
In 2021, the corps technology market accreditation registration increased by 70% over the previous year

The "14th Five-Year Plan" Corps' technology market work has made a good start

In 2021, the total number of certified and registered technical contracts increased by 70% over the previous year

Urumqi News (Corps Daily All-media reporter Xu Tongtong) Recently released the "2021 Corps Technology Market Statistics Annual Report" shows that in 2021, the Corps technology market will be further active, the turnover of technology contracts will reach a new high, a total of 627 registered technology contracts, an increase of 71.8% over the previous year; the total transaction amount will be 362 million yuan, an increase of 9.2% over the previous year. In 2021, the number of subjects and achievements of the Corps participating in market transactions has increased significantly, the atmosphere of technology trading is strong, and the "14th Five-Year Plan" technology market work has made a good start.

In 2021, the Corps will set up a number of new technical contract registration agencies, with the total number of registration agencies reaching 20, achieving full coverage of technical contract registration agencies in divisions, universities, and national parks. The Corps Science and Technology Development Promotion Center issued the "Operational Specifications for the Corps Technical Contract Registration Agency", conducted a round of business training and counseling for the newly established registration agency, and trained a group of contract registrars for the record. Held 1 training course on administrative law enforcement in science and technology, 4 training courses on achievement transformation and technology contract policies at the corps and division levels, training more than 300 people, 3 training courses for technology transfer managers, and 88 junior managers.

In the field of technology, in 2021, the contract turnover in the field of agricultural technology and the field of environmental protection and comprehensive utilization of resources of the Corps exceeded 50 million yuan, accounting for 36.2% and 15.7% of the total turnover, respectively; the contract turnover in the fields of new materials, biomedicine and electronic information exceeded 40 million yuan; and the contract turnover in the field of new energy and high efficiency and energy saving exceeded 20 million yuan. The turnover of contracts in the field of environmental protection and comprehensive utilization of resources increased by 86.7% year-on-year.

In 2021, a total of 5 major technical contracts of more than 10 million yuan were identified and registered, with a total contract turnover of 71.38 million yuan.

According to reports, the turnover of technology contracts is an important indicator of high-quality development, a concrete embodiment of scientific and technological innovation to support economic and social development, and the basis for enjoying tax incentives for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and personal rewards and remuneration policies. According to the relevant regulations, only technical contracts that have been identified and registered can enjoy tax incentives and issue individual rewards and honorariums for the transformation of achievements.

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