
How to build a public cultural service system? Yuzhong gives you a sample

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How to build a public cultural service system? Yuzhong gives you a sample

Three thousand years of Jiangzhou City

Eight hundred years of Chongqing Province

One Hundred Years of Liberation Monument

How to build a public cultural service system? Yuzhong gives you a sample

Four degrees of fortification three times of capital

Long time


It has always been the finishing touch of Chongqing's history

How to build a public cultural service system? Yuzhong gives you a sample
As the "window for the world to see Chongqing", in 2013, Yuzhong was selected as one of the first batch of national public cultural service system demonstration areas, and it is also the only district and county in Chongqing. In recent years, Yuzhong District has closely followed the pulse of the development of the times, given full play to the role of "leading geese", taken the principle of deepening reform, co-construction and sharing, integration and openness, and balanced development, tried first, boldly explored, and continuously promoted the innovative development of the national public cultural service system demonstration area.


Urban renewal adapted to local conditions

Cultural relics have become a platform for public cultural services display

How to build a public cultural service system? Yuzhong gives you a sample

Yuzhong is a cultural relics region with 149 immovable cultural relics (173 points). The sheer number of cultural relics and monuments and the density of old streets and alleys here provide a natural "classroom" for prosperous public cultural services, but also face the "troubles" caused by the cramped availability of space.

As a built-up area, an old city, and a central urban area, how can we break through the space restrictions and build a public cultural service network that covers the whole district, has a reasonable layout, has a complete structure, has sound functions, is practical and efficient? Yuzhong District has set its sights on the fiery urban renewal and the cultural relics scattered in the land of Yuzhong.

How to build a public cultural service system? Yuzhong gives you a sample

Zengjiayan Academy, which was selected as a "national cultural relics revitalization and utilization case", was born in this context.

In 2015, the Zhongshan 4th Road Characteristic Old Block Project was launched, and the protection and utilization of a building in the late Qing Dynasty at No. 19 Zengjiayan was put on the agenda. "Good view, there is a possibility of doing a homestay." "It's good to do catering, the price is not cheap!" Nearby residents are talking about its future.

How to build a public cultural service system? Yuzhong gives you a sample

No one expected that when It appeared again three years later, Zengjiayan No. 19 restored its original appearance - Zengjiayan Academy, which is composed of three sections of the Literature and History Library, the Cultural Lecture Hall, and the Target Image Art Space, becoming a public cultural activity space, and more than 10,000 precious local literature books in Chongqing are open to the public for free.

After the renovation, Zengjiayan College is particularly lively, not only providing book lending, river viewing services, but also carrying out public welfare cultural activities such as exhibitions, salons, and handicrafts all year round, which has become a favorite punch card place for surrounding citizens, office workers and tourists.

"Cultural relics are the carrier of historical context, engraved with the evolution of the city, the context of culture, the poetry lines of the years, and the psychological distance of residents, transforming cultural relics into public cultural service spaces, and everyone is more willing to go." The relevant person in charge of the Yuzhong District Culture and Tourism Committee told reporters that in recent years, Yuzhong District will continue the urban context, improve the quality of the city and improve the public cultural service network, through the activation of cultural relics, increase the supporting facilities and equipment, embedded cultural and creative elements, etc., fully tap the potential of narrow geographical space, public cultural services are vibrant.

How to build a public cultural service system? Yuzhong gives you a sample

With the acceleration of the construction of 10 traditional style areas, 10 old shancheng blocks, and 10 characteristic old neighborhoods, Yuzhong District has successively cultivated comprehensive cultural activity venues such as Zengjiayan Academy, French Renai Hall, Xiling Study Room, Zhu Bingren Copper Art Museum, and Shancheng Memory Museum; built and opened cultural and museum spaces such as the Party History Exhibition Hall, Yiyuan Exhibition Hall, and the Former Site Exhibition Hall of the General Headquarters of the Korean Guangfu Army of the Chongqing Local Executive Committee; and carved people and academies cultivating cultural courtyards, Daijia Lane Cliff Line Trail, Futuguan Red Wall and other community cultural sites." The 10-minute public cultural service circle is getting better and better.


Social engagement is skillfully integrated

New cultural spaces are emerging

How to build a public cultural service system? Yuzhong gives you a sample

Yuzhong is the political, economic and cultural center of Chongqing. The rising living standards have made the public's demand for a more fulfilling, rich and higher quality spiritual and cultural life increasing day by day, and social forces have become a beautiful landscape for expanding the public cultural service network.

In recent years, Yuzhong District has continuously deepened the reform of the public cultural service mechanism system, taken the lead in completing the reform of the corporate governance structure of the district cultural center and library in the city, and driven the enthusiasm of social forces to participate in the construction of public cultural services.

How to build a public cultural service system? Yuzhong gives you a sample

In April 2019, the Chiba Optical General Store located in the Jiefangbei Pedestrian Street made a decision: to remove half of the commercial counters, add leisure facilities, white hollowed-out ladders, mengwa statues and mobile exhibition areas, to create a new Chiba Art Museum, becoming a commercial art operation space and urban cultural and artistic landmarks, with super high "appearance" and "temperament", citizens and tourists who come to punch in and take photos are endless.

"We did it, taking on social responsibility, continuing the temperature of the city, and increasing sales!" Looking back on the road over the past two years, Li Yuanyuan, the initiator of the project, is extremely proud. Practice has proved that these things that do not seem to be linked to sales have brought 5 times higher passenger flow than usual, driving sales growth of 20%.

How to build a public cultural service system? Yuzhong gives you a sample

The success of Chiba Glasses has brought a new path to the innovative development of public cultural service system. In order to activate more social forces, integrate public cultural services into all aspects of eating, living, traveling, shopping and entertainment, and establish a coordinated, open and diverse, and vibrant cultural development pattern, in 2021, Yuzhong District took the lead in launching public cultural service demonstration and typical selection and promotion activities in the city.

How to build a public cultural service system? Yuzhong gives you a sample

10 outstanding public cultural service brands such as "Mother City Cultural Salon", "Huguang Guild Hall Yuwang Sacrifice", 20 outstanding mass cultural teams such as "Hongyan Story Publicity Group" and "Chongqing Chuanjiang Trumpet Art Troupe", "Physical Bookstores Create Online and Offline Free Cultural Sharing Platform - Yuzhong District Reading exchange center" and "Original Immersive Shancheng Characteristic Cultural Tourism Resident Performance - Shancheng Qu Art Field" and other 8 public cultural service innovation cases have been publicized, once again igniting the upsurge of social forces participating in the construction of the public cultural service system.

Life experience school, Lohas Club, aesthetic distribution center, spiritual oxygen bar... Catering, fitness, beauty, bookstores and other market entities have been in line with culture and art, a number of small and beautiful new public cultural service spaces have sprung up, is becoming the source of the masses to enjoy spiritual and cultural life "living water", but also for the expansion of the Chongqing Chinese the two museums of the main branch of the museum injected new vitality.

How to build a public cultural service system? Yuzhong gives you a sample

On October 30, 2021, Sishu Travel Space was listed in the 18th Ladder Branch of Yuzhong District Library. Up to now, there are 21 new social branches of Wentu and The two museums in the district, 20 smart reading stations, 19 book drifting stations, and 3 24-hour urban study rooms, and the tentacles of public cultural services are all over Chongqing, such as communities, business circles, scenic spots, hotels, parks, squares, schools, and stations.


Characteristic supply, co-construction and sharing

The Huimin brand is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people

How to build a public cultural service system? Yuzhong gives you a sample

"Chaotian Gate, large wharf, greeting officials and receiving saints; Cuiwei Gate, hanging colored satin, five colors are distinct; Qianwei Gate, flower buns, white as snow..." Every Saturday afternoon, on the city wall of TongyuanMen, the "Good Chongqing City Wall Story Meeting" is staged as scheduled.

The City Wall Story will invite celebrities and celebrities in the local music and art circles to focus on the familiar commentaries and stories, interspersed with opera and opera forms such as money boards, lotus leaves, Qingyin, Yangqin, etc., focusing on the themes of Bashu ancient rhyme, Chongqing Palm Ancient, Yuzhong style, spirit of the War of Resistance, Hongyan culture, etc., focusing on telling stories about the historical development of jiangzhou ancient city, cultural heritage, scenic spots, folk customs, natural humanities, urban customs, civilization and fashion, etc., and gradually becoming a new way of leisure and entertainment for Chongqing people on weekends.

How to build a public cultural service system? Yuzhong gives you a sample

"One side of the water and soil nourishes the other, and each place has its own cultural code, which is rooted in people's blood and is renewed day by day." The relevant person in charge of the Yuzhong District Cultural and Tourism Committee said that Chongqing has nine open and eight closed seventeen doors, and the Tongyuan Gate is the most complete one to retain, and the story of the city wall will be "on fire" in anticipation.

In recent years, based on the rich cultural context and drama line theater group resources in the mother city, Yuzhong District has continuously deepened the institutional reform of the supply side, actively advocated "one scene and one humanities", "one street and one brand" and "one residence and one characteristic", and created a large number of cultural and artistic activity brands, and the sense of cultural acquisition and happiness of the masses has steadily improved.

How to build a public cultural service system? Yuzhong gives you a sample

If it is said that book commentary and music art have injected a continuous cultural flavor into the lives of locals, then the Jiefangbei CBD Weekend Square Concert has made fashion art and elegant art enter the lives of the people without threshold. As a business card of the national mass cultural activities, the concert has been held nearly 600 times since its opening in 2003, becoming an important carrier for improving the cultural accomplishment of the masses and enriching the quality of life of residents.

In 2018, in order to further meet the growing demand for a better life of the masses, the jiefangbei CBD square weekend concert was revised and upgraded, and through the direct purchase of municipal theater troupe performances and public bidding and procurement, it continued to provide the people with hall-level concerts, song and dance dramas, opera and other different themes, scales, forms and groups of quality performances.

How to build a public cultural service system? Yuzhong gives you a sample

In addition to inclusive public cultural services, the "private customization" of "niche" needs is also particularly warm. Taking into account the public cultural needs of office workers and teenagers, Wentu and its branches have launched staggered opening services, which not only extend the opening time on weekends and holidays to 20:00, but also add high-quality free art training such as erhu, jazz dance, percussion, children's street dance and children's double-row electronic organ.

At the same time, various communities have also actively undertaken public cultural service functions, made full use of the cultural characteristics of the jurisdiction, and carefully cultivated a series of grounded Qunwen brands such as "Love Red Rock" and "Renhe Zhiguang Art Festival", and the participation of the masses was very enthusiastic.


Service iteration Efficiency upgrade

The construction of "wisdom" is sound and colorful

"Good grandchildren, it's raining outside, we take fans and learn to dance folk dances with the teacher." In Chongqing in early November 2021, the weather was cold, and her four-year-old granddaughter was the age of idleness, clamoring to go downstairs.

Grandma Wang Juhua was not annoyed, calmly took out her mobile phone, entered the "Yuzhong District Cultural Center" WeChat public account, pointed out a MOOC for children's dance learning, and the granddaughter instantly jumped and jumped happily, without mentioning the matter of going downstairs.

How to build a public cultural service system? Yuzhong gives you a sample

Chen Jianguo, a retired elderly man living alone not far from Wang Juhua's home, is also browsing MOOCs. "I read and study on my mobile phone every day, which is very fulfilling!" Chen Jianguo is a retired teacher, as he grew older, his legs and feet were not easy, he gradually reduced the number of times he went up and down the stairs, and his children repeatedly urged him to move in with him, but he refused. The most favorite thing for the elderly to do every day is to open the mobile phone, follow the MOOC to learn to draw, learn to write, learn musical instruments, or enter the library mini program, listen to books, watch videos, and live a plain and rich life. "Libraries and cultural centers are authoritative public cultural platforms, with rich resources, ready to watch, no money, no need to worry about being deceived, no advertising, very convenient." Chen Jianguo said.

How to build a public cultural service system? Yuzhong gives you a sample

With the acceleration of 5G infrastructure construction, "let more information run for the masses and less errands" has become an important means to improve service quality and efficiency. In recent years, Yuzhong District has adopted local resource data, government procurement of services and other methods, increased the construction of online public cultural service matrix, has built and put into use Yuzhong Cloud Shangwen Hotel, Yuzhong Cloud Cultural Platform, Yuzhong District Digital Library Mini Program and Yuzhong District Chinese Brigade, Yuzhong District Cultural Center, Yuzhong District Library WeChat public number and other digital information platforms, citizens can enjoy book lending, cultural and artistic training, scenic spot reservations, performing arts ticket purchases, cultural relics introduction, Intelligent public cultural services such as the purchase of intangible cultural heritage gifts.

The relevant person in charge of the Yuzhong District Culture and Tourism Committee said that it will continue to optimize the content of major information platforms, continue to carry out the city tour activity of "scanning the code to read the mother city", accelerate the construction of the "one-click tour in Chongqing" intelligent service project, and further extend the digital public cultural service chain.

How to build a public cultural service system? Yuzhong gives you a sample

Culture is like spring rain, moisturizing things are silent. From urban renewal, cultural relics "transforming" into the main front of public cultural services, to the integration of culture and the market, social units competing to create a new type of public cultural space, and then to the blessing of informatization, the offline and online public cultural service matrix supports each other... In today's Yuzhong, the public cultural service system is constantly optimized, driving public cultural services and residents' beautiful cultural life needs to resonate and complement each other at the same frequency, and a picture of diversified, balanced, convenient and high-quality public cultural services is being fully rolled out.

Editor-in-Chief: Ding Zhengyi

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Yu Mansheng

Editor-in-charge: Tian Yike

Reporter: Huang Qingxian

Editor: Jin Xin

Proofreader: Meng Jia

How to build a public cultural service system? Yuzhong gives you a sample

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