
Old objects you are familiar with, post them and share your story

author:Pastoral Yaodu

The stars shift, the sun and the moon are like shuttles, the utensils we use also keep pace with the times, or are improved on its basis, or have been replaced by new and more practical ones, some exist for a long time, some are almost a transition, short-lived, we are not so much obsessed with the beauty of old objects, but rather nostalgic for the old time. The old objects carry not only household use, but also bits and pieces that happened at that time, I don't know which one touched you? Welcome to send out pictures of your old objects in the comments section and share your life with everyone.

Old objects you are familiar with, post them and share your story

A tool for hand-pressing honeycomb coal

Old objects you are familiar with, post them and share your story

The girder used for sowing generally requires three people to operate, one person to support the rope, one person to thread the seed, and one person to lead the cattle

Old objects you are familiar with, post them and share your story


Old objects you are familiar with, post them and share your story


Old objects you are familiar with, post them and share your story

Picture tube black and white TV

Old objects you are familiar with, post them and share your story

Donkey bibs

Old objects you are familiar with, post them and share your story

Cotton pliers for pulling cotton wood

Old objects you are familiar with, post them and share your story

Ink bucket for carpenters

Old objects you are familiar with, post them and share your story


Old objects you are familiar with, post them and share your story

Powder sprayer, at that time mainly used to spray six six powder

Old objects you are familiar with, post them and share your story

Dry battery flashlight

Old objects you are familiar with, post them and share your story

Hand drills used by carpenters

Old objects you are familiar with, post them and share your story

Foreign muskets

(Welcome to leave a message and send you an old object you know)

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