
Balcony to raise flowers, raise a "ziyuan" bar - the flower color is small and fresh, the decorative effect is good, and it is not difficult to maintain

author:Floral sounds


Autumn is the season suitable for raising flowers. Is your balcony still in place? Today to take you to know a new type of potted ornamental flowers, not only high value, easy to cultivate, but also a long flowering period, the balcony to raise one or two pots, the decorative effect is excellent, even novice flower friends can also raise, I hope you like.

Balcony to raise flowers, raise a "ziyuan" bar - the flower color is small and fresh, the decorative effect is good, and it is not difficult to maintain


This flower name is called "Aster", there are also called Monroe flowers, is a new type of potted ornamental flowers introduced from abroad, has not been officially translated, different places have different names, in fact, the Danish wind chimes of heavy petal horticultural varieties, with super high value conquered the majority of flower friends, now widely cultivated around the world, is the current very hot "net red" plant, by the flower lovers unanimously recognized, in the early years a pot can ask for more than a hundred, has now been reduced, become a good and inexpensive public plants.

Balcony to raise flowers, raise a "ziyuan" bar - the flower color is small and fresh, the decorative effect is good, and it is not difficult to maintain

The plant type is upright and compact

Aster belongs to the platycodon family bluebell genus perennial herbs, native to southern Europe, is a new variety of artificial cultivation, mainly for ornamental use, its plant will not grow very high, the height of the plant is only 30 to 40 cm, the branching is very good, the growth period is slightly topping down can grow a lot of side branches, the plant type is compact and round, the branches are wooden, the pot effect is very good, the caliber is greater than 10 cm pot can be raised, and the indoor planting does not appear to occupy space.

Balcony to raise flowers, raise a "ziyuan" bar - the flower color is small and fresh, the decorative effect is good, and it is not difficult to maintain

Flowers are high in appearance

Aster is a very beautiful flower, taking the "small fresh" route, the flower is not large, heavy petal type, flower type peony flower shape, round and full, like a small round ball, the petals are clearly layered, the color is elegant and light purple, elegant and bright, mysterious and romantic, fresh and full of style, thick fresh pastoral Nordic style, placed on the balcony, window sill on a few trees, can instantly enhance the visual perception, so it is very popular with flower friends, especially there are storefronts that need to be decorated, put on a few pots can achieve excellent decorative results.

Balcony to raise flowers, raise a "ziyuan" bar - the flower color is small and fresh, the decorative effect is good, and it is not difficult to maintain

Multi-season flowering

Traditional Platycodon plants, most of them only bloom in the spring, and aster is specially born for ornamentation, has a strong flowering ability, planted in the greenhouse, can bloom all year round, in the ordinary flower friends' homes, the flowering period can also bloom from spring to late autumn, if there is heating and sufficient sunshine in winter, you can continue to flower, and the flower viewing time is very long.

Balcony to raise flowers, raise a "ziyuan" bar - the flower color is small and fresh, the decorative effect is good, and it is not difficult to maintain

Easy to pop up

The amount of flowers in the aster is also not ambiguous, because there are many branches, so the flower buds are also particularly numerous, there are flowers with buds, it is easy to bloom in the state of popping pots, especially in spring, without how to take care of it, you can open popcorns to show you. If you want it to pop up in other seasons, you can also do it by doing a few things:

(1) The light should be appropriate, in addition to the summer, the other three seasons can be fully exposed, as much as possible in the sun, sufficient sunlight can significantly increase the amount of flowers and extend the flowering period, on the contrary, long-term lack of light, will lead to plants in vain, or even do not flower;

(2) Reasonable fertilization, flowering needs to consume a lot of nutrients, so in the daily maintenance process, often give a little flowering fertilizer, but also let it bloom more flowers, such as phosphorus two, phosphorus and potassium-containing water-soluble fertilizer, compound fertilizer, etc., dilute with water and then water together, water, fertilizer ratio of about 1000:1 is enough, spring and autumn and winter three seasons of 1 to 2 times a month, summer without fertilization;

(3) Diligent pruning, mainly after each flowering, prune the plant once, commonly known as "shaving the head", but also to clean up the failed flowers in time, save nutrients, and store up power for the next wave of flowering.

Balcony to raise flowers, raise a "ziyuan" bar - the flower color is small and fresh, the decorative effect is good, and it is not difficult to maintain

It's not hard to spend the summer

Aster is a plant with a very tenacious vitality, which is usually very well taken care of, that is, it should be paid attention to in summer. Summer tips: (1) do not let the sun directly dry, should move back to a cool, well-ventilated, astigmatism irradiation place, or give morning and evening light to dry on the line; (2) prune once before summer, so that the plant becomes no longer compact, dense, clean and refreshing easier to spend summer; (3) watering should be reasonable, the soil is dry, even when it is dry, do not let the soil dry for too long; (4) cuttings seedling backup, small seedlings are easier than large seedlings, even if the mother plant is gone, the seedlings will soon grow up.

Balcony to raise flowers, raise a "ziyuan" bar - the flower color is small and fresh, the decorative effect is good, and it is not difficult to maintain

It was a great match for the balcony

Raising aster, it is best to use a plastic pot with good air permeability, ceramic pot is not as good as plastic pot, the soil should also be loose, good drainage, the common special soil for raising flowers can be, the spring and autumn and winter three seasons can be extensive management, more sun, the soil is dry and watered on the line, the south can basically be exposed through the winter, the north needs to enter the room in winter. Perennial grass flowers, cultivated once, ornamental for many years!

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Danish heavy-petaled bluebell potted Monroe flower seedlings flowering plant indoor balcony flowers all year round good feed ¥13.8 purchase

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