
Driving in no man's land meets wolves, is it safe to hide in the car?

author:Mr. Two said


Driving in no man's land meets wolves, is it safe to hide in the car?

(Wild wolves prey on calves)

小牛犊崽子‬那‬凄惨‬而‬无助‬的‬咩咩‬声引起了‬‬老太太‬的‬注意‬,她‬还‬以为‬是谁家‬的‬狗这么大‬胆‬,竟然‬‬跑来‬‬咬‬牛崽‬子‬,瞬间‬暴脾气‬就‬上来‬了‬。 她‬大步‬上前‬,朝‬着这条‬“‬大狗‬”就是‬一个‬天残脚‬,结果‬这家伙‬不但没有‬嗷嗷‬的跑掉‬,反而‬一口‬咬住‬了‬她‬的‬腿不放‬,‬一下就‬把‬‬‬她‬拖倒‬在地‬。


Driving in no man's land meets wolves, is it safe to hide in the car?

(The old lady chopped you)

Dude you have a wrench in your car don't you? Do you have the courage to drive to no man's land, and the fighting power and courage are not as good as a 56-year-old lady?

而‬下面‬这个‬哥们‬儿‬那真是‬有‬张飞‬之勇猛‬。 在‬2015年的‬冬天‬,一个38岁‬吉尔吉斯斯坦的放羊汉子‬‬正‬品‬着‬二锅头‬哼着歌‬,那双‬迷离的眼睛突然‬看到见‬一只‬狼‬在‬撕咬‬自己‬得的‬羊‬。 真的‬是酒壮怂人胆‬,这‬哥们挥舞着‬俩‬拳头乌拉乌拉‬的‬‬就‬冲‬上去了,他‬对着‬狼‬就是‬一顿‬暴击‬。 ‬

Driving in no man's land meets wolves, is it safe to hide in the car?

(Labor strangles you)

Holding the grass, they all said, "Friends come with wine and meat, and evil wolves come with shotguns." But this man actually went up and grabbed the wolf's neck with his bare hands, and this wolf brother He had suffered such an insult, and he turned his head in anger and bit off one of the man's fingers. I have to say that wine can sometimes really strengthen the courage, and this brother did not retreat timidly, but directly wrestled with the wolf. In a fight, the man directly strangled the wolf and tied it up and brought it back to the village for everyone to visit.

Driving in no man's land meets wolves, is it safe to hide in the car?

(Wolf caught alive)

Fortunately, the dude was dressed and pants thick, and except for the beginning of being bitten off a finger, the wolf's bite behind him did not hurt him. 遥想武松当年‬打虎,如果没有喝那‬18碗老白干,估计早就命丧虎口了。


话说‬这是‬一匹‬来自‬北方‬的‬狼‬,在黎明时候来到俄罗斯南部的一个村庄,这家伙竟然‬来‬‬祸害‬妇女‬。 就在‬女人被‬恶狼‬扑倒‬在地的‬时候,这女人‬养的‬一条‬大公狗冲出来与‬狼‬搏斗‬。 我就‬想不通‬这狗‬的‬耳朵和‬嗅觉‬‬不是特‬灵敏‬吗? 早‬干嘛‬去啦?

Driving in no man's land meets wolves, is it safe to hide in the car?

(Dog vs Wolf)

这时‬,一向‬注意‬女邻居‬动向‬的‬‬隔壁‬老王‬听到狗叫‬声‬明显‬与‬往日不同‬,于是‬迅速‬跑过来‬查看情况‬‬。 当他‬看到‬狼了‬以后‬就‬抓‬起‬一根‬棍子‬就来‬打狼,结果‬棍子‬太细‬断了‬,而‬狼因为‬自己‬的‬好事‬被‬破坏而‬‬变得非常‬激怒,连续咬了他好‬几口。

老王‬气坏了‬,丢掉‬棍子后‬直接‬把‬狼‬按在‬地上就是‬‬一顿‬摩擦,然后‬掐着‬狼的‬脖子一边‬口吐芬芳‬的怒骂,一边‬用‬膝盖‬顶‬狼‬的‬肚子‬。 大约‬半小时‬,狼伸出‬了鲜红‬的‬舌头‬,慢慢‬的‬‬停止‬了‬动静‬‬‬。

Driving in no man's land meets wolves, is it safe to hide in the car?

(Wolf strangled to death)

不知道‬老王‬此举‬是否‬赢得‬女邻居‬的‬芳心‬,但是‬可以看出‬,单只‬狼‬并不是‬多么‬可怕‬。 正常‬的‬成年‬男子只要‬‬冷静‬一点,顺手‬抽‬出‬皮带‬‬都能‬把‬它‬打‬成‬夹尾巴‬狗一样‬。 那‬躲在‬车里‬了更是‬无需担心了‬‬,等‬狼‬靠近‬后‬猛‬的‬一按‬喇叭可以‬把‬狼‬吓得‬尿‬都‬滴‬出来‬,‬要是‬开车‬追‬它‬一下‬,这个狼‬就‬慌‬如‬丧家‬之狗‬连滚带爬,恨不得‬自己‬有‬8条腿‬。


Driving in no man's land meets wolves, is it safe to hide in the car?

(Wolf Hunt)

Therefore, if you encounter a lone wolf in no man's land, you don't have to pay attention to it at all, and it doesn't have the courage to take the initiative to attack. If you encounter wolves, don't try to go head-to-head with them, they won't talk about martial arts. 趁它们还不是很饿,咱‬还是‬赶紧开车走人,群狼对行驶中车辆兴趣并不是太大。 如果你是抛锚了,哥们儿只能说生火可以驱狼,赶紧爬到‬树上‬呼叫救援吧,希望救援人员赶到之前你还是完整的。

Here, I would also like to remind everyone that it is illegal to enter no man's land without the approval of the relevant departments. Don't enter no man's land at will in pursuit of so-called excitement, you will lose your life there!

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