
How to live this life without money and abundance?

author:Qin Shuo's circle of friends
How to live this life without money and abundance?
How to live this life without money and abundance?

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How to live this life without money and abundance?

I think it depends on where you have lived, for example, in the ancient city area of Suzhou.

It also depends on when it passed, for example, in Suzhou in the Ming Dynasty.

Of course, the most important thing is to see who is living, such as the all-rounder Wen Zhengming, who can live this life poorly and satisfactorily. He used his own poetry, calligraphy and painting, 90-year-old longevity, and a healthy and good lifestyle to practice the "long-term doctrine" that we often talk about today.

But his confidant and friend of the same era, Tang Yin, could not live like this. Tang Yin has an ancient talent, and after several life changes, he died of illness. His life has ups and downs, more dramatic and topical, so he has been written into opera novels by posterity, and he has lived more in people's hearts.

Wen Zhengming and Tang Yin are two different "Suzhou legends". The former is an everyday legend, the latter is a legend of talent. These two legends reflect and shine on each other in Suzhou in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, which pursues secular enjoyment and ultimate aesthetics.

How to live this life without money and abundance?

| Tang Yin x Mountain Road Song Sound Map

How to live this life without money and abundance?

Gate "Ming" month

This year is the Year of the Tiger, during the New Year walking in the ancient city of Suzhou, Fengqiao, Zhangmen, Zhuanzhu Lane, Wu Xiangfang... Drink tea in the art garden and shelter from the rain in front of the temple. These streets and alleys are winding and strange. Suzhou has a history of 2,500 years, whether it is Zhangmen, Tiger Hill, Fengqiao... The story of several dynasties can be told everywhere.

Tiger Hill has a tomb sword pond in the Spring and Autumn Period, and there are also romantic legends of Zhu Zhishan and Tang Yin dressing up as beggars to beg for wine; the Zhuanzhu Alley under the Gate was originally a memorial to the assassin Zhuanzhu, who was recorded in the "History of History" for the assassination of Wu Wangzhu by the "Fish Intestine Sword", and the Zhuanxiang was also a gathering place for handicraft craftsmen in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and many antique fakes of calligraphy and paintings with fakes and realities came from here. During the Jiajing period, there was a famous forgery "Qingming River Map" here, and even at that time, it also triggered a shocking and bloody case.

Suzhou of each dynasty has its own unique beauty. However, if I could cross, I would choose to cross to Suzhou in the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty is the most Suzhou dynasty, Suzhou is the fashion center of the country, people's popular eating, clothing, living, lifestyle, daily utensils are called "Su-like"; Gusu City was listed by the ming gentry celebrities as one of the five major metropolises that must be visited in the world, people wear Su-style clothing, learn Su Bai, sing Wu songs, lead to pride; people watch Su opera, drink Su wine, Suzhou winemaking industry developed at that time, Gu Jia San Bai, Qiu Lu Bai and other yellow wine are the fine products of the time; Suzhou gardens have been built, prevalent collection of calligraphy, paintings, antiques, handicrafts, Banquets among literati became popular, the "middle class" began to rise, and the entire city paid great attention to the aesthetics of daily life. In short, the "Su-style life" of the Ming Dynasty is in today's parlance – full of the "sense of ritual" of everyday life.

In "Dream of the Red Chamber", Zhangmen is known as the land of wealth and wealth. Tang Yin's poems also often describe The Gate: "The three thousand buildings of the Cui Lou are up and down, and the gold and white water are in the west and east." Inside and outside the Gate of the Ming Dynasty, many literati lived, chanted, feasted, and gathered here, and when I walked under the Gate, the pictures of Suzhou of the Ming Dynasty slowly unfolded to me, and the literati and celebrities of that dynasty also came to mind one by one.

Among them, Wen Zhengming and Tang Yin are the two most famous, they were born in the same year, the zodiac belongs to the tiger, they are proficient in calligraphy, painting and poetry, and they are lifelong confidants and friends with each other. But the two have very different personalities, one genius is world-class and uninhibited, and the other is upright and rigorous, indifferent and gentle. One died of lung disease in his early fifties, and the other lived to be 90 years old, and when writing epitaphs for others, he put down his brush and died peacefully, just like a high-ranking monk.

In his poems, Tang Yin once used "埙箎" as a metaphor for his friendship with Wen Zhengming. "埙箎" is taken from the "Book of Poetry And Xiao ya": "Bo's blowing, Zhong's blowing". Both 埙 and 篪 are both musical instruments, 埙 is pear-shaped, 篪 is flute-shaped, although the shape is different, but the pronunciation principle is the same, the silver is similar, and they are played together in harmony. Tang Yin used the metaphor of 埙箎 to say that although he and Wen Zhengming have very different personalities, they are like brothers and are harmonious inside.

Different personalities determine different destiny directions and shape different legends.

How to live this life without money and abundance?
How to live this life without money and abundance?

Talent legend Tang Bohu

Tang Yin is a legend of talent, and Wen Zhengming is a legend of daily life. One stunning but short-lived, one bland but timeless. The legend of talent cannot be copied, requires extreme talent and efficient effort, it is a "decimal" in "big data", it belongs to a very small number of people on the normal distribution.

Tang Yin was born in the well of Wu Xiangfang City, Zhangmen, and his family opened a tavern, which belonged to the relatively rich middle class at that time. He belongs to the tiger, is the eldest in the family, and has a brother and a sister below, so the word Bohu. He grew up with no worries about food and clothing, and he was talented and intelligent, and when he was thirteen or fourteen years older, Zhu Zhishan, who was ten years older than him, heard about this "genius child" and intended to make friends. Zhu Zhishan is not an ordinary person, he wrote big characters at the age of five, he could write poetry at the age of nine, his grandfather and maternal grandfather were all well-known Confucians at that time, Zhu Zhishan was famous for his poetic calligraphy in suzhou in his twenties.

Tang Yin is not only talented, he is also diligent and hardworking. And his efforts are efficient. Tang Yin lagged behind in the family way, and only invested one year in practicing the Imperial Examination Script, during which he converged on his mind, read behind closed doors, and repeatedly practiced the Eight Strands of Writing. Subsequently, Tang Yin learned about Yuan in the Nanjing Township Examination. It is said that the admission rate was between three and five percent, and Zhu Zhishan, who was also a talented teenager, participated in the Nanjing Township Examination five times before he was selected. Not to mention Wen Zhengming, the township test could not be won nine times.

Later generations wrote biographies of Tang Yin, saying that there were two Tang Bohu: one was Tang Bohu, a talented man, the dashing and crazy Peach Blossom Master; the other was Tang Yin, a literati who fell into the Tuotuo literati and had nowhere to say a thousand words. These two Tang Bohu contradictory and torn apart, achieving the supreme artistry of the work.

In fact, in his lifetime, although Tang Yin was talented, his character flaws were also obvious. Wen Zhengming's father, Wen Lin, cherished Tang Yin's talent very much, but Wen Lin once warned Wen Zhengming: "The talent of Zi Wei (Tang Yin's small characters) should be solved, but his people are frivolous, and I am afraid that they will not succeed in the end. This statement becomes a slur. The frivolous and proud personality is the internal cause of Tang Yin's subsequent major life turmoil such as the Keju fraud case and the Ning Wang conspiracy case.

Zhang Ailing said that fame should be achieved early. But is that really the case? At least Tang Yin's life is a counterexample, and it is not necessarily a good thing for a teenager to become famous. Tang Yin's early years were too smooth, and people around him admired his talent and praised him, and he made too many friends, especially liked to associate with rich businessmen. Tang Yin was excessively "killed" in the social arena, which led to his somewhat exaggerated narcissism, although he was talented in art and literature, but his political and personnel cognition was relatively naïve. For example, in the case of King Ning, Tang Yin was deeply appreciated by King Ning at that time, and he thought that this was an opportunity for him to turn the tables, and Wen Zhengming was indifferent to this matter and also advised him. But Tang Yin did not listen and went to Nanchang alone, and the King of Ning rebelled. He had to pretend to be crazy naked to get out, although there was no danger, but this incident also brought him great fear and psychological pressure.

Secondly, the good life in his early years made him a bit inferior to "anti-business", and after the examination fraud case, he was sent to Zhejiang Xiao official, and Wen Zhengming and Wang Ao both agreed with him to go, thinking that this was an opportunity for experience. But he would rather spend money than "redeem" himself and return to Suzhou to continue to be a literati and enjoy a free and elegant life. Tang Yin is very concerned about the name of the merit in his heart, but he did not face this kind of care, but in a way that was knotted and twisted, to pretend, to be dashing, to rebel, this kind of emotional entanglement, the long day is not conducive to physical and mental health, lung disease and mood have a lot to do with it, this may also be the reason why he suffers from lung disease.

But the most important thing is that Tang Yin is not good at managing daily life and does not understand financial management. His paintings can indeed sell for a lot of money, but in exchange for money, he immediately went to buy wine and lingered in the Qinglou. So much so that the husband and wife turned against each other, the master and servant lost harmony, and the brothers separated. Tang Yin's biography once recorded that a fundraiser initiated by a literati in that year wanted to buy a donkey for a literati at that time. Tang Yin had no money and no rice, so he could only donate books to offset it, but he donated the most money in the conversion. His family has no rice and no cooking, but he spends a lot of money to help his friends buy donkeys, as a bystander, he can say that he is chivalrous, but as his second wife, it is no wonder that he wants to "divorce" him.

Tang Yin is a giant in the field of literature and art, a dwarf in daily life. If he had a kennel, he could complement each other. Unfortunately, his wife died early, his second wife "divorced", and he did not find an official prostitute Shen Jiuniang as his wife until he was about forty years old, until he gave birth to an only daughter in his forties. And the early death of his favorite nephew in his later years also brought him a heavy blow.

Poor daily life management and failure to maintain family relations are important reasons for his tragic fate. This also seems to be the tragedy of many geniuses. The so-called genius probably lived a gorgeous but unhappy life.

How to live this life without money and abundance?
How to live this life without money and abundance?

Everyday legends are clear

On the other hand, Wen Zhengming is the opposite of Tang Yin everywhere. Wen Zhengming's seven-year-old birth mother died early, he only began to speak at the age of eleven, he failed nine examinations in the township examination, he entered Beijing as a nine-pin official after being recommended by someone in his fifties, his livelihood was embarrassing several times, and after returning to Suzhou at the age of nearly sixty, he pondered and built a garden in the house forced by Caojia Lane outside The Gate, but it was nothing more than a small mansion garden that was shabby and narrow.

His daily life is very regular, eating breakfast every day, eating some snacks such as "cake bait" in the morning, drinking a little yellow wine when eating lunch, and drinking two cups every once in a while, and then eating "noodle rice" at three or five o'clock in the afternoon, and eating two bowls of porridge at night. He enjoys writing, painting, listening to plays, entertaining guests, and appreciating and commenting on calligraphy and paintings. He had many friends in his life, especially liked to promote newcomers and juniors, which was a good story at the time.

Although Wen Zhengming did not have the ups and downs of Tang Yin's life, his life did not go smoothly. Especially after the death of his father, he was financially poor, and at that time his paintings and calligraphy could not sell much money, but could only be exchanged for daily necessities. Forty years old, he once needed a friend to help and ask a friend to borrow rice. More importantly, he participated in the township examination again and again, but he did not win, and each time he returned from Nanjing, and he was full of discussion behind his back. The enormous psychological pressure made him often sick. But he was always able to face it rationally, restrain his emotions, and devote himself to his poetry, painting and calligraphy.

When he was in his fifties and finally recommended to become an official in Beijing, he was only a nine-pin scattered official with five stones of rice a month, and it cost a lot of money to socialize in Beijing, and he had to let his family send money to him. Even so, he was not welcomed or even ridiculed: "My door is not a painting academy, but a guest painter here." After seeing the changes in the imperial court, wen Zhengming was discouraged and decided to return to Su. Although the trip to Beijing was a failure of his career, it also made him truly realize himself, and he was not suitable for official survival. The anxiety of the previous meritorious name for the keju also disappeared, and he accepted himself calmly and calmly and lived a life suitable for himself.

After returning to Suzhou, he also began to renovate his own courtyard, planting two sycamore trees in the courtyard and building his own study "Yupan Mountain House". This courtyard is narrow and simple, there is no pond and hill, and the scale is not as good as Tang Yin's Peach Blossom Temple. He lived here for more than thirty years, until his peaceful death at the age of ninety.

Wen Zhengming is a daily legend, a long-term accumulation of bits and pieces, his greatness is boiled out, his success can be copied, it belongs to the vast majority of people in our lives. Wen Zhengming's life is a kind of "long-term ism".

Among the four talents in Jiangnan, Wen Zhengming and Tang Yin can be described as twin stars in the Wu Chinese circle, integrating poetry, books and paintings. Zhu Zhishan's calligraphy is the best, and Xu Zhenqing is the best at poetry, but the achievements of the two cannot be compared with Wen and Tang.

More importantly, among the four people, Tang Yin lived for more than fifty years, Xu Zhenqing lived for more than thirty years, and Zhu Zhishan lived for more than sixty years. Wen Zhengming lived to the age of ninety and lived a peaceful and complete life.

He carved out wonderful things in his mediocre days. Wen Zhengming's calligraphy is the most famous is Xiao Kai, according to existing statistics, Wen Zhengming from 30 to 90 years old has a total of 205 Xiao Kai works, and his 80 to 90 years old account for 52, more than other age groups, and the Xiao Kai calligraphy works in this period represent the highest realm and the greatest artistic achievement of his Xiao Kai calligraphy. Wen Zhengming truly became a "friend of time".

I once wondered why literati and artists died young. My understanding is that many literary and artistic creators are highly sensitive people, and their attitude towards literature and art is a kind of "sublimation of escape", and the creators are somewhat less realistic, have an escapist mentality, and are entangled and depressed in their hearts. Wen Zhengming is not like this, he faces the problem, runs a life, and can accept himself calmly after the frustration of the officialdom, and literary and artistic creation is only the beauty of life.

Whether it is a "friend of time" or not depends on whether you face reality. To face is to be a friend; to escape is to be an enemy.

Wen Zhengming lived a poor but rich life. The reason why he was able to live this life satisfactorily was exactly the same as the reason that caused Tang Yin's misfortune:

First of all, Wen Zhengming was born with a very upright and simple family style, especially his father Wen Lin, who was a Liupin official at that time, and was upright and rigorous. Here, it should also be said that Wen Lin also attaches great importance to Tang Yin, and intends to promote him, under his introduction, Tang Yin, who came from the civic class, was able to get acquainted with Shen Zhou, Wang Ao, and other people, the most elite group in Suzhou at that time, and became famous for going to the ocean. Under Wen Lin's family style discipline, Wen Zhengming has a good sense of rules. Although he has a wide range of friends, he has a lot of boundaries, unlike Tang Yin, who often has too close contacts with rich businessmen and rich second generations, and will not let himself fall into the turmoil.

Secondly, although Wen Zhengming failed the nine township examinations, his mental cognition of politics and personnel was relatively mature, above Tang Yin. In his early years, he wrote an article "Man Jiang Hong":

"Wipe the remnants of the stele, and the words are still faintly readable." At first, I relied on how heavy it was, and then how cool it was. If the result is to die, it is difficult to redeem the poor things. The most innocent, hateful and even more miserable, storm hell.

Do not read, seal the frontier, do not sympathize, emblems of admiration. But Hui Qin has returned, and what does this body belong to? Chizai Xiu talked about the mistake of crossing the south, and at that time he was afraid of Zhongyuan Fu. Laughter, a juniper can also be, when it is desired. ”

The world scolded Qin Juniper, but no one ever pursued Emperor Gaozong Zhao's dark intentions of executing Yue Fei. Even if you see through it, in the era of the supremacy of imperial power, no one has said anything. Wen Zhengming had already understood thoroughly. Compared with Tang Yin's innocence, Wen Zhengming has a deeper insight into human nature.

In the end, Wen Zhengming and his wife, Miss Wu San, had a harmonious family and respected each other. At that time, the literati all loved to visit the Qinglou, and Wen Zhengming never went. He went home after drinking with everyone and never went to the second game. It is said that a literati qian and his lovers tricked him with others, tricked him into boarding the ship and hid a beautiful prostitute on the ship. On the boat, in order to avoid socializing with the prostitute, Wen Zhengming directly took off his stinky socks and threw them in Qian Tong'ai's face. Qian Tong'ai had a habit of cleanliness, and he could not bear this move the most, so he quickly ordered the ship to be stopped, which put Wen Zhengming ashore.

If tang yin's tragedy lies in careless dating, excessive indulgence, and poor management of family feelings for daily life. Then these strengths are exactly what Wen Zhengming has. He talks about principles, rules, measures and distances, loves life, and rules of work and rest... He did not live as well as Tang Yin,but he eventually reaped a full life.

When we were young, we had a very high self-esteem, ignorance and fearlessness, and naturally liked Tang Bohu, a talented man. I always think that life should be smooth and cheerful, and I will not live without becoming a demon. Tang Yin's heart was more miserable, and his debauchery was just covering up the loneliness and pain in his heart. Perhaps it is this external and inner tension that has made the legend of genius and the legend of art.

When people reach middle age, we have seen the world and seen ourselves clearly, accepting ourselves. I prefer the bland and rational Wen Zhengming. He tells us that the order of life is first of all a healthy body, followed by a harmonious family, and then a good relationship, and in the process, we are strict with ourselves and do ourselves well. As for talent, career, and fame, they are all icing on the cake, take your time, and don't be in a hurry.

In the daily accumulation, in the tedious life, the day arches a pawn, the merit is not donated. Do not seek perfection, but seek perfection, bit by bit, cherish, sculpt, everyone can live out their own legend.

The wisteria that Wen Zhengming planted in the Humble Administrator's Garden for the owner Wang Xianchen himself has been in bloom for five hundred years.

How to live this life without money and abundance?

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How to live this life without money and abundance?
How to live this life without money and abundance?

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