
The sensitivity and exclusivity that comes with adultery

author:Only the kingdom

Original Dust Heart Teacher Quit Color Club 2022-02-09 08:10

Included in the topic



We have said a little bit about obsessive-compulsive disorder before, and some people who have quit look back on their previous tragic experiences.

For example, when masturbating and watching yellow, he is always afraid that someone will suddenly break in, so he always checks whether the door is locked over and over again.

Coming and going, even after a period of time after quitting color, I still can't change this habit. I don't masturbate anymore, and I have to check the door lock several times every night before going to bed.

Not only that, but sometimes some external voices are easy to make him restless, easily frightened, and trembling inside.

For example, he doesn't like it when someone is standing behind him and finds it insecure.

To this end, he also took the initiative to ask the teacher to transfer him to the last row, which not only delayed his study, but also intentionally or unintentionally alienated others in getting along with his classmates.

It is no wonder, because when people have "good things" to be disturbed, suppressed emotions will stimulate hormones, qi and blood fluctuations in the body, feel fire in the heart, and breed some anger, rejection and so on.

For example, many people have experienced the feeling of being disturbed by sleep and feeling very annoyed and irritable.

There is also a "food protection" performance like many animals, a cat and a dog, when it eats when you disturb, it will be easier to provoke it, grinning at your teeth.

Because, the temptation of food, the enthusiasm for basic physiological desires, may make animals be carried away, just like birds die for food, they will do dangerous things.

Similarly, some people are also equally prone to the temptation of lust, sometimes losing their rationality and doing something that damages their image, emphasizes color and light friends, and does inexplicable things.

What we are going to talk about in this article is that the tendency of adulterers to alienate and reject interpersonal relationships is stimulated from this psychology.

One is irritability and does not want to be disturbed; the other is fear, intentional or unintentional avoidance.

For example, the reason why some boys often quarrel with their parents and get angry is that their mother asks him to eat, and he is disturbed when he watches Huang, and as a result, he begins to have nothing to do.

Usually, I always feel that my parents will suddenly knock on the door, and I am very irritable when there is a little movement in the family.

If a friend is browsing pornography in the office at noon, and a colleague passes by, he has to turn off or jump to the web page.

As a result, he felt: These people are neurotic, idle and have nothing to walk around, will it be bad to lie on the table and rest?

He even felt that some male colleagues had found out that he was looking at Huang, that he was deliberately targeting him and hanging around in front of him!

This is typical conjecture, a conjecture arising from irritability and anxiety, always feeling that there are people who want to harm them.

But in fact, after he calmed down, he recalled that the office was just the same as usual.

Usually everyone is like this every day, at noon everyone goes to dinner, fetch water, WC, talk and walk around is very normal, it is he himself has become abnormal.

Some people you may not watch pornography in public, but you can imagine playing with mobile phones, snacks, various small actions, playing games at work, doing other things, etc., while playing, you must pay attention to avoid teachers and leaders, afraid of being discovered.

At this time, a colleague suddenly patted you... Shocked, he almost dropped his phone on the ground, and thought the boss was coming.

This tension about your surroundings will make you feel strange and unapproachable, often restless.

Especially in the noisy and crowded environment, it is more difficult to concentrate on doing things and feel irritable.

It is also a kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder in consciousness, with serious imagination and easy to suspect ghosts, have nightmares, self-mental depression, and provoke themselves to be angry.

On the whole, people with heavy lust are afraid of being discovered secrets, so subconsciously they will always be wary of others, have an exclusive aura, become isolated, autistic, and so on.

There is a saying that describes the adulterer's love to cause trouble to himself, which is most appropriate.

"There is nothing in the world, and the mediocre disturb themselves."