person to understand his own value. Cherish every minute of your life, live up to your years and live up to your youth.

"Heavenly Demon Chaos"

People come into this world with some kind of mission. My mission is to meet you there and pass by.

From today on you are my person, if someone bullies you will report my name, I am the Heavenly Demon Emperor. Give me ten thousand years, long live, understand the wrong and right. As soon as you came, I still couldn't fly with my wings.

How are immortals and demons divided? Simply put, immortals are perfect, demons are mutilated. There is no absolute imperfection and perfection in the world, some demons will cultivate into immortals, and some immortals will degenerate into demons.

Immortals and demons lurk among all sentient beings, and how many people in the world have spent their whole lives, I don't know why. Be kind to everyone around you and grasp your own opportunity.

The demon is the apex of the big demon, the demon is not normal, the demon is very abnormal. I'm a demon, a little demon, good bragging. In reality, I am just a humble little person, but in the virtual I am an arrogant Heavenly Demon Emperor. One day, I will be at the top of the world. I want to be a demon in a troubled world, and the world is different because of me.

Who would believe that today's Heavenly Demon Ten Thousand Emperors were once also the body of the Immortals. Ever since I fell into a dream, I was surrounded by fairies and mortals. I couldn't tell who I was, but just watched indifferently at what was happening. "Immortals? monster? Thank you! ”

My life has stumbled and it is already difficult to get on track. Only when the deviant path and the sword goes sideways, can it be possible to fight for a future. As the Heavenly Demon Emperor, I want to start cultivating the Ten Thousand Demons Heart Sutra. Everyone in the world is sick, all thoughts are bitter, and everyone is very evil. I want to gather the demons of all sentient beings, refine the red dust in my heart, and cultivate the immortal and immortal body. "After all this, he said that he was not crazy."

Doomsday Guardian

We are by your side and always with you.

The person who can see the end of the world must be a very great person.

I am the son of a demon who has destroyed the world, and I have seen the end of the world.

When I should have moved my heart, I was dead in my heart and lost everything.

I thought I had nothing, but then I realized I was wrong and that I had a wonderful world.

This is a world that I will guard with my life, because of you, because of you.

Because you will not give up, I will not give up this world again.