
Accelerate the construction of a system of high-quality teaching materials with Chinese characteristics

author:China Press, Publication, Radio and Telegraph

On February 8, the Ministry of Education announced 35 work priorities for 2022, among which accelerating the construction of a high-quality textbook system with Chinese characteristics, promoting the compilation of the first batch of 9 Chinese economics textbooks, starting the compilation of Chinese journalism and Chinese law textbooks, and accelerating the construction of a number of original high-level philosophy and social science textbooks are worthy of attention.

Focusing on accelerating the construction of a high-quality textbook system with Chinese characteristics, the Ministry of Education proposed to summarize the implementation of the "National Textbook Construction Plan for Colleges, Schools, and Primary Schools (2019-2022)", and supervise and guide local governments and colleges and universities to improve the leadership and working mechanism of textbooks. Issued guidance on the investigation of responsibility for textbook work.

For the compilation of teaching materials, the Ministry of Education proposed that the revised compulsory education curriculum plan and curriculum standards would be issued, and the compilation and revision of textbooks in various disciplines would be initiated. Completed the compilation and review of textbooks for the three subjects of secondary vocational schools and seven public basic courses such as mathematics, and put them into use in the fall semester of 2022. The relevant key textbooks of the Ministry of Education have been revised and published, and the key textbooks of the horse project have been completed in the compilation and review.

In terms of the preparation of new textbooks, the Ministry of Education proposed to implement the "Plan for Promoting the Construction of Key Textbooks of the Ministry of Education for Marxist Theoretical Research and Construction Projects in the New Era" and start the compilation, selection and revision of the first batch of new textbooks. Promote the compilation of excerpts from important expositions of Marx, Engels and Lenin on philosophy, social sciences and various disciplines. Promote the compilation of the first batch of 9 Kinds of Chinese Economics textbooks, start the compilation of Chinese journalism and Chinese law textbooks, and accelerate the construction of a number of original high-level philosophy and social science textbooks.

In view of the management of teaching materials, the Ministry of Education proposed to introduce the "14th Five-Year Plan" general higher education undergraduate textbook construction plan, and selected and built a number of "14th Five-Year" vocational education national planning textbooks. Comprehensively standardize the management of teaching materials, teaching aids and extracurricular reading materials entering the campus, strictly review and control teaching materials, and strengthen the construction and management of digital teaching materials. Improve the local curriculum management system for primary and secondary schools. Strengthen the publicity and promotion of the winning achievements of the first National Textbook Construction Award. Select and determine a number of key research bases for the construction of national textbooks. Launched the development of textbooks for colleges, middle schools, and primary schools in the new era.