
Do people have to tell their children about their savings when they are old? A 75-year-old mother's approach is safe and effective

author:There is an L with a story


In real life, many elderly people especially like to help their children, and when their children need help, they will not hesitate to help and never hide how much money their children have, so that their children know everything.

Although it is not necessary for a family to hide, but the elderly still have to be cautious, do not tell their children how much their savings are, and do not always help their children, otherwise they will really lead to the misery of their old age, because once the children know that the elderly have a lot of savings, then they will try their best to pit the old man's money, and then the old man will become an old man without money, and the days will become more and more bitter, so the money is not exposed, even if he is very close to himself, he cannot tell, otherwise he will really regret it.

Today's discussion for everyone is, when people are old, should they tell their children about their savings? A 75-year-old man's approach is both safe and effective.

Let's take a look at what exactly is done.

Do people have to tell their children about their savings when they are old? A 75-year-old mother's approach is safe and effective

Aunt Ding / 75 years old

I'm 75 years old, I'm a retired old man, I'm retired from a state-owned enterprise, so I have a pension of 7,000 yuan a month, and I have two million savings.

I have three children, my wife died for several years, and he left me with 2 million savings and a house after he left, so I don't have to worry about my old age, and I don't have to worry about running out of money.

But there was no companionship of my wife, which made me feel very sorry, when he just left, I had a long time, fortunately, my three children are very sensible, in order not to make me sad, came back to my hometown to accompany me for a long time, and then I slowly walked out of the pain.

After getting out of the pain, I also chose to live my own life well, but I found that I was very insecure in living alone, maybe I had too much money on me, which always made me very afraid, even if one day the family was a thief, or someone came to rob me, I was deceived by some people with hearts.

Do people have to tell their children about their savings when they are old? A 75-year-old mother's approach is safe and effective

Now many people are particularly unconscionable, in order to defraud the elderly of money using various means, the elderly are easy to be deceived, so I am really afraid.

I wanted to give this money to my three children and let them save it for me, so that I wouldn't have to worry about being afraid all day, but I remembered that my wife had told me deadly before, asking me not to tell others how much I had saved, whether it was outsiders or children, I couldn't tell.

Because once told, the money will not be guaranteed, and it will lead to a miserable life in the future.

So at that time, I didn't know how to be good, I wanted to take it to the bank for regular deposit, but I always couldn't remember the password, and it was very troublesome to always change the password, so I didn't want to take it and save it.

Later, after I thought about it, I still chose to save this money for my children, but when I saved it for them, I let them sign a contract, and no one could touch the money, unless I reached the age of a hundred years, otherwise I could not spend a dime.

Do people have to tell their children about their savings when they are old? A 75-year-old mother's approach is safe and effective

My children themselves are very filial, so when they heard me say this, they immediately agreed, and they also pressed their fingerprints and swore a poisonous oath, and after their promise, I was relieved and saved the money for them.

Since then, I don't have to worry all day or be cheated on, and every time I'm sick, they'll give me the money to treat me.

So they are very sensible, and although they know that I have a pension, they will pay me alimony every month, and this money is their own, and I am very happy to see them so sensible.

Every New Year's Festival, when they come back, I will put all the money they gave into the red envelope to give to the grandchildren, granddaughters and grandchildren, so that you will be more filial piety, and the grandchildren will like me more.

Since I implemented this method, I have had a very comfortable and reassuring life every day, and then as time goes on, I get older and my health slowly deteriorates.

Do people have to tell their children about their savings when they are old? A 75-year-old mother's approach is safe and effective

At this time, I proposed to live in the nursing home, because I wanted to spend my old age there in peace, but my children refused to let me go, because they felt that only the elderly who had no children and no filial piety would go to the nursing home, so they refused to let me go, because they did not want to fall into a bad reputation, and they were not called unfilial.

But I really don't want to drag them down, they are already in their old age, if I let them serve again, then it will not harm them, and then it will cause them to become worse and worse, so I can't be so selfish.

Later I was like three children who took out a little of the savings I had given them before and let me go to the nursing home.

After I went to the nursing home, I had a very comfortable and happy day, and I made a lot of good friends there.

A peer asked me at the time that I hadn't brought all my savings with me, and I told him directly that I had given all the money to my children for safekeeping.

At that time, the old man said that I was stupid, that I should not keep the money for my children, because the children would covet the money, and he believed in the children so much that he had no savings.

Do people have to tell their children about their savings when they are old? A 75-year-old mother's approach is safe and effective

Hearing the old man say this, I responded directly: "It is your own method that is not right, so it will lead to such a result, before I was also very worried that my children would covet my money, but this money is placed here, I am not at ease, so I feel more secure in them, although I put the money in them, but I am not worried at all, they will covet my money, because they are filial piety, and I also let them sign a contract, no one can touch the money, otherwise I will take them to court, So my children don't dare to use the money, just because I used the right method, and now I have a lot of fun and peace of mind every day. ”

And usually when I need money, my three children will give it to me, never procrastinate, and will not find excuses not to give, so I am glad that I have three filial children.

Now that I'm getting older and I can't use the money, I gave them all the money and let them use it.

Do people have to tell their children about their savings when they are old? A 75-year-old mother's approach is safe and effective

After the three children had the money, they were particularly grateful to me, often saying that I was a good mother and saying that as long as I wanted to come back and let them retire, they would provide for me at any time.

And they may also be because I am fair, the relationship between the three people is particularly good, never quarrel over money, we have a very harmonious family, they will come to visit me in the nursing home when they have free time, so I am very happy, and this old age is also very happy.

In fact, I was able to live so well in my later years, all because I had three good children, knew how to think for me, just because of this, I was relieved to give the money to them, of course, I do not want all the elderly to tell their children about their savings, after all, not all children are so filial piety, if they have their own ideas, they can be implemented, not necessarily in accordance with my method.

Do people have to tell their children about their savings when they are old? A 75-year-old mother's approach is safe and effective


This big mother's approach is very right, not only can you spend your old age with peace of mind, but also special safety, although it is not recommended that all the elderly people tell you the deposit, because some children will covet, but you must think of a good way to spend your old age with peace of mind.