
5 sentences to cure "choice difficulty"

author:Miracle heart li

Fixed psychological orientation and growth psychological orientation

Miracle Heart Li Miracle Heart Li 2022-02-09 09:48

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Fixed psychological orientation, that is, some people believe that intelligence is fixed and cannot be changed; growth psychological orientation refers to some people who believe that intelligence can be shaped through education and effort, so they have a strong motivation to learn. When faced with failure, the psychological state of these two types of people is also different. The self-confidence of people with fixed psychological orientation is easily destroyed by failure, because they will attribute failure to their lack of ability, and ability cannot be changed, so they will avoid challenges; while people with growth psychological orientation believe that perseverance will be rewarded, and failure is only due to lack of effort, or failure to learn a certain skill, so the challenge is always full of vitality.

5 sentences to cure "choice difficulty"

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