
There are 4 kinds of cheap and easy-to-use drugs in the pharmacy, and the clerk generally does not take the initiative to give it to you, and you must understand it yourself

author:Dr. Cai said in popular science

Now the streets and alleys are separated by a distance, there will be a pharmacy, especially at the entrance of the community, there is a pharmacy, which has indeed brought great convenience to our daily life.

Especially when someone in the family has a cold, you don't need to go far to buy some medicines, and if there are some elderly people with chronic diseases in the family, they need to take some drugs for a long time, which can also provide great convenience.

There are 4 kinds of cheap and easy-to-use drugs in the pharmacy, and the clerk generally does not take the initiative to give it to you, and you must understand it yourself


What are the current channels for buying drugs?

The main ones are: community hospitals, medical insurance pharmacies, top three hospitals and online pharmacies

Community hospitals: cheap, convenient, to the medicine is not complete

For those elderly who need to take medicine or buy medicine for a long time, they are more aware of their own drug contraindications, so at this time, they can go to the community hospital to buy the drugs they need.

There are 4 kinds of cheap and easy-to-use drugs in the pharmacy, and the clerk generally does not take the initiative to give it to you, and you must understand it yourself

Medicare pharmacies: Can be reimbursed, but the price of drugs is relatively high

Everyone's situation is different, if you want to buy the drug, is not within the scope of this reimbursement, then you can try to avoid this type of pharmacy in life.

Top 3 hospitals: the price is in the middle, the pharmacist is professional, but there is a long queue

Relatively speaking, the drug price of the top three hospitals should be at the middle level. Communicating with you when prescribing drugs to patients has obvious advantages, so there are more ways to buy drugs than other ways. Especially in the treatment period and recovery of the disease, it is best to take medicine and do examination in the hospital.

There are 4 kinds of cheap and easy-to-use drugs in the pharmacy, and the clerk generally does not take the initiative to give it to you, and you must understand it yourself

Online pharmacies: cheap, but limited delivery and limited health insurance

Life is becoming more and more convenient, many people are too lazy to go out, so they will buy drugs online, the price is low, but the medical insurance is limited, mainly eliminating the cost of human resources and renting shops, as well as the problem of delay in delivering drugs.

Different drug purchase channels have different advantages and disadvantages, for the choice and purchase of drugs, it is best not to blindly take them under the guidance of professional doctors.


There are 4 kinds of cheap and easy-to-use drugs in the pharmacy, and the clerk generally does not take the initiative to give it to you, and you must understand it yourself

Vitamin C tablets

We are not unfamiliar with vitamins, many families will reserve some, especially in the family with growth and development of adolescents or the elderly, appropriate supplementation can improve the body's immunity, but also better prevent virus invasion.

There are 4 kinds of cheap and easy-to-use drugs in the pharmacy, and the clerk generally does not take the initiative to give it to you, and you must understand it yourself

Some people have found that when going to the pharmacy to buy vitamins, the price is not the same, the price is relatively low may be a few dollars to buy a bottle, the price is relatively high may need hundreds of dollars, everyone in the choice of vitamin C tablets, do not feel that the cheaper the less no benefit, in fact, he can also supplement the nutrition we need for the body.

Watermelon cream

Many people have mouth ulcers because of fire, although this is not a serious disease, but it directly affects the daily diet, at this time many people will go to the pharmacy to buy watermelon cream. This type of drug is not only low in price, but also more effective.

But when you go to the pharmacy, the clerk in the pharmacy will often recommend some of the higher prices to you, so you have to find this type of drug yourself.

There are 4 kinds of cheap and easy-to-use drugs in the pharmacy, and the clerk generally does not take the initiative to give it to you, and you must understand it yourself

Calamine lotion

Long ago, the earliest price of calamine lotion was three dollars, but after the price increase, it has risen to dozens of dollars a bottle, and its main role is to treat prickly heat, diaper dermatitis, mosquito bites, herpes zoster and daily sunburn.

It is best to pay special attention to this type of drug, because it should not be used on the skin with exudate, and it should not be used by those who are allergic to calamine lotion. In addition, eczema and hair areas should not use calamine lotion.


For people who are often plagued by constipation, Kaisereau may often be used, which is a drug that softens the stool and stimulates the intestinal wall, which will make your intestines produce reflexive defecation reactions, alleviate the problem of dry stools and difficult to excrete, and can not also prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids and perianal diseases.

There are 4 kinds of cheap and easy-to-use drugs in the pharmacy, and the clerk generally does not take the initiative to give it to you, and you must understand it yourself

The price of Kaiselu is very cheap, so the pharmacy has no profit at all, and the clerk will generally place The Caesarlux in the most difficult place to pay attention to, and keep a few bottles at home in case of emergency.