
Warm tips 丨 Spring Festival rest assured to go out, home water pipe protection tips

author:German Emmanlong pipeline

Recently, the temperature has been low, and the water pipes in residents' homes are prone to freezing and cracking. The municipal water supply department recently reminded citizens who go out during the Spring Festival holiday to prevent the water pipes in their homes from being frozen.

Warm tips 丨 Spring Festival rest assured to go out, home water pipe protection tips

In order not to "frostbite" the water supply facilities in the home, the public can bandage the water pipes, water meters and faucets in their homes with cotton and linen fabrics and plastic foam. If you go out for more than 48 hours, it is best to close the valve in front of the meter, empty the running water in the indoor pipes, and close the windows of the kitchen, bathroom and all shaded rooms at night.

Remember!! Do not use the water pipes in your home when they are frozen! water! straight! pick up! scald! Otherwise, it is very easy to cause the water pipe to burst. If the water pipe is frozen, please wrap it on the water pipe with a warm towel, and then rinse it with warm water to let the water in the water pipe slowly thaw!

(1) Use warm water to water the meter and surrounding pipes back and forth;

(2) Blowing the water meter and surrounding pipes back and forth with the electric hair dryer;

After the warming up these days, after thawing, in order to prevent being frozen again (there is a wave of sub-zero temperature behind it), some antifreeze insulation measures can be taken:

For outdoor exposed water supply pipes, water meters, etc., they can be wrapped tightly with insulation materials (such as foam insulation pipes, grass ropes, old cotton clothes, etc.).

Warm tips 丨 Spring Festival rest assured to go out, home water pipe protection tips

Close the doors and windows of rooms with water supply pipes or taps such as kitchens and bathrooms to maintain indoor temperature.

Warm tips 丨 Spring Festival rest assured to go out, home water pipe protection tips

Users of water facilities such as solar energy, in the case of keeping warm, empty the pipe memory water.

Warm tips 丨 Spring Festival rest assured to go out, home water pipe protection tips

Letting the faucet continue to flow small water into the bucket can also play a certain antifreeze effect. The accumulated water can also be recycled, wash your hands, wash your face, wash your dishes, etc.

Warm tips 丨 Spring Festival rest assured to go out, home water pipe protection tips

In winter, it is best to close the valve in front of the water meter of the vacant house, otherwise, in case the water pipe in the house is broken due to low temperature, it will cause unnecessary losses.

German Emmanlong Pipe wishes you a happy Chinese New Year

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