
"Night Ming": Mr. Sun Yat-sen, you live up to the world, you bear this red face

author:Mung beans

#原创声明 #

"Night Ming": Mr. Sun Yat-sen, you live up to the world, you bear this red face

At the ball, Mr. Personable

"Night Ming": Mr. Sun Yat-sen, you live up to the world, you bear this red face

Fundraising conference, Mr. Mouth hanging in the river

"Night Ming": Mr. Sun Yat-sen, you live up to the world, you bear this red face

Miss Nyonya, who attaches equal importance to beauty and patriotic passion

"Night Ming": Mr. Sun Yat-sen, you live up to the world, you bear this red face

Chen Pufen, sir, you live up to the world, alone with this red face

"Night Ming": Mr. Sun Yat-sen, you live up to the world, you bear this red face

Mr. Sun, running around

"Night Ming" is a historical film directed by Hong Kong Cho Chong-ki and starring Zhao Wenxuan, Li Xinjie, Wu Yue, Liu Ruiqi, Zhao Zheng and other actors. It is also the first film officially supported by China and Malaysia. The film mainly tells the story of Sun Yat-sen's fundraising experience in Nanyang during the difficult times of the revolution, as well as his little-known emotional story with Ms. Chen Pufen.

1. Dr. Sun Yat-sen

After reading it, the favorite is naturally Mr. Sun. The persistence of the gentleman, the courage of the gentleman, the eloquence of the gentleman and even the occasional naughtiness of the gentleman are impressive.

Sun Yat-sen, who has seen some film and television works, likes this the most.

He is also a mortal, and he will also be confused after many defeats, and he will have doubts about his future.

He is also a mortal, and he will also sacrifice his life for so many familiar people.

He is also a mortal, and he will also grieve that he cannot fulfill his filial piety and mother's knees.

He was also a mortal and would rack his brains for revolutionary funding.

He is also a mortal, and he will also be angry at the bad.

He is also a mortal, and he will be very encouraged by the turn of events.

These ordinary things make him more real.

But in the end, he still has something extraordinary.

I like to see him say goodbye in the Xu family, and the Tao is different and does not become friends.

I like that he draws his sword to help the dock workers in the road, and wherever he goes, he sows the seeds of revolution.

Like he pulled out his gun and simply and neatly solved the forced marriage of the British businessman Grant father and son to Miss Xu, Zhi Yong Shuangquan and Yun Wen Yunwu.

I like his mouth is hanging in the river, and he is straight.

I like that he faces the rich merchants of Penang's ease, peels back the cocoon, pushes the heart, touches the softest in everyone's heart, grasps the patriotic heart of overseas Chinese, and stimulates the feelings of the crowd.

I like to watch him walk between life and death, heroic and fearless. The Qing court offered a reward of 700,000 taels of silver to buy his head, and he was able to talk and laugh about it.

I liked the mischievous look on his face when he asked Luo Zhaolin, and I loved the bold optimism on his face when he said that if he died, he would also use his head to pay back the money, and the reward money of the Qing court to buy weapons to overthrow the Qing government.


This Sun Yat-sen portrayed by Mr. Zhao has levels, personality and weight.

Second, the fourth sister Chen Pufen

The story of the fourth sister makes us sigh, sir, you live up to the people of the world, and you bear this red face.

Chen Pufen. Heartache for this woman.

She loves not the revolution, she loves Mr. Because of her love for Him, she follows without complaint or regret.

She was not following the revolution, she was following only Mr.

This love, swinging intestines.

The man she loved, before he fell in love with her, had fallen in love with the revolution.

When I think of her, I think of Shu Ting's famous "To the Oak Tree". She loves that person, so she does not want to be a lingxiao flower that clings to her lover, but stands with her husband as a powerful tree.

She and Mr. She," the roots, clenched in the ground; the leaves, touching each other in the clouds. ”

In her eyes there is only the world, and in her eyes there is only Mr.

It is not that she does not have her own vision of love, but she understands Mr. too well, so she is only willing to lose her temper occasionally, and she hides the idea of love that belongs only to two people deeply in her heart, only as a dream to warm her heart.

After the success of the revolution, she chose to retire from fame and success, and the small characters at the end of the film made people sigh.

Third, Miss Nyonya's jade bi

A piece of jade bi wears the Story of Danrong. This small prop that runs through the story of Danrong is very ingenious. The pier picked up his lover Xu Danrong and lost his jade bi, and Sun Yat-sen found the jade bi and returned it, thus becoming acquainted with this Nyonya lady.

Impressed by Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary spirit, Miss Xu, who raised money for the revolution, gave Yu bi (reminding me of the wedding ring donated by Melanie in "Gone with the Wind") and was extremely disappointed with her lover, and Yu Bi was also as emotionally broken as the two.

The lover is lost and returns, and Yubi breaks the mirror and reunites.

Yubi is a traditional Chinese mascot, which is round in shape and the hole in the middle is also round.

This pair of concentric circles can symbolize eternity, implying "the cycle begins again and again, and the circle is complete", which is exactly in line with the love trajectory of this little couple. Good choice! like.

4. Merchants of Penang

The Penang merchants are real.

Merchants, they are merchants.

So, they will calculate.

Mr. Xu's warm hospitality only talks about friendship and does not talk about money. He clearly told the gentleman: Respect you as a person, I am not optimistic about your career.

At the fundraising meeting, the unknown businessman said: "You are a revolutionary, we are just businessmen, and businessmen want to return." "Speaking to the common voice of our businessmen and friends: We are very kind and righteous, and we do not want to continue to invest in an unrequited cause.

Even the insult of the 20 yuan is very real.

However, they still Chinese.

Therefore, they will be concerned about their homeland in a stable land, they will be impressed by the good prospects of Mr. Li's genealogy, and they will once again contribute to the revolution regardless of cost and return. Love this group of real people.

Fifth, the great inner secret agent who is too abrupt

The only thing I was dissatisfied with was the turning point of Luo Zhaolin, the secret agent of the Great Qing Dynasty, which was not full enough and not convincing. Maybe the previous emphasis on this man's fierceness is too much because. It's not that the actor is not good, the actor plays that kind of cold in place, but the delicate layer in the front makes this character real and believable, and the sudden elevation in the second half makes people accept incompetence. Nitpicking.

6. Tidbits

Mr. Zhao Wenxuan appeared in the movie, and he should pay attention to it when watching it. This big gunner is the hero behind it. Reveal it: It is Mr. Zhao who wrote the love letter to the two little ones.

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