
The restaurant is an absolute seller of earthen bowl dishes

author:Chinese kitchen

Bowl tripe

The restaurant is an absolute seller of earthen bowl dishes

Reason for the sale: This dish of tripe is a hot dish, and the key to making it lies in the preparation of the sauce. Tripe is chewy, spicy and fragrant, and it's very enjoyable to eat.

raw material:

Tripe 2.5 kg.


Ingredient A (750 g salt, 215 g fresh ginger, 1.5 g coriander leaves, 10 g cumin, 13 g dried sand ginger), Ingredient B (500 g bone broth, 150 g perilla oil, 50 g rattan pepper oil, 20 g each of cooked sesame seeds, kitchen chicken essence, simmered chili pepper segments, 10 g salt), 5 g of spring onion flowers.


1. Beef tripe made clean; put 15 kg of water into the stainless steel bucket, put in material A, put in the tripe after boiling, fish out after cooking, slice, take 200 grams of tripe and plate.

2. Mix ingredient B well, put it in the pot and boil, take 150 grams and pour it into the dish, sprinkle with spring onion and garnish.

Salt for crispy sausages

The restaurant is an absolute seller of earthen bowl dishes

Pig water hair intestines 300g, fresh green peppercorns 5g, water hair white radish dried 150g, crushed rice pepper 20g, ginger garlic rice 10g each, hot pot base oil 50g, safflower pepper oil 10ml, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, salad oil to taste

1. Cut the dried radish into joints, and set aside the pig's intestines in water.

2. Heat the pan and pour in the appropriate amount of salad oil and hot pot base oil to 30% oil temperature, add ginger garlic rice, crushed rice pepper, add the prepared intestines, stir-fry and adjust the taste.

3. After the radish is dried, put it on the plate to base, fry the intestines into the flavor, then put it on the pan and pour it on top.

4. Add fresh green peppercorns and coriander garnish and serve.

Salmon salad

The restaurant is an absolute seller of earthen bowl dishes

Salmon 120 g mango 300 g potato chips 12 slices bitter lettuce leaves 30 g homemade salad dressing 50 g

1. Cut the salmon into 12 slices of thick and even thickness. Peel the mango, cut into small pieces, add 30 grams of homemade salad dressing in a pot and mix well and scoop on potato chips.

2. Spread the salmon fillets flat on top of the mango salad, squeeze in the remaining salad dressing, plate them, and decorate them with bitter lettuce leaves. Description: Homemade salad dressing is prepared by mixing 100 grams of salad dressing, 30 grams of condensed milk, 10 ml of fresh lemon juice, and 2 grams of mustard.

Spicy chicken with prawns

The restaurant is an absolute seller of earthen bowl dishes

1. First cut from the back of the prawns, remove the sand line bowl, add ginger and shallots, cooking wine and pepper to taste, then pat a layer of dried corn starch, put in 50% hot oil pan and fry until crispy, then drain the oil.

2. Cut the chicken into cubes, add ginger and shallots, salt and cooking wine, put in a high oil warm pan and fry until crispy, pour out and drain the oil.

3. Heat the spicy oil in the wok, first add the dried chili pepper festival, dried peppercorns, ginger and minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the fried prawns, diced chicken, add salt and MSG, and stir-fry until the spicy flavor is strong, sprinkle with green onions and cooked sesame seeds, turn well and put on the plate.

Mix cucumber with old salt vegetables

The restaurant is an absolute seller of earthen bowl dishes

Reason for the sale: This dish does not need to put salt when making, the salt dish has a salty taste, its taste is very fragrant, and the cucumber is crisp and refreshing, and the taste is fresh and spicy.

300 grams of tender cucumbers and 30 grams of old salt vegetables.

Ingredient A (20 grams of kitchen soy sauce, 30 grams of balsamic vinegar, 2 grams of chicken essence, monosodium glutamate and sugar, 6 grams of garlic paste, 10 grams of hand-rubbed chili noodles), 5 grams of green onion and coriander, 3 grams of green and red millet spicy.

1: Cut the tender cucumber into diamond-shaped pieces, mix well with Ingredient A, salt, green millet spicy, red millet spicy, sprinkle with coriander and green onion.

Farmhouse loach

The restaurant is an absolute seller of earthen bowl dishes

Net green loach 800 g, celery 60 g, chives 60 g, potato flour 120 g, ginger rice 30 g, garlic rice 30 g

150 grams of red oil watercress, 50 grams of knife edge chili noodles, 50 grams of hot pot base, 10 grams of dried green peppercorns, 15 grams of dried chili pepper knots, 2 grams of pepper powder, 5 grams of pepper powder, 15 grams of chicken essence, 10 grams of chicken juice, 20 grams of sesame oil, 250 grams of homemade red oil, 800 grams of second soup

1 loach washed, put into the pressure cooker for later;

2 pour a bottle of beer in the pressure cooker, heat the frying pan, add salad oil, put in ginger rice garlic rice to fry incense, stir-fry the red oil watercress on low heat, add the color in the pepper noodles, add the second soup, seasoning into the pepper noodles, chicken essence, chicken juice, hot pot base, pepper noodles, pepper noodles, sesame oil, after boiling incense, beat the slag, pour into the pressure cooker filled with loach, steam on the pressure cooker for 2 minutes;

3 celery and chives change the knife to the bottom, potato flour after the water, fish up and put on top of the celery;

4 Open the lid of the pressure cooker, put the loach on the plate, and finally the red oil hot pot and fry the dried green peppercorns and drizzle on top.

Old altar salt cauliflower

The restaurant is an absolute seller of earthen bowl dishes

Handmade bean blossoms 500 grams, pig's trotters 150 grams, salt vegetables 150 grams, mellow one-pin soup 5 grams, chicken powder 3 grams, sugar 3 grams, soup 250 ml, green onion, ginger, salt, soy sauce, water starch, fresh soup, green onion, lard, chicken fat each appropriate amount

1. Soak the salt vegetables in water for 6 hours in advance, remove the squeezed water, cut into coarse grains and set aside.

2. Wash the pig's trotters after scorching, chop them into evenly sized pieces, put the water into a casserole, mix in the fresh soup, add the appropriate amount of ginger and green onion, simmer on low heat until the pig's trotters are soft and sticky, and then set aside.

3. Put the bean blossoms into the steamer basket, add a little lard, chicken fat and salt and steam, add to the pot.

4. Pour the soup into the net pot on the heat, add salt vegetable grains, mellow soup, chicken powder, sugar, simmer for 1 minute, add the simmered pig's trotters, add a little soy sauce and then hook the thin mustard, scoop on the bean blossoms, sprinkle the green onions and serve.


1. When steaming beans, add lard, chicken fat and salt to make the taste more tender.

2. Salt vegetable soaking water can make it salty and moderate, do not flush water, otherwise the aroma will become lighter.

Seasonal cod rolls

The restaurant is an absolute seller of earthen bowl dishes

500 g cod with skin, 50 g kale, and 100 g andrographis (a wild vegetable).

Garlic juice, ginger juice 8 ml each, ginger slices, green onion knots, salt, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, red oil each appropriate amount, rose caviar 5 grams.

1. Clean the cod with skin, add ginger slices, green onions and cooking wine to the pot and marinate for 2 hours, steam it in a cage, take it out, let it dry a little and set aside. Blanch the kale in a pot of boiling water and rinse again, put the cod rolled into a roll (be sure to roll tightly), put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours to set it.

2. Cook the andrographis in a pot of boiling water, rinse and add garlic juice, ginger juice, salt, monosodium glutamate and red oil, mix well and put it on the bottom of the plate. Cut the silver cod roll into slices, place it on top of the andrographis and garnish with rose caviar.

Silver fish steamed loofah

The restaurant is an absolute seller of earthen bowl dishes

500 grams of loofah, 20 grams of dried silver fish, 30 grams of minced meat, 50 grams of minced garlic, 100 grams of haired vermicelli, 20 grams of chopped green onion, 3 grams of salt, 5 grams of chicken essence, 2 grams of pepper powder, 10 ml of salad oil, chopped millet pepper, steamed fish sauce

1. Spread the finished vermicelli evenly on the bottom of the disc. Peel the loofah, change the knife to a long strip, and place the skin facing up on the fan after removing it.

2. Stir-fry the minced garlic, minced millet pepper, minced meat and dried silver fish into the pot, add salt, chicken essence and pepper to taste, cover the pot with loofah strips, and then steam in the steaming cabinet for 3 minutes until cooked, take it out and sprinkle with green onions, drizzle with steamed fish soy sauce, and finally pour hot oil to stir the incense.