
Back in school, prevent myopia by doing so

author:Urumqi Radio and Television Financial Media

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This winter vacation, presumably many children are accompanied by television, computers, and mobile phones every day, and their hearts are flying, and their eyesight is also taking off. The school is about to start, is about to resume normal learning life, parents in the case of time, it is best to take their children to a professional eye hospital for a vision examination, do not wait until after the start of school, the child can not see the words on the blackboard, and then rush to take the child to check.

Back in school, prevent myopia by doing so

In the hall of Urumqi Aier Eye Hospital, the reporter saw that many parents brought their children to see the doctor.

Parent Su Guoqing said: "The child just has an eye to see things a little weak, during the physical examination said that the eyes are a little short-sighted, just take advantage of the holiday to take her to see." ”

Parent Fu Qihong said: "When the child watches TV, his eyes are always squinting, and he feels that he is short-sighted, and when school is about to start, he will take the child to check his vision." ”

Back in school, prevent myopia by doing so

Holidays are often a high incidence of myopia in adolescents, which also means that before the start of school is a critical period for the prevention and control of myopia in adolescents, so experts say that it is necessary for adolescents to conduct vision examinations before the start of school.

Back in school, prevent myopia by doing so

Chen Hongjun, deputy director of the Department of Optometry of Urumqi Aier Eye Hospital, said: "There are two main reasons, the first reason is that there are many hidden dangers in the holiday vision, the child's eyeballs are in a state of development, the vision is still unstable, most of the children's leisure time every day during the holiday is addicted to electronic devices, a winter vacation has passed, the child's vision may have improved, before the start of the school we will recommend the child to do a vision examination to understand his latest vision situation; the second reason is that myopia is more harmful. Myopia for children is not just to say that it is not as simple as not seeing the blackboard clearly, but also to his appearance, learning, and even future work will bring inconvenience, more importantly, once the degree is not controlled in time, after developing into a high degree of myopia, it will not only affect the quality of life, but also may increase the risk of retinal detachment, cataracts, glaucoma and so on. ”

So for teenagers, once myopia occurs, what are the most effective control methods at present?

Zhao Xudong, director of the Great Optometry Department of Urumqi Aier Eye Hospital, said: "For controlling children's myopia, orthokeratology is recognized by the ophthalmology community as an effective way to control the growth of myopia. It needs to be worn at night before going to bed, and when it is taken off the next morning, most children can achieve no glasses during the day, have clear naked-eye vision throughout the day, and effectively control the growth of the eye axis and delay the development of myopia. It is necessary to remind the majority of parents that the examination of orthokeratology glasses is equipped with strict requirements, which is a three-class medical device strictly supervised by the state, and can only be fitted in professional ophthalmic medical institutions and under the guidance of qualified ophthalmologists.

For how to avoid developing into high myopia, Director Zhao Xudong gave several suggestions.

Back in school, prevent myopia by doing so

Zhao Xudong, director of large optometry at Urumqi Aier Eye Hospital, said: "Myopia occurs irreversibly, and for children with myopia, the most important thing is to avoid developing into high myopia. Now share with you some small tips to prevent myopia, first of all, develop good living habits, work and rest should be regular, at least 2 hours of outdoor exercise every day, because the winter is cold, outdoor time is not enough, you can do activities on the balcony, using sandbags, crystal exercises, following thumb movements, beam tracking activities these small games to relax your eyes. When studying, make your eyes one foot away from the book, your body punch away from the desk, your hand holding the pen one inch away from the tip of the pen, don't read books or electronic products when you lie down when walking, and don't use your eyes in a dim environment. When using electronic products, parents can use the 20-20-20 eye protection rules to control the child's eyes After the children can use electronic products for 20 minutes, the eyes are 20 feet away, that is, 6 meters away, and the eyes rest for more than 20 seconds, you can get full relaxation. ”

In order to further improve the comprehensive diagnostic standards for myopia prevention and control and meet the individual needs of patients, Aier Ophthalmology takes the "5P myopia prevention and control mode" as the core to provide Comprehensive Solutions for Chinese adolescents from "myopia prevention" to "myopia control". The 5P includes: "Prevention prevention-oriented, Prediction scientific prediction, Process process control, Platform platform support and Parents' participation, from these five dimensions, comprehensively escort the bright future of children and adolescents."

Chen Hongjun, deputy director of the Department of Optometry at Urumqi Aier Eye Hospital, said: "In order to protect the vision of every child, school teachers and parents must actively participate in the prevention and control of myopia in adolescents. In school, teachers should encourage students to look at landscapes or objects or do eye exercises during recess, and go outdoor activities to give their eyes a proper rest. ”

Myopia is irreversible, and it is recommended that parents do a comprehensive vision examination for their children before the start of school, which helps to understand the child's eye health in time. If you are already myopic, you should choose a scientific method to control the intervention as soon as possible to avoid becoming highly myopic; if the vision is good, you can prevent it scientifically, so that the child can stay away from myopia, so that "early detection", "early intervention" and "early treatment" can be achieved.

Source: Urumqi Radio and Television Media

Reporter: Zou Shaohuai

New Media Editor: Ma Jianhua

Review: Yina Lee