
Sing the Bai nationality song, and keep the forest fire in mind

author:Dali Melter

Bai Daben song is an ancient folk skill unique to the Bai people in Dali, one person rapping, one person three-string accompaniment, singing lyrics in Bai, Chinese mixed, Chinese characters white reading, singing voice is pleasant to the ear, rich and colorful content. When you walk into the Wuwei Temple Lanfeng Ranger Fire Prevention Point, you can hear the ranger Du Yuzhong of Yinqiao Town singing the forest protection fire prevention song:

"Fellow villagers listen to me, and everyone must listen to the party's call

Forest protection is important and keep in mind

Leaders at all levels personally grasp it, and special personnel are in charge of implementation

Both must be implemented, and the source of fire is forbidden to go up the mountain

Ten prohibitions should be kept in mind, and the rules should be observed during the fire prevention period

Publicize each other to prevent channeling and protect green waters and green mountains

Fire prevention is everyone's responsibility, and the system is observed by everyone

Yongbao Green Mountains are always accompanied, and the Silver Bridge has a good scenery

Protecting the ecology is the norm, and the development of environmental protection is grasped at both hands

Cadres and the masses help, green mountains become golden mountains"

Du Yuzhong is a ranger at the Lanfeng Ranger Fire Prevention Card Point, who has been engaged in forest fire prevention work for nearly 7 years, and he also has a special status - the president of the Dongjing Concert in Shuangyang Village, Yinqiao Town. Speaking of the original intention of creating this forest protection and fire prevention song publicity work, he has many feelings: "Since entering the forest fire prevention period, the forest fire prevention situation is grim, as a native of Yinqiao, since childhood, he has looked at the lush Cangshan Mountain, and he has an inseparable feeling for cangshan mountain, and he thinks that he must guard this mountain." ”

Du Yuzhong also knew that the forest protection and fire prevention work was not enough to rely solely on the government and forest rangers, and it was necessary for the broad masses of people to participate together, so he decided to give full play to his own strengths and create a big song on the forest protection and fire prevention work, publicize it to the masses, and further enhance everyone's awareness of forest protection and fire prevention. So he contacted Yang Shaoxian, a member of the Silver Bridge Village Bank Literary and Art Team who had the same idea, and co-created this big song. Du Yuzhong played the three strings and Yang Shaoxian sang, and sang the importance of forest fire prevention, "two one rule" and "ten prohibitions" in the unique rap art of the big ben song and the melodious and pleasant three-string singing, which caused a warm response among the masses.

Through the publicity of this big song, the forest protection and fire prevention work in Yinqiao Town has become more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the concept of "prevention first" has been rooted in the hearts of the masses in a way that the masses like to hear, and the consciousness of the vast number of cadres, workers, the masses and tourists to abide by the forest fire prevention laws and regulations has been continuously enhanced.

Next, Yinqiao Town will continue to carry out forest protection and fire prevention publicity work, and adopt methods such as distributing publicity materials, hanging publicity banners, dispatching publicity vehicles, sending promotional SMS reminders, and broadcasting loudspeakers in various villages to further expand the publicity of forest protection and fire prevention, improve influence, and create a strong social atmosphere of "forest protection and fire prevention everyone is responsible" in an all-round way.

Here, we also once again call on the broad masses to abide by forest fire prevention laws and regulations, effectively prevent the hidden dangers of forest fires, further strengthen the awareness of forest fire prevention, and jointly protect Cangshan and protect our green waters and green mountains.

Source: Gold Mercury Bridge