
Every "you" on the Beijing Winter Olympics is good

author:China Jilin Net

Since the start of the Beijing Winter Olympics, good news has come from time to time on the field, and the events are wonderful and fascinating, always bringing extraordinary feelings to everyone. Whether it is from the Chinese sports delegation or the sports delegations from other countries in the world, they can always present a unique sports style to everyone in the ice and snow sports, so that everyone can constantly feel the spiritual influence from the Olympic movement. In everyone's mind, every athlete who participated in the Beijing Winter Olympics is commendable, whether they have won a medal or not, but from the moment they stand on the ice and snow sports field, their brave and hard-working spirit is enough to be moving, they are all good!

Ten years to sharpen a sword, sharpen the plum blossom fragrance. We will not forget that on the evening of February 5, the Chinese short track speed skating team won the first gold medal for the Beijing Winter Olympics for the Chinese team in the mixed team relay final with a time of 2 minutes 37.348 seconds. This is also the first gold in the history of the Olympic Games for this new event. Behind the gold medal is the hard work of the Chinese short track speed skating team members, and it is also the unremitting struggle of generations of short track speed skaters. The Chinese short track speed skating team, the "master of kings" of China's ice and snow sports, has long been integrated into the blood of this team. They fought for the honor of the motherland and the gold medal. They are fearless of their own injuries, they are fearless of the strength of their opponents, and they carry all the pressure and expectations to the end, which is convincing. From the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics four years ago to the current Beijing Winter Olympics, they have used four years of perseverance and four years of tempering to finally achieve the goal of "China is the champion", which is not only the victory of the Chinese short track speed skating team, but also the "opening red" of the Chinese Winter Olympic delegation, and it is also a new glory in the history of the Winter Olympics! This will surely inspire the Chinese athletes to fight bravely for the motherland on the field of the Winter Olympic Games!

Thousands of rivers meet the sea, and the wind is raising the sails. At the Beijing Winter Olympics, there are many players who are in their youth to be respected. They are the main force of the Chinese sports team, in the field of the Winter Olympic Games, from time to time bloom youth vitality, with brilliant achievements to show the world the charm of Chinese athletes, they use the responsibility of youth to write the pride and ambition of Chinese youth. Such as the "Frog Princess" Gu Ailing, this talented girl with strength and laughter, who stepped on the snow to find the dragon, dared to challenge, and won the championship in one fell swoop in the final of the freestyle ski women's big jump, which was not only the first Winter Olympic medal she personally won, but also the first medal won by Chinese athletes in this event. There are also Ren Ziwei and Li Wenlong, who won gold and silver medals in the men's 1000 meters final of short track speed skating at the Beijing Winter Olympics. They are all the top chinese short track speed skaters, are the new generation of the Chinese sports team, they gallop on the field, speak with strength, and use medals to prove. There is also The Chinese teenager Su Yiming, who won the silver medal in the men's slope obstacle course in snowboarding. This is a wonderful interpretation of the Olympic spirit by Chinese youth.

Moss flowers are as small as rice, and also learn to bloom peonies. The Olympics, not only champions, but also those ordinary athletes, although they did not get medals at the Beijing Winter Olympics, they still worked hard, interpreting their love for ice and snow sports with their own practical actions, and making the flower of the Olympic spirit bloom dazzlingly. We will not forget that in the Beijing Winter Olympics snowboarding men's U-shaped track skill qualification, Chinese youngster Gao Hongbo took an injury to the game, although he only did some basic actions, and finally only got the lowest 15 points in the game, but he smiled happier than the first place, because in his view, fighting for his dream and leaving no regrets is worth it. There is also a Mexican player from Mexico, Donovan Carrillo, as the first Mexican to participate in the Figure Skating Competition of the Winter Olympics in 30 years, although he did not achieve good results, he felt that he had "fulfilled his dream" in Beijing. There is also Georgian player Saba Kumari Tashweli, from his brother's death in the Vancouver Winter Olympics, to his 12 years later on behalf of his motherland and family in the Beijing Winter Olympics, although he has no chance of medals, but the Winter Olympic stories that happened to him and their family are touching. Although these athletes did not achieve impressive results in the Winter Olympic Games, in them, we have witnessed the persistent Olympic spirit and felt an infinite power to continue the Olympic dream, and we sincerely praise them and pay tribute to the Olympic spirit.

The spring tide spreads good news, and the tiger year reports good news. The Beijing Winter Olympics is destined to be an unparalleled winter Olympic sports event, and it is also destined to continue to write new glories of the Olympic movement. Let us cheer for all the athletes participating in the Beijing Winter Olympics and compose the high-pitched triumphal song of the Olympic spirit together! (Kan Yaling)