
Do you often eat broccoli for energy saving in the lungs? Doctor: Eat 2 more vegetables, or help evacuate the nodules

author:Physician Wang's health talk

At the same time as the development of science and technology, the technology of medicine is also constantly developing, such as the development of medical images, so that lung lesions are diagnosed in a very short period of time. Pulmonary nodule refers to the soft tissue shadow surrounded by lung tissue during CT examination of the lungs, which is round or oval, which can be distinguished as benign and malignant, benign nodules are mainly scars left by infectious factors, while malignant ones are lung cancer, lymphoma, carcinoid and so on.

Do you often eat broccoli for energy saving in the lungs? Doctor: Eat 2 more vegetables, or help evacuate the nodules

Our "lungs" are very important for physical health, and are the main channels for our body to communicate with the air outside, which leads to the fact that the lungs are often affected by the external environment, resulting in various diseases in the lungs. Therefore, the protection of the lungs is also the protection of our physical health. Therefore, usually pay attention to your own diet and personal habits.

Do you often eat broccoli for energy saving in the lungs? Doctor: Eat 2 more vegetables, or help evacuate the nodules

The doctor said: Broccoli is the "fuse" of the lungs?

Now many people are concerned about their diet and health, and some people feel that eating more things that are beneficial to the human body can promote the recovery of the body by adjusting vitamins and other diseases. however! Patients with pulmonary nodules should be careful to avoid eating too many vegetables.

For example, broccoli, green leaf cabbage, arugula, etc., these are cruciferous plants, after eating too much, it will bring thiocyanic acid substances to the human body, and if the amount is too large, it will make thiocyanic acid substances, resulting in accelerated growth of lung nodules and cause damage to the lungs.

Do you often eat broccoli for energy saving in the lungs? Doctor: Eat 2 more vegetables, or help evacuate the nodules

What causes lung nodules to occur?

1. Smokers and persons with a long history of smoking.

2. If there is a family medical history, the age is not more than 40 years old.

3. Workplace for long-term dust work.

4. The larger the nodule in the lungs, the greater the chance of cancer.

5. Burrs appear in medical image images.

6. The nodule is where the upper lobe is located.

Tip: The absence of the above reasons does not mean that the nodules will not become bad, the individual physique is different, and it is usually necessary to do the corresponding protection.

Do you often eat broccoli for energy saving in the lungs? Doctor: Eat 2 more vegetables, or help evacuate the nodules

Doctors remind: Eat two more foods every day, or make the lung nodules disappear

1. Loose nutrition

In order to eliminate lung nodules and prevent the occurrence of lung diseases, it is advisable to reasonably match some loose nutrients that can help anti-inflammatory and calm lung function in the usual diet, which can weaken oxidative stress, thereby building a new oxidation/antioxidant balance mechanism, eliminating the inflammatory lesions and sensitive factors hidden in the body, and at the same time promoting the recovery of lung function and eliminating lesions.

Such as baizhi, platycodon, licorice, orange peel, etc., these herbs can be combined with selenium, play a role in nourishing the lungs, clearing the lungs, expectorant effect, reduce the occurrence of lung disease, pneumonia, lung nodules.

Do you often eat broccoli for energy saving in the lungs? Doctor: Eat 2 more vegetables, or help evacuate the nodules

2. Yam

Yam belongs to a kind of food that we often eat in our daily life, it can be eaten as an ingredient, it can play a role in clearing the lungs and detoxifying, and has a good tonic effect. It has a good effect on people with cough and phlegm.

Of course, eat more of the above things should also eat more, but also exercise, improve the body's resistance, pay attention to the law of work and rest, eat more good food for the body. Regular physical health monitoring is also a good way to live and can help us diagnose and treat in a timely manner.