
Emergency reminders

author:Guangde Rong Media Center
Emergency reminders
Emergency reminders
Emergency reminders
Emergency reminders

Urgent wake-up

According to the press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, from February 5 to 12 o'clock on the 7th, there were 99 locally confirmed cases of the epidemic in Guangxi, all of which occurred in Baise City, and the specimen test results of 2 confirmed cases were Aomi Kerong virus strains, and genetic testing was being carried out. The epidemic situation in Baise City, Guangxi Province, is grim, and the risk of spillover is high. In order to scientifically and accurately prevent and control the epidemic and strictly prevent the import of the epidemic, the urgent reminder is as follows:

Guangxi Baise City personnel have temporarily postponed their coming (returning) to Guangzhou. If you have come to Guangzhou, since January 27, the personnel from Baise City who have come (returned) to Guangzhou will be subjected to 14 days of centralized isolation for medical observation, and nucleic acid tests will be carried out on the 1st, 4th, 7th and 14th days respectively. The above-mentioned personnel must report to the village (community), unit or hotel where they live as soon as possible, and actively cooperate with the territory to do relevant epidemic prevention and control measures.

Once again, remind the general public friends, please pay attention to the official epidemic prevention information in time, do not go to the cities where medium and high-risk areas are located and the areas where confirmed cases are reported; always pay attention to personal protection, maintain healthy living habits such as wearing masks, washing hands frequently, ventilating frequently, and gathering less; please be sure to do a good job of personal protection during the journey, and actively cooperate with "temperature measurement, bright code, and mask wearing" in and out of various public places; at the same time, take the initiative to receive new crown vaccines and work together to build epidemic prevention barriers.

Novel coronavirus pneumonia in Guangde City

Headquarters for epidemic prevention and control

February 8, 2022

Source: Healthy Guangde

Emergency reminders
Emergency reminders

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