
Fang Dejun investigated the development of the agricultural industry in the Shangzhou District Agricultural and Rural Bureau

author:Shangzhou Rong Media

On February 8, Fang Dejun, deputy secretary of the district party committee, investigated the development of the agricultural industry at the district agricultural and rural bureau, and held a symposium to listen to the reports of the main responsible persons of the district agricultural and rural bureau and the district forestry bureau on the implementation of agricultural industry projects and forestry industry projects. Deputy District Governor Chen Dantao investigated together.

Fang Dejun demanded that as soon as he received the leave, he should immediately enter the working state. All cadres and workers should quickly change their thinking, clarify their thinking, invigorate their spirits, and devote themselves wholeheartedly to their work; the principal responsible comrades and members of the leading bodies of the units should take the lead in setting an example, set an example by example, base themselves on their duties and functions, make solid plans and thinking, clarify the goals and tasks, make overall plans for implementation, and solidly promote a good start in all work. Second, it is necessary to strengthen study and accurately grasp the spirit of the policy. It is necessary to continuously strengthen the study of political theory, study theory, study policies, study documents, learn skills, and learn business, constantly enhance the "seven abilities" and "eight skills," and test the effectiveness of work in practice. Third, it is necessary to seize the season and speed up the implementation of industrial projects. All towns (streets) and departments should focus on the "5 + 5" agricultural characteristic industrial system and the "three ten" projects of agriculture, forestry and supporting industries, plan and prepare in advance, optimize detailed measures, tighten the responsibility of compaction, establish special classes to promote, actively connect with each other, strengthen service guarantees, and fully promote the implementation of the project. Fourth, we must be down-to-earth and ensure that the plan is effective. All towns (streets) and departments should seriously study the "Shangzhou District Agricultural Industry Revitalization and Development Plan (2022-2025)", compare the list of projects, keep an eye on the work tasks, take the lead, keep an eye on the work, quickly and vigorously, work in a down-to-earth manner, everyone is responsible for the work, strictly reward and punish the work, reflect the work style in the work, and pursue practical results in the work; it is necessary to continuously refine the division of responsibilities, establish a supervision and promotion mechanism, formulate reward and subsidy policies, increase policy publicity, and fully promote the implementation of agricultural industry projects in the whole region. Efforts should be made to lay a solid foundation for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization. (Text: Li Taifeng)

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