
Party history study and education | Elderly party members study party history and give play to their original intentions

author:Guixi Fusion Media

"An ordinary study notebook is full of densely packed party history study insights, and the words reveal the strong love of an old party member." During the 2022 Spring Festival visit, Ding Guocheng, a veteran party member of Shanbei Village in Binjiang Town, showed us the results of his party history study and education. "Studying the original intention of the party's history, revisiting those glorious years, the vicissitudes of the sea, and witnessing the glorious rise of the motherland along the way, I am proud and proud of the motherland and the party, and I have also strengthened my determination and confidence to follow the party." Ding Guocheng said.

Party history study and education | Elderly party members study party history and give play to their original intentions

Ding Guocheng is 82 years old this year and has 60 years of party experience. Although he is older, he will insist on participating in the activities carried out by the old cadre branch every month, conscientiously studying notes and writing down his experience. At the same time, he also actively participated in the volunteer service organized by the branch every time, and strived to practice the original mission of a party member, give full play to the residual heat of the old cadres, do what he could, and contribute his own strength to the harmonious social development.

Party history study and education | Elderly party members study party history and give play to their original intentions

There are 53 retired veteran party members in Binjiang Town, among whom there are many who are as enthusiastic about studying party history as Ding Guocheng, which also fully reflects the results achieved in the study and education of party history in Binjiang Town. In the past year, Binjiang Town has vigorously promoted the study and education of party history in depth and in a down-to-earth manner, created a strong atmosphere for the whole people to study party history, and carried out more than 150 practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses" based on reality and solidly. In the future, Binjiang Town will further consolidate the achievements of party history study and education, establish a long-term mechanism, continuously draw wisdom and strength from history, and strive to build a better Riverside.

Source: "Guixi Release" WeChat public account

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