
Mafada weekly horoscope 2.10-2.16

author:The horoscope of the little well-behaved hemp constellation

The New Year's Day has not yet left, and will celebrate valentine's day and Lantern Festival holidays, and will set the main axis of this week with two harmonious signs: 'Mercury/Pluto conjunction' and 'Mars/Venus conjunction', as well as the enhanced 'Moon of Aquarius' astrological atmosphere brought by Mercury and the Sun double star Aquarius. The youthful vitality, innovation and change, stubbornness and rebellion and loyalty to the concept of Aquarius values will encounter tests and wrestling in reality. In the subconscious of Aquarius, genius and madness are only separated by a line. Atypical, unreasonable and formal strategies and paths are the winning skills that emerge from the army.

The three major astrological events are:

Auspicious omen of 11 February: 'Mercury/Pluto conjunction' (the situation is clear).

February 13 first auspicious omen: 'Mars/Venus conjunction' (heavenly combination).

Mercury on February 14 turns into Aquarius (rapidly changing).

In terms of astrological meaning, 'Mercury/Pluto' symbolizes crisis and turnaround, random and mental interaction and cooperation; 'Mars/Venus' is a combination of desire and emotion, a real and fleshy love. It is a happy day when a lover will eventually become a family. It is an extraordinary period that is very emotionally suitable for going deep and working well for persevering to the end.

It is worth mentioning that Venus, which symbolizes love, happiness, luck and wealth, is very active and positive during this Valentine's Day. Venus, the morning star, which shines on the horizon before dawn, will be the brightest of the year on February 9, and this brightness will remain until early March. Symbolically, this brightest Venus cycle spanning Valentine's Day, as well as the brave positivity and sweet happiness of 'Mars/Venus Conjunction', is very suitable for yourself to love and be loved.

In terms of finance, Venus is still in Capricorn (conservative and cautious), and the current cycle of 'Aquarius' turbulence effect has increased significantly, not only is there still Capricorn pessimism, but the probability of non-economic unexpected variables disrupting stock market confidence has increased significantly. In the coming week, the international financial stock market is afraid of a sudden negative attack, and it is advisable to pull up the defense layout.

As far as individual constellations are concerned, this week, When Valentine's Day and Lantern Festival appeared in succession, the auspicious omen soared into the sky, and there was no major astrological warning. All constellations fall in the relatively downwind period. The stars of the pride list have once again made a big adjustment. Among them, good luck falls first in Libra, and the Honmei Star and Mars are lucky together, bringing masculine combat charm and inadvertent pride and domineering. In both emotional and wealth investments, they are winners of brave risk-taking.

The second good fortune is last week's horoscope champion Aries, the star of life and the star of happiness Venus, and at the peak of career and dreams. Popularity is available. Social hilarity, friends travel together, especially youth does not leave blank, Valentine's Day is extremely moist. The third horoscope is Gemini, the fortune is wide open, the future is bright, and the combination of the guardian star and Pluto will bring strong pressure resistance and reversal potential, and the potential of the posterior trend cannot be underestimated. Love, career, money luck are all booming.

This week, the 'Mars/Venus Conjunction', which symbolizes the harmony and rigidity of the relationship between the sexes, has become the biggest axis, which is the best gift for Valentine's Day. Mars symbolizes passion and action, and Venus symbolizes tenderness and beauty. The two complement each other and will make this year's Valentine's Day a lot more natural. As there are no astrological warnings, there are no low-tide stars this week.

12 zodiac signs atmosphere this week

Rank of constellations

Libra: The sun is in the middle, the fame is great, the wind and water are rising (the strongest aura)

Aries: Make a good fortune, get a long-cherished wish, and applaud the seat (the most good luck)

Gemini: Lead the crowd, get the point first, outwit the enemy (the best career)

Aquarius: Siege and land, rise with the trend, and join the vertical and horizontal (the fiercest sprint)


♈ Aries (March 21 to April 19)

Brilliant and talented. The guardian star and Venus are in good luck, with the greatest blessing of the happiness star, charming style, interesting speech, stealing heart, circle powder strength is strong, can be called the strongest power generation king in the new spring. The New Year group celebrates the spring and sends it to usher in a good and not lively. Valentine's Day found that the sky dish rubs out the flames, or the existing relationship rises the hot love mode is more likely. Our business relies on partners to complement each other and exert a multiplier effect. Wealth and consumption power have increased at the same time. Love is a spicy taste.


♉ Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

The melon is ripe and full of confidence. During this period when the Honmei Star and Mars are united, and the Career Palace welcomes the sun and the fortune star, it is about to usher in several waves of favorable medium- and long-term development, with double confidence and high morale. Due to the delay in a number of decisions, the subjective and objective situation is becoming more and more favorable, and after several rigorous trials, the final decision will be decided, and the exciting answers are expected to be revealed one after another. Valentine's Day should explore the spring and appreciate the heart, grasp the present, and manage the existing relationship. Win the jackpot windfall. Love is a direct flight to happiness.


♊ Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

With ease, the water will come to fruition. The days when the Guardian Star turned into the Career Palace and danced with the sun not only had the ability to act, but also the strong willpower that was rare in ordinary days. At the beginning of the New Year, the red plate was preemptively opened and played a career Grand Slam. At the opportunity of the best fish leaping dragon gate of the year, remember to enlarge your ambitions and bravely pursue your dreams. Not only 'sitting and dreaming', but also 'getting up and walking'. When painting a grand vision, do not forget to accompany precise actions, stage goals and segmented plans. Set small victories as big chips, and reserve the foreshadowing for the successful and outstanding ending of the key battle in the future. Cunning Rabbit Three Caves, there are several quality options. Valentine's Day sexual encounter index is not low, brisk as the wind. Fortune is optimistic, and the value of the ship is rising. Love is a kind of happiness.


♋ Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

Shallow and deep, plain and tasteful. During this period of subtle changes in emotions and values, we know how to appreciate and cherish people and things that are truly valuable, not limited by worldly evaluations, and heavy in quality and weightless. Just as real gold is not afraid of fire, it is really not afraid of testing. A relationship seems to be weak, the attachment is far stronger than the appearance, and even drowned unconsciously. Competent and responsible and diligent, is the main force contributing to the output value. Valentine's Day romance is very materialistic. It is rich and prosperous. Love is a love addiction.


♌ Leo (July 23 - August 22)

The spring breeze is triumphant, and the happy events are in pairs. During the period when the red luan star moved and the 'charm index' rose sharply, the partner palace sat blessed with the two auspicious stars of the Honmei Star and Mercury, which was the honeymoon period that could most melt people's hearts and water in terms of emotions and interpersonal relationships in the spring. Many people may also meet happiness around Valentine's Day, or get a good job, and think of spending this life together or forming another team. The cooperation plan was finalized, and the career was emotionally gratifying. Surprise and good gifts to the door. Love is mutual happiness.


♍ Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

Return to your original intention and enjoy the present. During the days when the guardian star turned into the daily palace, the sense of crisis and pressure was sharply reduced, and the mentality became very casual, and he did not want to be oppressed by life or emotion for the time being. Going with the flow and preferring to be lacking rather than indiscriminate has become a kind of persistence. In the spring, the work must immediately face a hard battle, fortunately, there is courage and strategy, the bomb disposal is successful, and you can put down the big stone in time and spend the Lantern Festival comfortably. Emotions are seven points of reason, three points of romance, and it is difficult to avoid the spell of lovesickness. Partial financial revenue is generous. Love is an absolutely focused expectation.


♎ Libra (September 23 to October 22)

A strong army, invincible. During the days when the guardian star and Mars are in harmony, and the love palace has the most auspicious star blessings, emotions and careers are active and righteous. Coupled with the fact that the personal annual 'moving index' and 'heartbeat index' are the peak month, it is very suitable for dating with spring, romantically talking about love, indulging in their own wayward beauty, or gorgeously pampering themselves. Hermaphroditic, soft and rigid charm magnetic field threatens, work and social are unfavorable, can be expected to conquer a large number of fans, friendship and love smoothly into the bag. Career and education are a sign of prosperity and progress. Valentine's Day is a hunter of happiness full of harvests. Investment is unique. Love falls along gravity.


♏ Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

Settle down physically and mentally, and strive to go upstream. During this period when the guardian star and Mercury are in harmony, the greatest satisfaction point of spring comes from the dual sense of emotional and material security. Rediscovering the center of gravity and origin of life, finding a sense of belonging at work or in a group, and recognizing professional ability have greatly improved the confidence to sprint up from the status quo and fly high. Recently, there have been short-term invitations to the door, and it is worth considering the use of force. Valentine's Day is the feeling of having a mood to rely on. Balance of income and expenditure. Love is located in the same happiness time zone.


♐ Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

At first sight, there is love. The companion palace and the career palace are in sync with each other, and there is an indispensable and excellent companion for work and emotion. As long as they are not emotional, the partner team of ideas, magnetic fields, visions and interests will become a lucky symbol that complements each other. Career ability is highly relied on, the New Year is happy to have allies to help, and will also join hands to usher in a lucky good lottery. Valentine's Day is sweet and sweet, and the relationship is both trusting and free. Cai Ji, polite to the door. Love is a kite tied only with a rope.


♑ Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

Throw bricks and jade, do not waste this trip. During the days when the two auspicious stars of the Fortune Palace are guarded, the 'cornucopia effect' is threatening, which is the golden period of the year's best fight for the economy and the accumulation of wealth, and the good fortune can be expected to be extended for nearly a month. It is advisable to actively manage money, open source and recruit wealth, and raise salaries for yourself. Business operation is skillful, handy, not tempted by the outside world, persistence, persistence and credit in exchange for the return of the ticket price. Valentine's Day is a sweet two-person world that can't be put into the other. Fortune. Love is a kind of heart-to-heart.


♒ Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Take advantage of the victory and chase. During the days when Mercury chased the sun and entered the Honmei Palace, the two auspicious stars arched, living up to the timing advantage of being the star of this month, and the fortunes rose steadily. Speed, resilience, decisiveness and action are especially key to winning. Career ambitions are high, the 'Breakthrough Status Index' has increased significantly, and there are victories such as getting ahead, leading the way, coming out on top, or conquering the new world. Valentine's Day is full of happiness and a good harvest like a career. Fortune. Love is bliss that is constantly electrifying.


♓ Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

Settle in with the situation, suitable for IKEA. This period is both warm and pleasant, smooth and refreshing without too much burden. Work according to the plan and follow the schedule, there are wonderful climaxes in the middle, and there are not so gorgeous moments. But no matter as a protagonist or a supporting role, the career is always sincere, highly patient, acting like what, will not be a deserter. Valentine's Day is a time to try to intersect romance and commitment, and this year there is a special desire for stability. There is no luck in the money. Love is the spring mud of flowers.