
Scorpio after the breakup is simply too fierce!

Scorpio after the breakup is simply too fierce!

Scorpio after the breakup is simply too fierce

As long as the topic related to cruelty has always been indispensable to Scorpio, especially about the breakup, Scorpio is simply too cruel. The scorpion's attitude towards feelings is always black and white, when it loves you, it will give everything it has, and after breaking up, it will die and not interact with each other.

Especially on the day of the breakup, the Scorpion will kill eight hundred enemies and lose a thousand, and all kinds of cruel words can be spoken, so that both sides completely cut off this idea. Although you have to die and live when you are in love, you will never drag the mud and water when you break up, even if you are still reluctant to the other party in your heart, the scorpion will force yourself to leave. The ex should be a perfect passerby for Scorpio, no matter who proposed the breakup, Scorpio does not want to break the mirror and reunite.

Cruel heart has always been scorpio's best play, in the emotional world is also the same, when the Scorpio is completely fierce, no matter how you beg for retention, there is no point, and breaking up with Scorpio is also an irreversible decision.

Because once Scorpio decides to give up on them, they will not turn back, so even if you have regretted it, it will not help, you can only watch them leave, in fact, Scorpio is not ruthless and unjust.

But their attitude towards love is like this, they love a person only once, if you don't cherish it, you can only say that they have no connection with each other, and being cruel to you is actually a manifestation of your complete disappointment.

Scorpios have always loved to hate each other, and not spending an extra minute on people and things that are not worthy is their principle and self-regulation. In their view, when a relationship is over, it should be let go with the wind, and it is not good for each other to continue to be entangled. Moreover, being friends with an ex is a kind of torture for them, so instead of torturing themselves, it is better to cut it off completely.

As a result, Scorpio will basically be in a relationship with the ex after the breakup, and the friends have not yet had to do it, let alone talk about reunion! Therefore, if your ex is a Scorpio and you happen to be deeply in love with him, it is recommended to die this heart early, there will be no results. And if your current Scorpio is a Scorpio and you love him very much, please cherish it!!!

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