
I bought this divine book in and it is worth reading 10 times


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I bought this divine book in and it is worth reading 10 times

Author | Pro-Dude

The book shared by Lin Gongzi today has been talked about several times in the article before, a seemingly ordinary book, but it can bring you great energy - "When I talk about running, what do I talk about".

Many years ago, when I first ran, I read this book for the first time with the expectation of learning about running.

It's full of question marks, what is this written? Didn't tell me how to run better. I didn't look at it in less than 10 minutes.

Later, when I started to code words, when I re-read the book, I found that Haruki Murakami actually used running to talk about what he had seen, heard and confused in his daily life of writing + running for 1/4 century.

I bought this divine book in and it is worth reading 10 times

Murakami was 60 years old when he wrote this book.

However, the text is still full of youthful feelings, not deliberately elevating the intention, not making things up for no reason, and frankly saying their feelings, but more directly poking at people's hearts.

I especially like the attitude to life reflected in the book.

Today I would like to talk about a few of the points that I have experienced most deeply.


Persistence is a false proposition

Haruki Murakami started at the age of 33 and went out for a run at least 10 kilometers every day at 5 o'clock. Many people like to praise his persistence and self-discipline.

But in my opinion, the so-called "persistence" is a false proposition.

Murakami didn't initially like running.

I just feel that as a writer, I can't continue to write with high intensity without a healthy body.

Running without equipment and maintaining physical strength has become his exercise choice. Later, the more I ran, the more addictive I became, and running became a daily habit, so it continued naturally.

You see, this utilitarian goal in the beginning is a kind of "necessity."

In a live class about writing, some people also asked me, Lingongzi, do you think that the biggest obstacle to long-term writing is?

I blurted out: the biggest obstacle is that I can't find the meaning of long-term persistence.

When you don't know what persistence is for, or you can't find the necessity of doing one thing, even if you grit your teeth and insist, there is a high probability of not getting positive feedback in the middle of the way and changing course.

Persistence itself has no value, and it is valuable to understand the meaning of persistence.

Murakami said:

I was able to keep running for twenty years, probably because running suited my temperament, at least "I don't feel so painful."

People are born like this: what you like can naturally stick to, and what you don't like can't hold on to. ”

There are many articles on the Internet that encourage everyone to read, exercise, go to bed early and get up early, and tell everyone how to do it self-discipline.

Yes, they are all good things.

However, for many people, they do not know the benefits of doing these things, and they only rely on self-discipline to drag themselves forward, and the motivation is definitely insufficient.

Giving N meaning to something, enriching the self-drive, is the real motivation to continue.


Find your own rhythm

The word "self-discipline" is one of the accepted evaluations of Haruki Murakami.

People's attention is often focused on how to get up at 5 a.m. and go to bed before 10 p.m. every day, how to exercise and live healthily.

But one thing I like about him so much is:

He has no sense of superiority over his way of life.

"When I Talk About Running, What I Talk About" begins by saying, "Real gentlemen don't talk about their own approach to health in public." ”

Murakami maintains this routine only because it fits his rhythm.

He loves to run, but never tries to persuade others to participate, instead thinking it's sad that students are forced to run together.

Before becoming a novelist, Murakami opened a bar and his schedule was reversed day and night. After deciding to write novels full-time, the pace of life was adjusted to go to bed early and get up early.

In the early hours of the morning, he was in the best condition, and arranged to concentrate on important work during this time, and the rest of the time was spent exercising or dealing with chores, taking care of the light things.

In the evening, I will wander around, read a book, listen to music, relax and rest early.

That's all.

There is no good practice for standardization.

For example, "go to bed at 5 a.m. and 10 p.m.", I have tried it a few times and can't do it at all. My good form is usually in the afternoon + evening, get up at 5-6 in the morning, no matter what I do and look at, my brain is a mess.

Moreover, I used to love to set goals for myself.

For example, how many articles must be written each week, what must be done, and what work must be done at what point in time.

As a result, as soon as there was a wind and grass in the time, and there was a casual shift in the post, the plan was disrupted.

It made me very anxious, and sometimes I stayed up late to do those established things, which caused me to have a bad rest and a messy spirit the next day...

Many times we are too anxious, thinking that we can achieve small goals as long as we speed up, but we unconsciously disrupt the rhythm.

Like running, everyone should have their own pace.

When you should run, when you should be slow, when you should stop, not only will you not let you fall behind, but it can effectively store up power for your next departure.

I bought this divine book in and it is worth reading 10 times


Three elements of doing things

In Murakami's view, the three most important elements of writing a novel are:

1. Talent

2. Concentration

3. Endurance

Talent has nothing to say, it is beyond people's control, and a small number of people with their own talents are indeed envious and helpless.

But fortunately, concentration and endurance can be trained the day after tomorrow.

Many people think that as long as you invest enough time, you can change from quantitative to qualitative, but this is not realistic. Most people's so-called working hours are in a superficial working state, and they do not use concentration at all.

One will touch the mobile phone, the other will talk about WeChat, the efficiency is very watery, and it can only be done by pulling for a long time.

So I quite agree with the formula about work:

High-quality work output = time× focus.

What we often lack is not investing time, but focusing on investing time. When you consciously pour your attention into a point, the body can feel it.

5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes... Little by little, the concentration time is increased, forming muscle memory.

The same is true when I code words.

Even if it is not smooth, I try to write hundreds of words to keep it feel. Many things in the world are to put it bluntly, those few words, "without him, only the hands are familiar."

When I decide I'm going to do something wholeheartedly, I usually open a Pomodoro app.

Give yourself a little psychological cue: "Start to enter the mode of serious work."

Then unconsciously start the 20-50 minutes of work, then take a break and then get up the momentum to sprint to the next one.

This is the same meaning as running, which strengthens muscle memory.

If you always expect to run when you are in shape, the muscles will make their own claims: "Oh no need to work so hard", and then secretly reduce the limit of endurance.

As you develop the ability to concentrate, you will find that as you apply this ability, you will become more and more focused when you use your energy.

Do things through the belden, efficiency naturally up up ~


The most important thing

Haruki Murakami has been running for decades, accustomed to losing, and has long since stopped aiming to win races.

In any case, there were so many things that made him helpless, and there were countless opponents who could not be defeated with all his strength to eat milk.

What is the most important thing for runners?

It is to run through the finish line with both feet.

Compared with the grades, rankings, and evaluations of others, it is enough to do your best, to endure yourself, to learn lessons from failure and joy, and to look at the scenery as far away as possible.

This sounds quite Buddhist, but if you want to do something for a long time, it is best to treat it as an infinite game.

  • It's good to win the game, but it's good that I gained satisfaction and experience in the game;
  • Writing can monetize money, can sell books, although it is very good, but I have exercised my expression ability and logical thinking through writing, and it is also very good to share ideas with everyone;
  • Promotion and salary increase is good, even if this promotion is not successful, but I also took the opportunity to understand the advantages and disadvantages, and I can improve in the future, step by step to increase the ability, it is also very good.

The most important thing to do one thing may be: do that thing well with a normal mind.

This is more flavorful and makes people more expectant.

We talked a lot today about running, writing, working, resting, rhythm, concentration, and in fact doing anything, it can be a reflection of how your life looks.

Put your heart into it and reap the rewards.

I hope that from the thing we like, we can see the scenery that is different from others, feel something different from others, and make our little universe more interesting.


Lingongzi: In the workplace, he has mixed with first-line Internet companies, and is currently a senior product manager of a fortune-500 company; outside the workplace, he is a contracted author of workplace/financial platform, a partner of a media company, and a real estate investor at home and abroad. Welcome to follow my headline number @ Pro Gongzi