
Super easy to use singing "breath practice" method!

author:Talking singing skills

There is a fundamental difference between singing and breathing and daily breathing.

To know how to properly practice singing breath, it is necessary to fundamentally understand the principles of breath.

First of all, what is breath?

Singing must use qi, and the qi in popular music is composed of two alternating movements of one breath and one inhalation.

Super easy to use singing "breath practice" method!

Singing posture

Correct singing posture, not only the singer's good mentality of the performance, but also related to the use of breath, resonance adjustment and singing effect, in training, should develop good singing habits, so that the eyes are level with god, jaw adduction, neck straight is not nervous, spine straight, lower abdomen micro-retraction, waist stability.

Breathing in singing

Different breathing methods will make the shape of each vocal cavity different, and it will also emit different sound effects, and the main breathing methods are as follows:


Clavicle breathing

When inhaling, the shoulders are raised high, the arms are lowered when exhaling, and the lungs are small and large (shrugging), so the breathing method is smaller, and it is inefficient to breathe in this way when speaking. This is the wrong way to breathe and is not suitable for singing.

Super easy to use singing "breath practice" method!


Chest breathing

The chest expands outwards on inhale, shortens inwards on exhalation, and centers in the inhale. Most friends who have not learned singing skills will use this method to sing, in fact, this method is still wrong, it can not support long tones.

Super easy to use singing "breath practice" method!


Abdominal breathing

The abdomen pushes down and outward on inhale, while on exhalation, the abdomen adducts upwards and inwards. This is a type of deep breathing that uses shortening and compression of the abdominal muscles to greatly increase the amount of inhalation and the depth of breathing. The abdominal muscles shorten and increase the abdominal pressure, which pushes the diaphragm upwards, adding pressure to the chest cavity, so that the air in the lungs exhales forcefully. Abdominal breathing is much better than the above two methods, but this method is not very flexible to control breath, and the sound is easy to stiffen.

Super easy to use singing "breath practice" method!


thoracic breathing

That is, chest breathing and abdominal breathing are combined, and there is a transphrasum between the chest lungs and the abdomen, and breathing is controlled by the diaphragm. If the diaphragm can be used when inhaling, the amount of inhalation can be greater, the use of breath is more flexible, and individuals recommend singing with chest and abdominal breathing.

After understanding the main breathing methods, we know that the most correct breathing method is chest and abdomen breathing, so what is the way to practice this breathing method?

Super easy to use singing "breath practice" method!

1. Soft mouth cover practice method

The most common is "yawning with a closed mouth", that is, when yawning deliberately does not open the mouth, but is forced to inhale and exhale with the nose.

Super easy to use singing "breath practice" method!

2. Abdominal pressure counting method

Lie flat on the bed, press a stack of books on your abdomen, take a full breath, and start counting from 1 to back. This is a mandatory training of breath output to achieve the purpose of strengthening the control of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm. When doing this exercise, the number of books pressed at the beginning stage can be less, and gradually increased, that is, gradually. In order not to take up time at work, this exercise can be done before bedtime.

Super easy to use singing "breath practice" method!

3. Air-sound counting method

Take a full breath, hold your breath for a few seconds, and then count from 1 in a uniform, low, breathing voice, as if whispering. As with the abdominal counting method, it can be counted a little less in the initial stage. However, it should be noted that when counting, try not to scatter gas or leak.

4, running back poetry

Usually, when there is a slight asthma in running, you can recite a short ancient poem. At the beginning of training, the two can cooperate, trotting side by side, reciting sentence after sentence. When reciting, try to control the sound of wheezing; after reciting a poem, adjust the breathing and then continue. In addition, it should be noted that this training cannot be performed during intense exercise.

Super easy to use singing "breath practice" method!

5. Stealing air ventilation method

Choose an article or an article with more long sentences, read it at a faster speed; when the breath is insufficient, use the "stealing breath" technique to determine the best ventilation place after reading. The so-called "stealing breath" means not to inhale while making sounds, but to use extremely fast speed to inhale part of the air flow when it is not perceived. The ventilation should be used with both mouth and nose, mainly the nose, and the mastery time difference makes the air flow abundant and powerful.

6. Dog panting method

Dog panting is a very practical breath exercise, you can practice lung capacity, diaphragm strength, etc., although the practice is very graphic, but as long as there is an effect we have to try it~

Everyone has seen the dog hot, stick out the tongue, where hahaha ~ ~ , we practice the same stick out of the tongue, learn the dog hahahaha ~ ~ fast, powerful, only your stomach is constantly contracting, your chest is relatively stable, you will feel that your stomach is a pump, constantly sending force to the mouth. Such exercises are of great help in increasing lung capacity.

Super easy to use singing "breath practice" method!

Breath practice is a persistent process, only persistent practice, in order to improve the singing process of breath instability, insufficient problems, I hope that these breath practice skills can help you who love singing ~ ~

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