
Folk Tales (Three Short Stories)

author:Rain tells stories


During the Jin Dynasty, a man bought a humble maid named Huaishun. Huai Shun said that her aunt had a daughter who had been seduced by Amaranth. It is said that the daughter saw a man, dressed in red, handsome and handsome, claiming that his home was on the north side of the toilet, and often met with this daughter. Later, the aunt's family secretly followed and saw that the man had turned into a red amaranth, and the ring of the aunt's daughter was still hanging on the amaranth. The aunt's family cut off the amaranth, and the daughter was very sad and died after one night.

Funayama Hide

During the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, soldiers were in chaos, and rich and noble families often hid treasures in the mountains and rivers to avoid disasters. Many of these treasures cannot be found, and after a long time, they will become monsters.

In Pucheng County, Jianzhou County, during the Song Dynasty, there was a boat mountain, and red or white people, horses, cattle and sheep often appeared in the mountains, often thousands, collectively moving out and playing in long queues, but few people could get them.

There is a stone on the mountain with a saying engraved on it: "There is a treasure on the mountain of the ship, or in the south, or in the north, and someone picks it up, and it is rich to a country." ”

It seems that those things were all turned into gold and silver jewelry.

Thief bun

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, there were families in Langyafei County, and the family often lost things, and at first they thought they had encountered thieves, but they found that the doors and windows were all good. The owner patrolled the house and found that there was a hole in the fence that could accommodate people's arms, and it was very slippery, as if something had entered and exited. The master had a heart eye and put down a rope noose at the entrance of the cave. At night, I suddenly heard a strange noise outside, walked over, and found a clump of hair on the rope, more than three inches long. After the owner burned his hair, strange things never happened again.

In the Qing Dynasty, there was a person in Changshan, and there would often be a guest at home to talk with him, but he didn't know this person at all, so he had some doubts. Guests often borrow things from people in the village, and if they are not lent to him, things will soon be lost. Everyone suspected that he was changed by a fox, and the ancient girl in the north of the village had a big hole, unfathomable, and it was possible that he lived there. Once, everyone was lying next to the ancient tomb listening, and they heard that there seemed to be many people muttering inside, and after a while, a small person of more than an inch ran out of it, and there were many of them. Everyone quickly jumped out and hit them with sticks. When the stick hits, it will emit a ball of fire, and when the fire disappears, it will find a clump of hair falling on the ground, smelling, rioting and smelling.

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