
"Travel with books": CCTV made chinese texts into "living" documentaries


CCTV's experiential cultural education documentary "Travel with Books" is currently being broadcast, which takes primary and secondary school books or classic masterpieces as clues, tells stories on the ground, is educated in the scene, touches history, perceives culture, and makes the heritage displayed on the vast land of China "alive". This documentary is the best choice for watching during the winter vacation, allowing children to increase their knowledge without leaving home...

Text | Vera

| Tianyue

"Travel with books" selects articles in primary and secondary school textbooks and classic masterpieces that teenagers are familiar with, and the team leader leads the students to explore the real scene in the text, and listens to the experts tell the stories behind the scenes. Through reading, visiting, recording and other means, let the cultural heritage "live", let the textbooks and books "thick", let the classic literature "new", let the students "read thousands of books" at the same time, "walk thousands of miles".

01Letting knowledge "live" is the charm of language!

This documentary, with the description of the text content of the textbook as a clue, will show the regional scenery, historical celebrities, cultural monuments, mountains and rivers and world cultural heritage before our eyes.

Lu Xun's essay "From Baicao Garden to Sanwei Bookhouse" recalls the good memories of his childhood living, playing and studying in Baicao Garden and Sanwei Bookstore, and has long been well known to the public. This article was also selected for the 2018 edition of the Junior High School Seventh Grade Chinese Textbook.

"Travel with books": CCTV made chinese texts into "living" documentaries

In the documentary, the program team arranged for the students to visit Lu Xun's childhood one day together, returned to the former residence of Lu Xun's hometown of Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, and re-walked the road that Lu Xun had to go to school, from Lu Xun's bedroom to the Sanwei Book House. Students compare the texts and find that what they see is consistent with the textbook.

"Travel with books": CCTV made chinese texts into "living" documentaries

When the Sanwei Bookstore in the textbook appeared in front of the eyes, this is the place where Lu Xun has read books for five years, personally attending the scene, the students are very excited, looking for Lu Xun's desk together, and then found the desk engraved with the word "morning", and saw that it was exactly the same as described in the book! Lu Xun's seat is in a corner that is not easily disturbed, which is the same as the students' perception of Lu Xun, who was a serious student when he was a child.

"Travel with books": CCTV made chinese texts into "living" documentaries

"Grape wine luminous cup, want to drink pipa immediately urge", a song "Liangzhou Words" let the ancient Liangzhou wine world know. Similarly, in the issue of "Searching for the Hexi Corridor - Grape Wine Luminous Glass", in order to let the students understand the beautiful wine in the poem, the program team went to Gansu, the seat of Guliangzhou, to experience the wine making technology, so as to understand the significance of wine in Gansu.

"Travel with books": CCTV made chinese texts into "living" documentaries

The program team told the students that when the wine is brewed, what utensils are used to drink it to have poetry? The cup made of Qilian jade shines in the moonlight, and the wine is poured into the green Qilian jade cup and crystal clear, so it is described as a "luminous cup". In this way, the students understood.

"Travel with books": CCTV made chinese texts into "living" documentaries

This kind of on-site learning experience left a deep impression on both the students and the audience, and deepened their knowledge and understanding. This is the charm of language! This kind of experiential learning is also more vivid and memorable.

02 Read the book "thick" and taste the warmth of human feelings

The program team has produced a total of more than 400 episodes, and the entire documentary series covers a wide range of topics and is all-encompassing, including China's scenic spots, historical relics, celebrity former residences, as well as local customs and folk culture.

Let us feel that as a classic discipline, big language is not only learning language and writing, but also encompassing more connotations.

In another program with Lu Xun as the protagonist, "Lu Xun's Sauce Taste", through the excavation of the program, we saw a different Lu Xun.

We all know that Lu Xun is a writer who constantly criticizes the inferiority of the nation, "crosses his eyebrows and cold fingers, and bows his head to the widow and cow", but Lu Xun also has a warm and amiable side, especially for his mother and his hometown.

The program tells us that Lu Xun can still be regarded as a gourmet, and in his articles and novels, he often sees the figure of food. The most frequent delicacy is his hometown specialty, duck with sauce meat sauce in Shaoxing, Zhejiang.

"Travel with books": CCTV made chinese texts into "living" documentaries

The program team leader and experts took the students to Shaoxing to experience the local situation of local people making sauce duck sauce meat, and told the story of Lu Xun, telling everyone that Lu Xun had not returned to his hometown in the second half of his life, he had received sauce duck from his mother in other places, even if there were already slight signs of decay, he was not willing to throw it away.

"The so-called nostalgia, for some people, is a certain taste of hometown, accompanied by the fermentation of the years, forming a long-lasting memory."

Through this program, the students were immediately able to have a more comprehensive understanding of Mr. Lu Xun, and truly experienced his attachment to his hometown and his longing for his mother.

In the process of understanding the production of Shaoxing sauce goods, some people can't help but ask: "Why do Shaoxing people like to make sauce duck and sauce goods?" ”

The experts did not ignore the questions raised by the students, but told everyone that this was because in the past, There were often floods in Zhejiang, the climate was relatively humid and hot, and in order to preserve food, the locals would make this kind of dry goods to reserve.

Through a program, we can learn about knowledge beyond textbooks that answer questions that we might have made adults feel childish or unrelated to exams. But that's learning itself.

In addition to excavating the author himself, the background and state of mind of the author when writing are also important materials worth excavating. It is true that if you want to truly understand the connotation of a good work, you cannot just stay on the surface of the text.

In the program "Impression of Nanjing - Back Shadow", Zhu Ziqing's reminiscent essay "Back Shadow" is explained, and many people are familiar with this text. Zhu Ziqing described the story of himself leaving Nanjing to study in Beijing, and his father accompanied him to the railway station and bought himself oranges when he left. Among them, when his father climbed on the platform, "a slightly bloated and faltering back" was deeply imprinted in Zhu Ziqing's heart.

"Travel with books": CCTV made chinese texts into "living" documentaries

These contents are no stranger to readers, and the program continues to tell us that behind the article "Back Shadow", there is an untold story. Through the oral accounts of experts, we learned that when the back story happened, the relationship between Zhu Ziqing and his father was not good, one was the contradiction between the new ideas that Zhu Ziqing accepted and the old ideas of his father; the other was that the father's own reasons led to being dismissed, making the family fall in the middle of the road, and the grandmother died of a terrible change, and Zhu Ziqing, who was not very mature at that time, blamed the death of his grandmother on his father, so that there was a gradual estrangement between father and son.

When I wrote "Back Shadow", it was actually eight years later, zhu Ziqing received a letter from his father, mentioning that "lifting a pen, many inconveniences, about the time of the big departure is not far away." Zhu Ziqing couldn't help but burst into tears, and immediately wrote "Back Shadow" with a pen.

At this time, Zhu Ziqing himself was already the father of four children, and he was more able to empathize with his father's love. As a result, "the deep and stubborn father-son relationship, after eight years, finally broke the gap between the two people's hearts."

"Travel with books": CCTV made chinese texts into "living" documentaries

03 Experiential language education, let children explore and discover

As a grounded documentary, "Travel with Books" is a major feature of the experiential travel that students participate in, and the students' learning experience and thinking are also very happy.

In Turpan, Xinjiang, the program team asked students to go outdoors to look for signs of life, but the maximum surface temperature here reached 82.3 degrees Celsius, and even shoes and socks could be roasted. The students were full of enthusiasm, but they could not find anything in the hot sun, so some students shouted: "The fire of the flame mountain burns life." ”

"Travel with books": CCTV made chinese texts into "living" documentaries

Is there a fire in the Flame Mountain?

It is explained in the program that the reason why there is "fire" in the name of the Flame Mountain is because the sun shines on the mountain, the ochre red hue is very strong, and the hot air current is constantly rising, looking like it is on fire. In addition, the Flame Mountain is basically parallel to the Tianshan Mountain Range. Due to the existence of the Flame Mountain, the snowmelt water of the Tianshan Mountain is blocked by the Flame Mountain, and its mountain is composed of sandstone, and the water permeability is extremely low, which invisibly raises the temperature of the Flame Mountain...

Through experiential learning, exploration and reflection, students will find that knowledge is so interesting. So some netizens commented: "Reading the story at the place where the story takes place is easier to understand the knowledge of the book, and the great rivers and mountains of the motherland in the lens always make people feel relaxed." ”

It is not difficult to find that this documentary is practicing the concept of "experiential education" from beginning to end, guiding students to acquire knowledge through experience and experience. In this process, students are the main body and are in a proactive state, while educators are in a position of assistance and guidance. Students use "experience" to perfect their perception of things.

According to psychologists, experiential education is more acceptable to children than traditional "indoctrination education". Indoctrination education limits children's creativity and imagination, and thinking becomes more rigid, while experiential education stimulates students' flexibility to learn thinking.

In developed countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States and Japan, more attention is paid to experiential education. Experiential education has become the mainstream of Anglo-American education, guiding students to identify problems, solve problems and draw conclusions in the experience, so as to obtain their own learning outcomes; Japan will set up a "nature experience education" curriculum in each school to allow students to improve their abilities and acquire knowledge in outdoor group activities.

In China, experiential education is also developing, for example, many schools try to carry out study tours as projects to promote quality education, and also introduce situational and experiential learning models in learning inside and outside the classroom.

Some time ago, when "Changjin Lake" was screened, Zhengzhou Yuhua Experimental School, one of the "Top 100 Middle Schools in China", let more than 500 students watch the picture of Changjin Lake tearfully eating frozen potatoes, which received widespread attention. The students said that the experience was very meaningful, so that everyone knew to cherish the rich life they have now. Most netizens also expressed support for such "experiential education".

In the future era, the acquisition and absorption of knowledge will no longer be stuck in static books, and the vivid experiential education will benefit children a lot and grow infinitely.


1. Travel with books during the summer! CCTV, a language education program, is suitable for parents and children to watch together with the People's Education Publishing House

2. The big language documentary "Travel with books" "Traveling Thousands of Miles" China Youth Daily

3. Parents should stop using indoctrination education, try "experience experience" education, so that children are more sensible Lao Guo said V

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