
Undercover network trolls: one good review at a time, the more genuine the comment, the higher the reward

In order to unveil the dark curtain of the online water army, the reporter of the Rule of Law Daily joined more than 10 network water army groups to conduct undercover investigations. The "scope of work" of the water army can be described as extensive - product praise, film and television control reviews, short video popularity, fake fans, etc.

The water army group is divided into two categories: the task group is often pure copy + paste, and the copy of the comment is almost the same; while the boutique group, the comment should not only be illustrated and textual, but also the comment content is different, to make the comment look more real. The latter is more complex and the corresponding remuneration is higher.

According to statistics, in one day, as many as 436 tasks of various types were released in the group. During peak periods, tasks are assigned to groups in minutes. Some groups are set up as all-out silences, and only the group leader can speak. Some group owners will pull the group members who receive the task to a new group or discussion group after the task is released, and then quickly disband the group after the task is completed.

At the beginning of this year, the State Internet Information Office issued a notice on the "Provisions on the Administration of Information Services for Mobile Internet Applications (Draft for Solicitation of Comments)" for public comment. The Draft for Comments stipulates that application providers shall standardize their operation and management behaviors, and shall not use machine or manual means to brush lists, brush quantities, control ratings, and create false traffic.

Undercover network trolls: one good review at a time, the more genuine the comment, the higher the reward

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