
Finance promotes high-quality development, and Boole won the 15th Golden Canal Award

author:Boolean universe

Using technology to create the future, Boole won the 15th Golden Canal Award# # #

Recently, "Finance Promotes High-quality Development - Investor Annual Meeting and the 15th Golden Canal Award Ceremony" was held in Shanghai and broadcast live on the whole network. As a leading independent AI leader in China, With years of deep cultivation in the financial technology industry and persistent empowerment of financial institutions, Boole won the "2021 Outstanding Contribution Award for Scientific and Technological Innovation" of the Golden Canal Award.

Finance promotes high-quality development, and Boole won the 15th Golden Canal Award

The "Golden Canal Award" has a huge impact in the industry and is known as the "Golden Horse of Finance". It is an annual financial thought event and financial brand selection activity created by mainstream financial media to exert its authority, credibility and influence in the financial field and capital market.

The theme of this year's annual meeting is "Technology Promotes High-quality Financial Development". Through the in-depth discussion of the digital economy and artificial intelligence by experts, scholars and enterprise representatives attending the meeting, as well as the winning projects finalized by the Golden Canal Award, we can see the outstanding performance of China's scientific and technological innovation forces in the field of cutting-edge financial technology innovation led by AI.

Looking back at the past 2021, China's high-quality economic development has achieved new results, ranking among the world's major economies, showing great development vitality and resilience, and the "14th Five-Year Plan" has made a good start. Behind the economic development, the new opportunities brought by digital transformation are indispensable. In addition, the "Financial Technology Development Plan (2022-2025)" issued by the central bank also emphasizes that it is necessary to adhere to the development principles of "digital-driven, wisdom for the people, green and low-carbon, fair and inclusive", based on strengthening the application of financial data elements, and deepening the structural reform of the financial supply side. With the acceleration of the digital transformation of financial institutions and the strengthening of prudent supervision of financial technology as the main line, the digital elements are injected into the whole process of financial services, the digital thinking runs through the whole chain of business operations, and the technology-driven and data empowerment of financial innovation is emphasized.

Boole has a strong "intelligent system" gene, attaches great importance to scientific and technological innovation, relies on artificial intelligence, machine learning and other deep technology precipitation, iterative upgrading, driven by science and technology, empowers financial institutions, helps financial institutions accelerate digital transformation, sinks services to reach more users, and consistently practices the industry mission of "promoting financial reform and leading the tide of inclusiveness". Today, Boolean has cooperated with and provided professional services to more than 5,000 financial institutions, including state-owned banks, national joint-stock banks, thousands of urban commercial banks and rural commercial banks. While deepening financial technology innovation and promoting the digital transformation of the industry, Boole also attaches great importance to its own social responsibility construction, practices the concept of "science and technology for good", increases the attention and management of environmental, social and governance issues, focuses on enhancing its positive influence on society, and achieves common growth with stakeholders such as employees, customers and communities.

This award is not only an affirmation of Bull's many years of deep experience in the fintech industry, but also an inspiration for him to adhere to his long-term values. In the future, Boolean will continue to empower financial institutions, explore best practices for digital transformation, and take "AI+" as the starting point to become the promoter of financial digitalization, the enabler of industrial digital transformation, and the practitioner of green finance.